Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sorry for a the delay!

First and foremost I would like to apologize for this overdue post. I could not remember my log in and password, so I had to create a new blog. SO lets get to it...

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and that Valentine's day treated you all well. The new year is off to a great start and the students are coming along very well. They are all starting to speak in full sentences and are asking how to translate words  from English to French. I have now limited my English in class and speak it only when needed, which is rarely. Come March I will no longer speak English, unless necessary.I am very proud of all their progress and your support at home shows. So thank you for that!

There are a couple of topics that we are going to cover in this months theme. We are going to look at all the different rooms in our homes and what we can find in those rooms. Also we will be covering sicknesses and the different seasons though out the year. The students will be placed in groups and assigned a room that is found in the home. The students will then be responsible to paint their room and all the items that might be found in that room. We have been reviewing out sounds that we have covered in previous months and will be moving onto some new sounds in the coming month.

In math we are covering additions and subtractions up to 12.We have also covered doubles and will be going over doubles plus one. We continue to count to 100 and have been counting by 2,5, and 10 with great success.We have also gone over story problems, how to solve them and answer them in a complete sentence.We will continue to work on this through out the school year.Feel free to practice addition/subtration at home with your child. If you would like me to send home some flash cards please let me know and I can make arrangements.

We will be starting our science unit this coming month, which will be covering our 5 senses. I will be sending a note home with more details about a project we will be doing in class. We have talked briedly about the different provinces in Canada as well.It was great to see them make connections to the other provinces.

We also have a new addition to our class, which will make us 16. I would like to welcome Aidan to our class. We are excited to have you become a member of our team! Bienvenue Aidan!!

Just a few reminders
Scholastic orders are due Feb 18th (I will be placing my order on Feb 22, if you still want to send them in)

No school on Feb 21-Islander day
Pink shirt day is Feb 23- This is to bring awareness of anti-bullying.

Enjoy the rest of your week!
Laurie Anne