Sunday, October 27, 2019

Happy Halloween

HI everyone,
I hope the month of October has treated you all well. We are coming to an end, which is hard to believe. This month the students continue to learn about Halloween vocabulary. In the next couple of weeks we will be learning about the different parts of the body. This will also tie in with our new science unit on our 5 senses.

Our class will be celebrating Halloween on Tuesday October 29th. Students are allowed to dress up in their Halloween costumes. They are not allowed to wear masks or bring weapons. If their costumes required make-up they are asked to apply it at home. I am not permitted to re-apply. If they do not want to wear their costumes they are welcomed to wear black and orange. We will be having Halloween centers in the afternoon. If you wish to send in a fun, healthy snack for the students please feel free to do so. We will make this apart of our celebration. We have 3 volunteers so far but it would be great to have at least one more to make smaller groups. If you are interested please let me know or Nataly our classroom rep.

Wednesday our school will be celebrating Faith day. We have we have two guest joining us, Michael Chiasson and Joe Melendrez. You are welcome to join us from 9:00-10:30.

We have no school on Thursday October 31 as well as Friday November1. Seeing that teachers have a PD day and our own district Faith day.
Library Tuesday Oct 29th.
All reading packs are to be returned Monday. PLease be sure to also send sight words daily and practice them if you can. Your child will be evaluated on the first 6 weeks of school in both French and English.

In Math, we are  exploring numbers, different ways to represent numbers as well as associating numbers to their written form. Students are required to count from 0-20, 20-0 in French, identify these numbers out of sequence as well as represent them with manipulatives. Students have also been learning how to identify numbers in a ten frame. I give them 3 seconds to tell me the number....they are loving this!

Science, we have just started our 5 senses unit this week. We will work on this cross circularly with our new French vocabulary theme of Les parties du corps. STudents will learn how our senses keep us safe, allow us to experience many things such as good tastes, snuggly stuffies, fabulous music, delicious smells and so on. Students do not always realize that they are using their senses all the time. You can start to point these out to them!

In social studies we have been talking about the community we live in and the places we go in our community. Your child would benefit from having a chat about the community they belong too. A lot did not know where they actually lived. In the next couple of weeks we will look at the servies found in our community (school, police, fire station, hospital)

English, we have been looking at beginning, middle and ending sounds. We continue to need practice on identifying ending sounds. For example "what is the end sound in pick? Students say "ick" rather than "k". This is something simple you can do while driving to help them get better at identifying the final sounds. We will also be starting to look at writing simple sentences.