Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Feels great to be back!

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a fabulous break and are well back into the swing of things. I am happy to get back but was not happy to leave the fabulous weather of Italy. I will post some pictures of the trip once I look over them. I brought our class puppet with us, as I do for every trip we take. So far he has been to Italy, England, Africa, Prague and Austria.

For the month of April our class will be learning all about farm animals. Its my favorite theme! Students will be learning about the proper names in French for female, male and baby animals. We will also learn about their homes, the food they eat and the sounds they make. We will also visiting Butterfield Acres in May ( I believe May 11th. Our class will need 4 volunteers for this field trip. If you are interested in joining out please let me know. ) We have started our farm animal books where they get to chose 5 animals of their choice. They are to include male, female, babies and where the animals live. Once finished, they will share them with their friends.
We will also be starting our free writing in class in the coming weeks, with a focus on French writing. Students will become their own authors and illustrators of their own books. This is a great way to teach them how to put their ideas together, pay attention to punctuation, penmanship and spelling. They will also work on beginning, middle and end of stories. Every year the students love this project.

We have started to receive post cards. Merci beaucoup!! The students are excited to read and learn about the different places around the world. Thank you for making this possible!

Our Liturgy for Easter is on Thursday at 10am. All is welcome to attend. Please note that we have no school on Friday as well as Monday.

Our class is in need of another 3 volunteers for April 21,2017. Mme Janice booked our teachers pet field trip not realizing that we had Science in schools the day before. This field trip is in the am starting at 9 am. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 8:45 to go over instructions with the presenter. If you are able to come please let me know as soon as possible.

April 20th we have scientist in school. If you have been collecting newspapers please send them for Thursday.

We will kick off our annual ice cream reading challenge next week until the end of the year. Students are required read all their English sight words along with French sentences found in their yellow duo-tang. This will get them their bowl and spoon. They must also read each day and have you sign off on a sheet that will be sent home along with a letter explaining the details of this reading challenge.
I think that's all for this week. I wish you all the best Easter holiday. May your home be filled with laughter and great memories.
Laurie Anne