Monday, December 12, 2016

Count begins

Hi everyone,
Thanks for all your support at the Christmas concert last week. A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped out. We have collected almost $2000.00! I still have to go out and buy over 800 more candy canes to fill all the class orders. Once I have them all bought I will get the turkeys. I will let you know when we are picking them up if you want to join us load the truck. Its always great to see the students hold the turkeys. They are soo proud of themselves.

If you have any other items for the Christmas stockings please send them in by Wednesday. Thank you again for your support on this pay it forward project. I went to dollarama and bought a bunch of Christmas stockings to sewing machine idea didn't pan out for us to actually make the stockings ourselves....maybe next year. So far we have 10 filled stockings and a lot more to fill with items.

Tuesday is ginger bread house making day for those students who have signed up to help support our sister school breakfast program,. Students will head to the gym at 11 am and work in small groups to build their houses. Once finished they can purchase any houses for a donation. All proceeds will go to the program.

Sandwich day is on Wednesday. Students will work together to make as many sandwiches throughout the day. We will be making them together with our BFG (Big family champions). Our groups will go in the morning. If you have not filled out the green permission form yet please do so and send it in.

On Thursday the 15th we will have the felting lady who will be joining us to make a Christmas art project. We are in need of one more volunteer to join us that day, if you are available and want to join please let us know. Students will be using special felting needles. If you could have a chat with your child prior about needle safety that will help us out on Thursday.

I cannot believe next week is the last week before Christmas holidays....I am not ready but soo ready at the same time. I need to get some shopping done. We will celebrate together on Wednesday December 21. I will not be at school the 22nd Mme Joanne will be here for me, seeing that I will be making me way east already. The last couple of days before break we like to dress up and celebrate the season.
Monday December 19- Students can dress as Christmas elves
Tuesday December 20- Students can dress as Christmas presents
Wednesday December 21- Students can dress as Santa, Mrs. Claus or a Christmas tree
Thursday December 22- Its spirit day for the whole school, students are asked to wear PJ's

There is a liturgy on December 20th you are welcome to join.

I will be sending home a reading challenge for the students to fill out over the holidays. It is encouraged that you read but I totally get it if you cant make that happen ;) If you are to participate please send it back in the new year.

I believe that is all for this week. Stay warm.