Sunday, April 3, 2022

Hello April!

 Hello! Hope you enjoyed the sunshine. Soo looking forward to the change! We got out and did a hike through Green Gables. If you haven't yet, give it a whirl, short trails and you get to see the house without the tourist! The homestead trail is also good in Cavendish! 

We will review feelings this week and start into our spring unit. Students will learn new spring vocabulary I will post the words to the google classroom for you to print off and go over.  We will also twin spring with Easter in the coming weeks. 

In French we have been really working on our sight words and French sounds. I will also attach those sounds and songs that go with the sounds to the classroom. Students are very motivated to learn their words and move up. Its great to see them succeed and so engaged in an activity. We are working also on the meaning of those words, seeing that they are great at recognizing the words but don't always remember the meaning. I will be starting guided reading in class during literacy centers. Working with small groups to develop their reading strategies and French comprehension, so this should help more. Once we read a book together I will be sending it home in their reading package to work on during the week. There is a sheet explaining what to do in the duo-tang that will be coming home. Dont worry about not know how to read the words or helping them out. As long as you sit with them and listen that is all the need, your support, your interest and encouragement. Do not make this any longer that 15 minutes and if its not working set it aside and come back to it at another time. If you have any questions feel free to ask away. Here is a link to the song we have been singing in class.

In Math, we continue to work on numbers 1-10 in French. Students are getting great at recognizing numbers in a 10 frame. We will start to look at simple addition and focus on how to use a number line. New vocabulary is apres (after), avant ( before) I have been showing them a number and asking what is after the number or before. I also point out that apres is 1 more (1 de plus) avant is 1 less (1 de moins). This is a concept they will learn more about in grade 1. We have been trying to play lots of card games and other counting games in class. Keep working on number formation and mastering those skills as we get higher counting sometimes students will reverse 12 into 21 so catching it now will help. Here is a link that I use from time to time to get ideas.

I also use this A LOT in the summer months with Winnie to keep us busy. They have some fun ideas and is simple click to print. It also has alot of different subject areas, no French though:(

Enjoy the week! 

Sunday, March 20, 2022


 Well the year was 1776 since I last posted. I hope you have all been keeping well these past months. Time is going fast and with each day we are learning so much in class. The students have started to show more confidence and their fun personalities. Looking forward to the next couple weeks when the weather changes and moods lift! 

In the next couple of weeks we will be really focusing on developing our reading skills, through play, games and lots of practice with our weekly sight words. Please review the paint chip sight words daily if you can and be sure to send them back in each day as we use them in class. Students also have colored sight word list in their reading packs that we read in class. With each colored list they master ( saying the sight words with no support) they get a prize and move up to the next level. This has really motivated them! They also get prizes for reading 6 paint chip cards at a time. They also have to master the words without support. These words are the ones that they will most frequently see in their reading books. 

I have added 4 colored list to the google classroom and recorded myself going over them for you. They can be printed off and put on a ring at home also. Here is the link. Let me know if you have any questions.

I hope to send home a nightly reading pack in the next couple of weeks. Once I have them all prepared I will let you know. 

For those wanting to get a head start on reading with your child I sent home Scholastics orders before March break with a couple of reading pack suggestions for their starting level. Here are the links to some of the collections if you wanted to search. My code is RC183490

In Math, we continue to learn about numbers 1-10. We have started to break numbers apart using vocabulary (part, part, whole) You can work on this at home by giving your child a number, having them represent the number with manipulatives then breaking it into two parts. (3 and 5 makes 8) This is getting them ready for addition problems. Another way to help them progress is to work on their number formation. Some students continue to have reversals, extra practice would help them. Working on number recognition through play is a great way to help them. Here is a link that you can skim over and play games using a deck of cards.

We have also started working on writing simple sentences using punctuation, proper letter sizing, following a line of print and spacing. Once we get the hang of this we will try to write little stories using repetitive text such as Je vois un oiseau. Je vois une fleur.....For those who are reading can add more details like colors, size, numbers. You can add this to a nightly practice activity using some sight words. 

We have library on Friday March 25th. 
I believe that is all for now. Take care and enjoy the week. 
Laurie Anne :)