Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Happy October!

 October is already upon us, can you believe it! With a  new month comes a new theme. This months the students will be learning fall, family and Halloween vocabulary. 

This week in class we are learning about the different members of our family. Students will be learning about the different determinates for masculin and feminin (la-une, le-un) I will send home a letter requesting photos of your family members this week. If you could send those pictures in by October 14th it would be greatly appreciated. Please send them in a ziplock bag labelled with your childs name on it. Please put the name of the family members on the back so we know how to properly spell their name once we start our class project. Individual pictures of each member are needed, 4x6 or a little bigger work best. Please do not send any pictures you wish to get back. We will be cutting them. If possible please include grandparents. 

In math, we finished up patterns and are now learning about numbers 1-20 in French and how to represent those numbers with objects. Students will learn how to use a 10 frame and are required to set up numbers in rows of 5. Students are required to count forwards and backwards up to 20 in French. They are great at counting 1-10 right now however need work on counting higher. We also need to work on correct number formation, a lot of us are reversing the numbers, with practice this will come. 

When representing numbers higher than 10, students will use two ten frames. 

In social studies, we are learning what it means to be apart of a community, group or club. They are also learning how to recognize different groups by the language they speak, symbols and clothing. 

Science, we are wrapping up the colors unit and moving onto our five senses. Chat below to help practice. 
FREE AP (that you can also download at home) called Apprendre les 5 sens-Mini TFO​. When teaching this unit I also tie it in with teaching the students about body parts. If you want to get a head start i have attached a poster with body parts as a reference. When teaching these words I also point out to the students the determinate and whether it is masculine or feminine  (la-une=feminine, le-un= masculine)



English, we are looking at the differences between consonants and vowels. We are also starting to blend sounds together to form 3 letter words. CVC. We continue to review long and short vowel sounds. 


We will have a Terry Fox presentation Tuesday afternoon to prep us for the Terry Fox run which will be happening on Wednesday all day. Our class will start everyone off at 9 am. We will run or walk around the school for 20 mins. Students are asked to bring a toonie for Terry on Wednesday. The school will also take other donations of course and if you wish to write a cheque they ask to make it out to Holy Name School. 

Picture day is Thursday October 8th. Our class will have their pictures taken at 9:20 in the morning, which is great because they will still be clean and well put together before recess! Please make sure they can fix their hair if they have clips due to covid I am not allowed to help. 

Our class along with Mme Teresa's class will be putting on the thanksgiving liturgy. A link will be sent home this week for you to attend, it will be at 10:50 am. We have two readers in our class, Dahlia and Carter! I am proud of them for taking on this challenge! 

There will be no school on Monday October 12. I hope you have a fabulous thanksgiving day celebration and that your are all surrounded by family, laughter and love.