Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Spring!

Well its finally spring! I love this time of year, the weather warms up, the days get longer and new motivation comes upon me.

The month of march has sure gone by fast. The students have been learning about different means of transportation in French. We have looked at those that roll, float and fly. We have also been looking at masculine and feminine words and how to recognize them in sentences. The students have also been working on identifying plural and singular words.

 We have yet to receive any postcards to go along with our project this month. If you could send a note out to friends and family again that would be lovely. If you and your family are heading away for March break you could also send the class one.
Here is the address again:
La classe de Mme Laurie Anne
3011 35 street SW
Calgary Alberta
T3E 2Y6

We are done of our Math unit on numbers between1-100. Please continue to count with your child in French from 0-100 also continue to practice counting by 2, 5 and 10's. Our next unit is on Geometry and measurement. They students always love this unit. They will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes and how to classify them by similar characteristics.

In Science, the students have started their buildings unit. We have looked at different structures around the world. The students voted on 3 structures that they would like to learn more about. They have chosen: Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Colosseum, Rome and Burj Khalifa, Dubai. We will also be building our own gadgets in class.

In social studies, we continue to learn about the differences and similarities of Urban and Rural living. So far we have looked at the landscapes and the jobs that can be found in each.

In English, we have started to learn about the different parts of stories with a focus on the beginning, middle and end of stories. We have also started to work on our comprehension skills by answer who, what, when, where, why and how questions. More practice is needed. This can be done at home as well if you read bedtime stories.

I will be sending home another reading challenge over spring break. That will be sent home on Friday. If you wish to have extra books over the break just leave me a note in the agenda.
We have a Lenten liturgy on Wednesday March 22 at 10am, all are welcome.

Mme Johanne will be teaching our class the week after March Break. I have extended my Holiday to take our Honey moon. That week if you have any questions or concerns you can direct them to Mme Johanne. I will be back on Monday April 10th.

I hope you all have a safe and rested break.
Laurie Anne