Monday, November 9, 2020

November news

 Hi everyone hope you are all well. Welcome to the month of November in grade 1. This month the students will continue to learn about parts of the body as we tie it in with our Science unit on 5 senses as well as our health unit. We will also take a closer look at verbs and prepositions. We have started to blend consonants and vowels together to form little words and nonsense words. Students have done a great job learning the alphabet and their sounds and are still working on identifying vowels. We are also learning more about syllables. We have been counting how many syllables we hear in words as well as where to break/cut words apart. Our next step will be to find little words in bigger words (maison=mai or son) 

In Math, students continue to work on counting forwards and backwards to 20 in French. We have started to identify numbers out of sequence up to 20. They must be able to write the number as well as identify it on a number line. For example Mme says 17, students must be able to write it, depict it as well as point it out on a number line. In class we have been using our blocks to represent numbers up to 20. Students do need more work on understanding the concept more or less as well as being able to understand the base ten number concept. (10 tens (dizaine) place and 1 ones(unite) place. 

We have been having fun in science doing many experiments and learning all about our 5 senses. We have had great chats about how our senses keep us safe. We have our taste left to review, i have not figured out how to do the experiments or if ill try because its all about us tasting different things like lemon, limes, sugar, salt....which cannot be individually packaged, sigh :( We may just have to use our imaginations.

Social studies we continue to learn about the groups we belong to and the benefits that being a member to certain groups. 

Do not forget to sign up for parent teachers which are on the evening of Nov 16 and all day Nov 17. It will be a video conference this time. If you prefer a phone call I am happy to do that as well. Just let me know and we can arrange it. 

Library tomorrow Nov 10
All food donations due tomorrow nov 10 for St.Vincent de Paul. 
Remembrance day liturgy nov 10 at 11am online- Students have been asked to wear a uniform if they belong to a group in honor of all those who wear one. (sparks, cubs...)
No School Wednesday nov 11