Monday, March 10, 2014

Hello March!

March is upon us and flying by already. I hope the report cards found you all. If you have any questions regarding them please contact me to discuss.

This month students will be learning about ways to get around. They will be learning about transportation and how not all places have the same types of transportation as we do. We will also be focusing on Rhyming words, punctuation and reading with expression.

In social studies students continue to learn about urban and rural areas (urbaine-ville, rurales-campagne) We will look at the different characteristics that make up city life and country life.

In health, students are looking at the Canadian food guide and learning about portion sizes and what is recommended for them at this age. We will also review fruits and vegetables.

In math, we will be starting our unit on measuring. We will also continue to count to 100, by 2,5 and 10.

Religion class students are learning more about Lent.

I am going to send home a note this week sometime explaining this months project. Students are required to invent their own means of transportation. they can do so with any thing they find around the house. In the past I have had students make their projects out of fruits and vegetables, pop bottles, card board boxes and so on. Please be as creative as possible. It can be a new invention all together or the students take on an old one. We will present them to the class. Students will be evaluated on their use of French when presenting so feel free to practice at home.

We have our last class of in line skating tomorrow. Bricks for kids is also starting to finish up.
I hope to see you all Thursday and Friday at parent teacher. This time around it is student lead so make sure to bring them with you. They will show you what they have learned.

That's all for now.
Laurie Anne