Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy Easter Everyone!!

Hi everyone. I hope you all had a great March Break and had time to relax or go on an adventure! Everything is going well here at school, everyone is happy to be back and so am I.

We have finished our travel unit but are still getting postcards from around the world. Our farthest postcard to date is from New Zealand!!  We also go a nice little package from a teacher in Turkey. All the students got book marks and stickers that represent their flag. They were very excited to get such a great gift, however some of them did not want to touch the book marks after I read what it was from ha ha!
Thank you for helping your child with their transportation projects they look great and they had a good time showing them off to the class. I would also like to thank Brenda, Julie and Nicole for coming in and teaching the students about different places around the world. Your treats were delicious!! We all thank you!

This months theme is "On the farm". I love this theme, seeing that when I was young my father had what we called a funny farm. He had simple bought a horse for riding and in the end we had pretty much every other farm animal. It was a great experience and taught me a lot about responsibility and compassion for animals.  We will be visiting a farm if I can arrange it and learning about all the different farm animals on the farm.
n math we are still learning about shapes and all the different characteristics they have. We will then move onto measurement.They are still working on word problems every morning when they come in. They have to determine weather they are subtraction or addition and its going very well.

We continue to work on sounds in class. I would also like to go over all the sound that we have learned since the beginning of the year if you could practise these at home it would be a big help. We have also learned about singular and plural and will continue to work on phonics.

We will be learning about Barbara Reid this coming month. She is an author and Illustrator of  children's books. She is unique because her pictures are done with modelling clay. We will be doing an activity in class with clay. I do ask of you to send in a empty CD case if you have one.

Iam not sure when the pictures will be taken I will let you know once I find out.Thanks for all the toilet paper rolls and egg cartons!
 Happy Easter everyone I hope the Easter bunny finds you all.
Laurie Anne :)