Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Bye Bye May

Hi everyone,
I am happy to see the weather finally turning! We are on the final countdown it seems. Hard to believe. I am ready for summer but not to see these little darlings go. I will be looking for volunteers to help with classroom clean up the last two weeks of school, if you are available to help that would be lovely, just let me know.

The month of June is a busy one as you all know. In class we will be learning about the needs of plant and animals, the life cycle of plants, caterpillars and ducks. Students will have the chance to observe all these changes first hand. We have also been talking about the importance of bees and what we can do to protect them. Our fruits and veggies project is off to a great start. The kids are always excited to taste new things. Today we had apricots, which was a first for me too!

In French, we have started to write our own stories, we are learning more about syllables, how to spot plural and singular words and rhyming words. We will also be learning how to identify beginning and final sounds, place words in alphabetical order and learn about verbs/adjectives/nouns in both English and in French.
Math, we have started addition/subtraction up to 20 as well as identifying numbers 1-100 in French. Students continue to work on skip counting by 2,5 and 10. We still need a lot more practice on doing this in French as well as counting in French up to 100.

Science, we will explore the different habitat of animals, the life cycle, animal safety, the different classifications of animals, insects and much more.

Social Studies, we continue to chat about the differences of the past and present day. If any of you have pictures of your parents, grandparents wedding photos we would love to see them and compare them to photos taken today (clothing, color, hairstyles). Send yours along as well. We would also be happy to show any old photos you may have that shows how times have changed.

Health, we are learning about our emotions and feelings, how to identify how we feel, strategies to regulate, stay calm or help others when they maybe upset, frustrated or sad. We will also learn about bike safety, what is an emergency and when should we seek help of others. We will also be starting Kids in the know.

English, we continue to work on our story writing skills and using our imagination. We will start to look at nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Our sight words this week are homophones- two words that sounds the same, spelt differently and have different meanings. We will also look at compound words and bossy e.

Scholastics are due Friday May 31. This is our last order of the year. There are some French and English work books that you might find useful for your child to work on over the summer. Especially the French ones, seeing that they are harder to find. There are also 2$ deals on books in most of the order forms.

Butterflied acres is on Friday. Please be sure to dress your child for the weather. Bring sunscreen, hat, rainboots, water bottle, paper bag lunches are a little easier, just in case a lunch box is left behind. We will be leaving first thing in the morning, so please make sure you are here in time. The bus will not wait for anyone. If you are volunteering you still have to come to school with your child for attendance. I also have a package for you that you can pick up. We also need one person to take all the lunches boxes in their car if possible, seeing that the bus has little room.

May Ice cream reading challenge is due also on Friday. Please send those in when you can. I will send them back seeing that June is on the backside. Keep practicing sight words and French sentences if your child still has not had the chance to read with me.

SPCA is coming next Friday for a class visit. They are collecting used towels, flat sheets, blankets, food, toys.

Constable Hartman will be coming in to speak with the class in the month of June.