Monday, November 25, 2013


Hi everyone,
I did not realize that the last couple of times I have done a post it has not shown up. So sorry about that. I am not all that sure why or where it went to be honest.

The month of November is coming to an end this week. Student continue to learn about fruits and vegetables as well as parts of the body. Last week we started to work on prepositions and will continue to work on them in class. We are also learning about characteristics of books. All books have a cover, title page, some have table of contents, dedication page and so on. Books she be read from front to back (you'd be surprised on those who start from the back to the front) We are paying attention to punctuation this week and will chat about reading with expression.

In math students have been learning about autant, plus, moins and how to identify whether a group of objects are the same, more or less. This week we are learning to represent numbers two different ways to make the whole sum. For example students are asked to represent the number 14 in a two part frame. On one side students could put 7 blocks and the other side they will put another 7 blocks to represent the number 14. Some students will start to notice that they are learning addition problems for the number 14. Feel free to work on this at home with your child. As some of you mentioned, your child already knows how to add. That's great news and I encourage you to push them with different math problems. They are asked to know how to add vertically, horizontal and also with missing components to the problem. (2+4=_, 6+_=9, 10= _+5) I hope to move onto the next unit soon, which is adding and subtracting up to 12. Please continue to count with your child up to 50. If you want to help them get ahead you can start to skip count with them by 2,5 and 10.

In social studies, we are learning about our rights and responsibilities as a member of the community.

Art we are going to be working on some holiday crafts that involve coloring with oil pastels and using tissue paper and just maybe some sparkles.

Music class we have finished working on beats and the students had a chance to use music sticks to create their own unique beats. Some where great and so complex I even struggled to repeat them! For the next couple of weeks we will be focusing on practicing and mastering our song for the Christmas concert. I would love to send it home, so that they may practice there and share it with you. I did order hand bells, in hopes that they would arrive so we could do something with them for the concert, but they have yet to arrive:(

In science Mme Marie- Christine is working on our 5 sens and body parts. Students are getting the chance to do some fun experiments in there. They got to taste popcorn the other day. The smell floated all through out the school and made everyone hungry for the treat.

English, we continue to work on the letter people. I have been playing the Joly phonics song a lot lately with all the sounds the letters make in the alphabet. I find it is really helping those who are having trouble retaining the sounds certain letters make. They also love the catchy tunes and hand actions that go with each letter. I will include the link if you are curious or want to listen to it at home. We are really working hard at decoding words and putting all the sounds together to form words. If you could work on this at home with your child it would really benefit them. Jolly Phonics song.

That's all for this week. We have a short week. Dont forget we have parent teacher interviews Thursday and Friday. I hope to see you all there and have a chance to chat about your child's progress. I would also like to thank you all for supporting the fruits and veggies projects. They look forward to it everyday and its great to see them try new things. For example one student told me he didn't like Kiwi at all. I along with his group encouraged him to just lick it, put it on his tongue to try. By the time I passed out all the kiwis, he was asking me for seconds because he realized that he liked them!!! Love it!

Ps  dont forget that reading packages are due every Monday! I am also including a bunch of games for you all to work on at home as well as letters upper case and lower case to practice spelling sight words or no sense words. The stuff on cardstock can stay home for you. The color games must be returned to school. I am also going to send home their in class reading bag. Please make sure this is returned everyday for silent reading!!
Things to remember this week...
Wednesday November 27  is student faith day all day long. Students are asked to bring $1-$2 to donate for the Philippines. By doing so they are allowed to wear their favourite hat all day long!
Thursday November 28- Parent teacher interviews
Friday November 29- Parent teacher interviews- No school for students
Wednesday November 27- Library books due
That's all for now. Have a super week everyone.
Laurie Anne