Thursday, April 24, 2014

EEEkkk long overdue!

Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing well. Sorry for the long overdue post. This month in grade one we have been learning about farm animals, their homes, the sounds they make and what they eat. Students will be responsible for researching their favorite farm animal and putting the information into a book. They are to pick an animal, find out where it lives, what it eats and state what they like about that animal. They will share it with the class. We have also started to write our own stories in class and the students are very excited about this. Some have already finished their first story and are working on their second. My hope is to have a meet the author day in June, where the students can show you their books. We will have to see how theses next couple of weeks go. I hope that you are all still reading in French at home with your child. This is the time where you should see it become more easy for them to read and that they are starting to read with fluidity and expression. If you notice they are still a little choppy and that the flow is not all that great, you can help that along by reading daily a loud.

In math, we finished measurement and now will put all our focus into addition and subtraction up to 20. You can help them along at home by making flash cards or asking them math questions.

In health, we are finishing up the food groups and will start to look safety. We will also be doing Kids in the know in the next couple of weeks so look for the permission form in your child's agenda.

In social studies, the students loved learning about the differences between country and city living. We will switch our focus in the next couple of weeks towards learning about Canada, the provinces and so on.

I have to say a big thank you to Anna and Shae for having their family come into class the other day and play guitar and sing songs. The kids loved it and so did I !!

That's all I can think of at the moment. I hope to run into some of you tonight at Spring Fling! Have a great rest of the week!
Laurie Anne