Monday, September 21, 2020

What's happening in September.

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a fabulous week-end and got out to enjoy the sun and warmth! It was great chatting to you all last week. Thanks for making time to speak to me and tell me a little bit more about your child. 
This is our first full week of school! We will all be tired come Thursday I would say lol.  

We have library on Thursday this week (september 24) please be sure to remind your child to pack and bring back their library book. The canteen is now open if you wish to order simple simon pies or if your child wants to get a snack from there they can. 

In French, we have been going over the French alphabet. I teach the alphabet out of sequence which helps them become more aware of the actual letters and their sounds. To help with letter recognition and sound recognition I use Jolly Phonics hand jesters. These can be found on google classroom under jolly phonics for parents. There you can find the sheets that correspond to each letter for the week, learn the action yourselves and listen to the songs that go with it. This will help back up what your child is learning at school. You can print off the practice sheets. If you do not have a printer the Calgary library allows you to print for free with your library card. I believe you get 50 sheets a month? Library cards are also FREE!

The students have also been learning French vocabulary for school items and will be working on making a little book this week about the items they can find in their desks. Once finished they will take it home to practice reading learned words. They can stay at home. 

We continue to work on printing and following a line of print. I use sky, grass, dirt to represent the lines and monkey, giraffe and lady bug letters for sizing. I will attach a picture below to give you an idea what we are talking about. All upper case letters are considered giraffe letters, they touch the sky go through the grass and touch the dirt. Lower case giraffe letters are b, d, f, h, k, l, and t) Lady bug letters are between the grass and the dirt, they are a,c,e, i, m,n o, r, s, u,v,w and z) monkey letters hang low into the dirt they are g, j, p, q, and y) When correcting the kids printing I usually refer to flyers and sinkers. Flyers go above the sky line, like they are jumping off the page and sinkers drop down below the dirt like a hook going into the ocean. We use this when writing in both french and English. 

In math, we are looking at patterns. They students are learning how to represent, copy, prolong and change existing patterns. We have been working on identifying the heart or sections of patterns. They are doing great. I encourage them to try to challenge themselves by making different styles of patterns. They tend to stick with AB, AB, AB (red, blue,red,blue...) using only 2 objects. You can practice this at home. We continue to work on printing our numbers correctly and in the right direction. I have noticed several students are reversing their numbers. Extra practice will help with this. 

Science, we are learning all about colors. This weeks focus is on primary colors and what happens when we mix them together. Students will be required to identify what happens when you mix the primary colors together. (red+blue=purple, red+yellow=orange, blue+yellow=green) they will have to be able to read the french words for these colors on an upcoming quiz (in a couple of weeks) 
vert- green

Religion we have been talking about our names and the creation story. We will continue to share why we were named our names. Students will also learn about the different types of family we have in our lives. 

English, students are learning letter sounds with the help of sign language. I sent home a paper for them to practice the letter sounds. This week we are focusing on the vowel sound i. Vowels have long and short sounds. Below are two links to help with vowel i sounds.

We are also learning about beginning sounds of words and how to listen for them when attempting to spell new words or read a word. 

That is all for now. Thanks for sending in the seat sacks once you get them! Once I have everyone's I will start to pass out literacy and math centers along with reading packs for in class reading. The students have come home with their new words on their pant chip rings today. If your child did not have their ring today, you can find their new words in their courier bag. 
September scholastic orders are due friday september 24. Please submit your online orders. 
Enjoy the week everyone! Sending you all positive warm vibes for the week! 
Ps sorry this is the wrong way! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Welcome to the team!

Hi Everyone,
Bienvenue en premiere annee! Welcome to grade one and this new adventure! I am so happy to have your child in my class. We are off to a great start despite all the changes. They are understanding and patient! Everyone seems eager to learn and have fun! We are still getting to know each other and are working on developing class routine and rules. We have 19 students on our team this year. 

I have had the pleasure of teaching some of your children before and working alongside of you, so you know how I roll. I hope to keep that flow going even in this strange time! For those of you who do not know me here is a little snippet of who will be teaching your child this year. I have been at Holy Name now for many years...8 maybe more!  I am proudly from PEI and go home every chance I get. Before moving to Calgary I taught on the island for two years at the same school I went to as a child. I have a 2.5 year old daughter named Winnie and my husband is Mike, also from PEI, which I am sure you will meet or hear about. I absolutely love teaching this age group! Everyday is a new adventure and the progress you see over the course of the year is amazing. I like to think of us as a team and we need to support each other. If you ever need anything or have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. You can do so through email or by calling the school. 

At the beginning of each month I try to give you the run down on what your child will be learning that month in most subjects. On the blog you will find weekly sight words in both English and French, sounds of the week, French sentences and expressions we are working on. These will be posted weekly. You can also find them on google classroom. Please take the time to review with your child. There is also a list of French websites you can explore with your child and play games. is a great website to watch French cartoons, to help your child develop listening skills in French. They also have games to play. is good too. You can also find suggested sites on google classroom. 

I hope that your child is adjusting well to the new routine. I know some of them must seem a little tired when they got home, seeing that they are not use to a full day of school and well haven't been in school since March. I too am completely beat and have been in bed most nights at 8:30! You will notice them adjusting a little better in the coming months. It is important that they get their rest, because it can be tiring learning a new language.

Have a great week! 

Please fill out and return demographic forms: Due Friday September 11
Send in 3 dollarama courier bags: Due Monday September 14
Seat sacks: Due anytime
Parent teacher meet and greet September 17.