Tuesday, February 2, 2021

February is upon us, can you feel the love?

 Happy February everyone! This is a short month seeing that we have family day and teacher conference in the next couple of weeks. It was great meeting with you last week during parent teachers. Thank you for your on going support at home and in school. 

This month, the students will be learning about La maison, the house. They will learn the names of the rooms in a house and the items that are found in each room. We will also be learning more about the importance of friendship all month long (l'amitie). This ties in with our health as well as religion unit. Also the month of February brings valentine's day, carnival and the 100 day of school! 

Valentines day this year will be done a little differently. Students have been asked to bring their valentines in on Friday Feb 5th. They do not have to be personalized, if you have already done so that is OK, as long as your child is able to read the name. The valentines will sit over the week end and be delivered the following week. We have 13 girls in our class and 7 boys. The students want to have a little celebration If you wish to send in a valentine treat ( individually packaged for 20 students) on Monday Feb 8th our class will have the celebration in the afternoon. 
Boys- Owen, Carter, Lincoln, Miles, Gerry, Richard, Leo
Girls- Corrie, Claire.B, Yohana, Emma-Lee, Isla, Itohan, Ella, Millie, Dahlia, Samara, Charlotte, Tenley, Claire.M, 

The week of Feb 8- 10 the school will be celebrating Quebec carnaval. There will be activities planned over the 3 days of school. The teachers will be dressing in plaid shirts all week, the students are welcome to join in. 

There will be no school Thursday Feb 11, Friday Feb 12 due to teacher convention. There is also no school on mon Feb 15 because it is family day. 

The 100th day of school this year falls on Wednesday February 24. We will have a day of activities in class. Our class has the choice to dress up as a 100 year old person or wear a t-shirt with 100 items attached. Pinterest has some great ideas if you are stuck. I attached 2 links below. 

    https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/36169603238415111/   t-shirt ideas

https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/36169603238415111/  100 year old costume ideas

I hope the reading packs have been going well. Please remember to fill out the yellow duo-tang with your child's first try at reading the book. You do not need to log it every time they read the book to you.  Please be sure to send the reading pack back on Thursday's. When returning the packs please check to make sure everything is in there. 2 white paper books (2 french, 2 english), yellow duo tang filled out, ziplock bag with 1 oui, oui, oui book, 1 CD, 1 pack of matching game (usually 24 pieces). All these items must be in the pack in order to get new books for the following week. If you have any questions please let me know. 

We continue to work on French phonemes. Your child will start to come home with colored lists focusing on specific French sounds. This week they went home with the sound "on". I also included a games bundle that you can keep at home and play with your child. If you want to make them reusable, put the pages into a page protector or even a Ziploc bag and use a dry erase marker to play.  If you do not speak French and are unsure of how to pronounce the words, please use the virtual classroom and listen to the recordings. 
In French, we are working on singular and plural words as well as identifying if a word is feminine or masculine by looking at the determinant. The students are starting to recognize that if a word has la, ma, sa, ta, une it is feminine and if it has le, ton, mon, son, un it is masculine. We have also been  working on writing sentences in the correct structure. This is something you can practice at home. For example: chat, un, grand, Je, vois, noir. Correct way Je vois un grand chat noir. They practice reading the words over again and start to pick up on how the French sentence structure sounds. 

Math, we are working on numbers 0-100 in French. We will continue this throughout the school year as well as counting by 2, 5 and 10. Here are some links to help practice skip counting in French.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKkA5MdULcA - Par 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oozeIkCHcI -Par 5

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqvgZIQ0zJo  Par 10

We have been working on identifying place value with a focus on tens and ones. Here are some helpful links to review- 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDO6KfvS-Bk unite/dizaine

Once we are finished this unit the students will be learning about geometry and measurement. Here is a link to practice the names of shapes in french, students will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.

Science, we continue to learn about the seasons.
Social studies, we are finishing up learning about our rights and responsibilities and will be moving on to learning about the differences and similarities of urban and rural living. We will also learn more about Canada, the provinces and territories it is made up of.
Health, we are learning about what it means to be a good friend as well as how to keep our bodies healthy by eating right, getting enough rest, and staying active. 
English, we have started writing stories and will starting learning more about rhyming words. 

Our class has library this Thursday, please be sure to return their library books if they have not yet. 

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjFUgrwzuqiiTEmCWnXkqwg Has a lot of useful information that applies to the students, he can be a little dry but its full of good stuff. 
Have a great week.