Wednesday, March 10, 2021

March sunshine!

 Happy March everyone! Looking forward to warmer weather and new possibilities in the weeks to come! I love the longer evening also. I hope you are all well and keeping busy. 

This month in class we are learning about modes of transportation in French. Students will learn to classify these methods of transport based on their ability to roll (roule), fly (vole) or float (flotte). We have been playing games using the French word wall, this is something you can also do at home with their sight words. You can have your child find words that have 1,2,3 or more syllables, find a word with 1,2,3 consonants, find a word that rhymes with.... find a word that has 1,2,3..vowels, find a word that has 2,3,4.... letters, find a word that starts with/ends with...these are just a few examples. This can also be done in both French and English. We will start to focus more on French rhyming words, paying closer attention to punctuation and reading with expression. 

In Math, student have started their geometry unit, learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Students will learn how to group shapes together by similar characteristics. As we work on this unit we will continue to practice skip counting by 2, 5 and 10 up to 100 in French. It would be a benefit if your child continued practicing addition and subtraction facts. Their last unit will be on addition and subtraction up to 20. Here is a website if you wanted to print off some worksheets.  ** This one is great has skip counting, fill in the blanks.

Our Science unit this month is on building things. Students will learn about different building materials and we will have building different things in class. This is a short unit. Students will build a leprechaun trap at home and present it in class. On the google classroom you will find a link to vocabulary that they can use to present their project. It has to be done in French. They can write it out if they want to. They can use this structure....Voici mon piege de farfadet. Pour construire cet piège j'ai utilisé ......Le farfadet .....(grimper, sauter, tomber, jouer...) They can also use geometry vocabulary by describing the shapes of items used ( La boite est un carré.)  They are encouraged to use all the French vocabulary they know. (size, color, shape) All projects are due Monday march 15th. We will start to present monday. Bill Nye- Structures _Rosie Revere engineer read aloud How to catch a leprechaun read aloud
Social studies, we continue to learn about urban and rural living. Students are also starting to learn about Canada's 10 provinces and 3 territories. We will learn a little about cardinal direction (North, South, East, West).  Provinces and Territories song ( its unique lol) Urban/rural explanation Country mouse-City mouse in French

In English, we are working on writing simple sentences to tell a story or to answer questions being asked. We continue to work on blends and word families as well as different reading strategies such as when two vowels go walking the first one does the talking. We have also learned about bossy e or silent e. We have started to make story predictions, retelling the story with details and reviewing the 5 w's (who, what, when, where, why and how) to help with comprehension. This is something you can work on at home as well when reading bedtime stories or even asking them about their day! -When two vowels go walking -Bossy e

On St. Patrick's day students can wear green or dress up as a leprechaun. We have no school on friday march 19th seeing that it is a PD day for teachers. 
Mme Teresa's grade one class is collecting no perishable food items for St.Vincent de Paul all month. If you have the ability to donate a little something they would be grateful for your help. 
Thank you for filling out the reading package dup tang with book titles and levels. I usually come in on a sunday and exchange them and having them filled out makes exchanging them so much smoother!
 If you find yourself at home depot near the paint sample department ;) feel free to grab our class some paint chips. 
I believe that's all i have for now.
Laurie Anne