Hello everyone,
The week is finally upon us. I cant believe we have 4 days left before the holiday season. This will be a busy week filled with lots of excitement and tons of activities. All this week we have parents coming into class to read Christmas stories. We had some great stories this morning and the kids are looking forward to hearing more. As we count down the days before Christmas our class likes to dress up each day, this is totally optional.
We will start to deliver our candy canes to the classes this week. We did a great job and sold out of what we had. I do have to go get a few more to fill the orders. I will be calling Superstore today to order our Turkeys. My husband and his turkey crew plan on stopping by on Wednesday and dropping them off to the Drop In then. He was thinking tomorrow however we are thinking weather will play a messy factor in that.
Our parent volunteers will be exchanging our reading packages, they will be kept here at school until the new year. I will be sending home a winter holiday reading challenge over the break, if you and your child would like to participate. They love filling the hot chocolate mug in with the fun places to read. I will also be sending home tomorrow a note explaining a new on line reading ressourse that you can use at home. It looks awesome! You can read the book, follow along and even highlight the words if you do not know them and it will read it back to you. Each child will get their own log in. You can just save the information to your computer.
Tuesday- We will be decorating Christmas cookies with our grade 4 reading buddies. This will be from 12:45-1:45. We have made sure that the cookies are allergy free for those students with allergies. If you have allergy concerns, just let me know or send in an item your child can decorate. Tuesday we have the choice to dress up as reindeer, santa or Mrs claus. They students have written in their agenda's what they would prefer.
Wednesday- Students will attend strum and sing, which is the school caroling in the gym first thing in the morning. We have our Advent liturgy as well which will start at 1pm in the gym. All is welcome to attend. We will also dress as Christmas angles this day.
Thursday- Last day together before Christmas Holidays. The whole school will be dressing in their PJ's. We have strum and sing in the morning followed by the Nativity movie in the gym. We will clean up the class get it ready for the new year. We will also have a class celebration and pass out Christmas gifts. If you wish to send in a healthy treat for our class celebration you are more than welcome to do so. Special Lunch is also on this day.
This is all for the week. If anything changes I will send you all an email. If I do not get to see you all before the Holidays, may you have the merriest of Christmas. I hope that your home will be filled with laughter, love and warmth, not to mention great new memories. Be safe and remember to stop and take a moment to take it all in. I will hopefully be seeing you all in the New year! School is back January 8th! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
Laurie Anne
Monday, December 18, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Short week
Hi everyone,
We are in our last week of November! I can't believe December will be upon us in a couple of days. It's my favorite time of year...I love everything about Christmas, the smells, the music, the colors, gathering with friends and everything in between.
This is a short week, this week seeing that we have parent teacher conference Thursday night and all day Friday, so no school Friday. I look forward to chatting with you. If you have any questions about the report card please bring it along with you to discuss. Also if you have not yet sent back your child's report card envelop you can bring it with you to interviews. Please sign it. We use the same envelop for all reporting periods. If you have not signed up for parent teachers there is still space available, you can do so online. At the conference you are encouraged to stop by the annual book fair. This will be set up in the library. The students will be able to preview what the book fair has on Thursday. They usually write a wish list that they take home with them. There will also be a class wish list there for you to donate books to your child's classroom. Because of the book fair we do not have library this week. You can also go on the hunt for missing items that your child may have lost at school. This is usually set up in the hall. Keep your eyes open!
With a new month a new theme, students will be learning about vocabulary related to the Holiday season, Christmas traditions of those in their class and around the world. We will also learn to sing some Christmas favorites in French. We will continue to work on writing a simple sentence with correct punctuation as well as putting letter sounds together to form simple words or nonsense words. You can work on this at home as well with magnetic letters if you have any. Its a great way to build decoding skills. We will also be starting our literacy centers. We have done a couple practice runs and I think they are ready.
Our class will be kicking off our annual Turkey drive this month, a little late than I normally start to be honest. Students will be collecting spare change in the coming weeks and selling candy canes at our Christmas concert to raise money to purchase turkeys for those in need during this time of year. I will be looking for volunteers to help sell before and after the concert. If you are interested please let me know. Other than candy cane sales students from my class in the past have done choirs at home, collected bottles and brought in spare change. They are encouraged to this again this year. One boy a couple of years ago sold some of his old toys and donated the money to purchase turkeys. If you are wanting to participate with your child you may send in your spare change and start a choir list right away. The students love sharing how they collected the money they are donating and the act of giving becomes contagious! We will be collecting the money up until Dec 14, 2017. With the money collected from the candy cane sales and change collection we will purchase as many Turkeys as possible which will be donated to the Calgary Drop In Centre. This year I am hoping to share the turkey goodness with other organizations in our community not just the Drop In, seeing that we had so many last year. If you have any suggestions please let me know. I have a couple in mind already. Why have we donated to the Drop in the last couple of years you may ask? I got the idea when our staff volunteered serving breakfast at the beginning of the school year. I had asked what the clients ate at Christmas, they told me that it depended on what was donated but usually it was never turkey seeing the cost of it. At that time the lady said that the last time was probably over 5 years ago, never since she had worked there. I knew I would be doing the Turkey drive seeing that I have done it every year since I began my teaching career. So I ran it by my class and told them about the clients at the drop in and how they have not had the opportunity to have a traditional Christmas meal. They were all over it and we have been providing the clients a hot turkey meal since then. At Christmas the Drop In will see over a 1000 clients. Last years class purchased 171 turkeys, thanks to our awesome Holy Name community. This will the fourth time our class has done this Pay it forward project and provided the clients at the Drop In a traditional Christmas dinner. Our turkeys will be enjoyed on Christmas day and depending on how many we get probably a couple of more times. If you have any questions about the Turkey Drive feel free to drop me a line.
Scholastic book orders are due tomorrow. This will be the last order until January. I hope to place the order over the week end to make sure that they will arrive well before Christmas. If you are saving any of these for gifts just let me know with a note or by email. Once they arrive I will keep them for you.
Ginger bread forms are due Friday, however I heard through the grape vine that they have no room left. If you need any info on the you can contact Mme Marie- Christine.
We will have some volunteer opportunities coming up in the weeks to come. Our first one is a lot sooner than I thought...sorry for the short notice. Looking for 3 volunteers on Dec 7th morning starting at 8:45 until lunch time to join us at Story book theatre. The students are off to see Charlie Brown's Christmas. You will be getting an email from our parent rep about some other days as well. The last week of school you are invited to come in and read Christmas stories, do a craft, if you play an instrument come in and sing some songs. If you wish to do a craft, let me know if you need any items I can grab from the art room or pick up.
That's all for this week. Looking forward to chatting with you all tomorrow evening and Friday. Have a great rest of the week.
Laurie Anne
Reminder: Scholastic book orders due tomorrow...if you forget you can bring it Monday to your interview, No school Friday, Return reading packs Monday, Sandwich foundation Dec 5th.
We are in our last week of November! I can't believe December will be upon us in a couple of days. It's my favorite time of year...I love everything about Christmas, the smells, the music, the colors, gathering with friends and everything in between.
This is a short week, this week seeing that we have parent teacher conference Thursday night and all day Friday, so no school Friday. I look forward to chatting with you. If you have any questions about the report card please bring it along with you to discuss. Also if you have not yet sent back your child's report card envelop you can bring it with you to interviews. Please sign it. We use the same envelop for all reporting periods. If you have not signed up for parent teachers there is still space available, you can do so online. At the conference you are encouraged to stop by the annual book fair. This will be set up in the library. The students will be able to preview what the book fair has on Thursday. They usually write a wish list that they take home with them. There will also be a class wish list there for you to donate books to your child's classroom. Because of the book fair we do not have library this week. You can also go on the hunt for missing items that your child may have lost at school. This is usually set up in the hall. Keep your eyes open!
With a new month a new theme, students will be learning about vocabulary related to the Holiday season, Christmas traditions of those in their class and around the world. We will also learn to sing some Christmas favorites in French. We will continue to work on writing a simple sentence with correct punctuation as well as putting letter sounds together to form simple words or nonsense words. You can work on this at home as well with magnetic letters if you have any. Its a great way to build decoding skills. We will also be starting our literacy centers. We have done a couple practice runs and I think they are ready.
Our class will be kicking off our annual Turkey drive this month, a little late than I normally start to be honest. Students will be collecting spare change in the coming weeks and selling candy canes at our Christmas concert to raise money to purchase turkeys for those in need during this time of year. I will be looking for volunteers to help sell before and after the concert. If you are interested please let me know. Other than candy cane sales students from my class in the past have done choirs at home, collected bottles and brought in spare change. They are encouraged to this again this year. One boy a couple of years ago sold some of his old toys and donated the money to purchase turkeys. If you are wanting to participate with your child you may send in your spare change and start a choir list right away. The students love sharing how they collected the money they are donating and the act of giving becomes contagious! We will be collecting the money up until Dec 14, 2017. With the money collected from the candy cane sales and change collection we will purchase as many Turkeys as possible which will be donated to the Calgary Drop In Centre. This year I am hoping to share the turkey goodness with other organizations in our community not just the Drop In, seeing that we had so many last year. If you have any suggestions please let me know. I have a couple in mind already. Why have we donated to the Drop in the last couple of years you may ask? I got the idea when our staff volunteered serving breakfast at the beginning of the school year. I had asked what the clients ate at Christmas, they told me that it depended on what was donated but usually it was never turkey seeing the cost of it. At that time the lady said that the last time was probably over 5 years ago, never since she had worked there. I knew I would be doing the Turkey drive seeing that I have done it every year since I began my teaching career. So I ran it by my class and told them about the clients at the drop in and how they have not had the opportunity to have a traditional Christmas meal. They were all over it and we have been providing the clients a hot turkey meal since then. At Christmas the Drop In will see over a 1000 clients. Last years class purchased 171 turkeys, thanks to our awesome Holy Name community. This will the fourth time our class has done this Pay it forward project and provided the clients at the Drop In a traditional Christmas dinner. Our turkeys will be enjoyed on Christmas day and depending on how many we get probably a couple of more times. If you have any questions about the Turkey Drive feel free to drop me a line.
Scholastic book orders are due tomorrow. This will be the last order until January. I hope to place the order over the week end to make sure that they will arrive well before Christmas. If you are saving any of these for gifts just let me know with a note or by email. Once they arrive I will keep them for you.
Ginger bread forms are due Friday, however I heard through the grape vine that they have no room left. If you need any info on the you can contact Mme Marie- Christine.
We will have some volunteer opportunities coming up in the weeks to come. Our first one is a lot sooner than I thought...sorry for the short notice. Looking for 3 volunteers on Dec 7th morning starting at 8:45 until lunch time to join us at Story book theatre. The students are off to see Charlie Brown's Christmas. You will be getting an email from our parent rep about some other days as well. The last week of school you are invited to come in and read Christmas stories, do a craft, if you play an instrument come in and sing some songs. If you wish to do a craft, let me know if you need any items I can grab from the art room or pick up.
That's all for this week. Looking forward to chatting with you all tomorrow evening and Friday. Have a great rest of the week.
Laurie Anne
Reminder: Scholastic book orders due tomorrow...if you forget you can bring it Monday to your interview, No school Friday, Return reading packs Monday, Sandwich foundation Dec 5th.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Happy Halloween!
Where did the month of October go?? I cannot believe we are in the last week of October and starting November already. I find the time usually zips by from now to Christmas. In the month of November we will start to fund raise for the annual Turkey drive, you will learn more about that later, we will start to practice our Christmas song for the concert which is usually the first week of December, I will have to confirm that date. Evaluations will continue for the first part of the month and then reports cards will be making their way home at the end of the month. ** If you want to better prepare your child for evaluations they will be tested on alphabet letter sounds/names in both French and English, weekly sight words in both French/English up until now, associating numbers 0-20 to objects and written form (1= un, 19 = dix-neuf), identifying numbers 0-20 out of sequence as well as counting forwards/backwards up to 20. In English, three letter words, they are required to write and identify them in a sentence.**
On Tuesday October 31st students are allowed to come to school dressed in their costumes. I encourage you to dress up if you are dropping them off or picking them up. They love showing their friends there cool parents costumes. Please send your child in their costumes ready to go. If their costumes requires face paint that must be applied at home. I am not permitted to touch up their make-up. They are not allowed to wear masks or bring any weapons of any sort. We will have a Halloween celebration in the afternoon. If you wish to send in a health treat to share with the class you are welcome to do so. We will also be having lunch together this day thanks to some great parent volunteers who will be providing soup, rolls and I believe a desert. If your child is a picky eater I suggest that you send something in just in case they are not fans of the soup. It would be great if you could send in a plastic bowl along with a spoon to help reduce waste. I will have extras on hand, just in case you forget.
In the afternoon we are lucky to have parent volunteers coming into class to run Halloween centers from 1-2:30. The students loved carving pumpkins on Friday and I am sure they will love the centers as well.
There is no school on Wednesday November 1st seeing that staff will have their annual Faith day. We do have school Thursday November 2 and Friday November 3. I will not be here from November 2-8th. I will be attending ACPI which is a French Immersion conference. I lucked out because this year the conference is held in Charlottetown, PEI. Yay! I get to go home and learn. I also decided to extend my trip there for a couple of days seeing that I will not be able to fly home for Christmas this year! First one EVER! I have Mme Amy and Mme Johanne in for me to cover those days.
For the month of November we the students will be learning a lot of new things and will continue to build on their knowledge they have learned so far since September. Our theme this coming month will focus on fruits and vegetables, continue to learn about body parts and our 5 senses. These all tie in nicely and work well across the curriculum.
Students will also be starting to put sounds together to form little words in both French and English. We will play with letter tiles in class and work on blending these letters together. This is something you can also start to do at home with the Jolly Phonics cards that have been sent home weekly. This is great practice and will help your child on their reading journey.
To best learn the names of fruits and veggies our class requires a little help from yourselves. This class project is always a huge success for both the parents and the students. It does however involve your corporation and support. I am hoping for another successful year of getting students to try new things with a little positive peer pressure! I have assigned each student a fruit/vegetable to bring into class on a particular day for the month of November and the first couple days of December. The deal is that the students all must try what is brought in, unless an allergy. It has to touch their tongue and get on their taste buds! If they want to spit it out they are free to do so, at least they tried it. They then will write in a book whether they liked what they have tried or not. Once they have finished trying everything on the list, the books are sent home for you to look over. It is an easy way to see what your child likes, so that making snacks/ lunches can be a little easier. It also saves you from trying out pomegranates for example to see if they like them or not and saving you some moola. The list will be sent home this week. Feel free to add anything to the list or if you cannot find what you have been give to replace it with something else that is not on the list. Calgary has a lot more options out there than PEI did so I look forward to seeing what you might suggest or bring in. I will take care of the first couple of days. If you are unable to participate that's ok too, just let me know in advance so I can make arrangements to get what is needed for that day. To make our life in grade one easier, we would love it if you sent in the items cut up and prepared for 23 students. Don't worry about napkins I got that covered. Thanks in advance for your support. I hope you will hear some positive stories about our tastings! I should also mention during this we use our 5 senses which is apart of our science unit. The students especially love when we bit in the fruits or veggies and the sounds they make.
Math is still identifying numbers 0-20 and we will be starting to look at simple addition and subtraction up 12 to start. If you have time students always struggle with the concept of subtraction. they would benefit by going over this with you at home. Words that you can use to help are moins (less) enleve (take away) soustraire/ soustractions (subtract/ subtraction). I will also be sending home an association game that you can play with your child. They are required to associate the numbers to the written word up to 20. Please practice when you have time.
Science, we are learning about our five senses, (la vue (sight), le toucher (touch), le gout (taste) l'odorat (smell), l'ouie (hearing). Each week we will learn about a sense and build on that as the weeks pace. We will learn about Helen Keller as well as a boy who uses echolocation to get around.
In Social Studies, students have been learning how to identify different groups, whether by the clothing they were (uniforms), symbols (maple leaf) language they speak, music and so on. They are encouraged to pay attention to different symbols they see, languages they hear when they are out and about. We will also look at National symbols.
In English, we have started to put sounds together to form new words or nonsense words with a focus on three letter words. We are also paying closer attention to rhyming words we hear in stories. We are also looking at the beginning, middle and ending sounds of words. Students have also been learning about books, the title, title page, publishers, authors, illustrators and why some books have write ups on the back cover.
This week and next info to note:
I will be sending home Scholastics book orders for this month. If there are any Christmas gifts just let me know and I will put them aside.
No school on Wednesday Nov 1st- Faith day for teachers
Choir is Thursday at noon.
Library is Friday Nov 3rd
Pictures orders due and retakes are Nov 3rd
Gala November 4th. I hope you all have a great time and get some great deals.
Remembrance day assembly is Nov 10th at 10:30am. All are welcomed.
A note from our lovely reading package volunteers: It would be very helpful if you could take out items that could stay at home such as reading CD, Jolly Phonics duo-tang and flashcards...
I think that is all...a lot of info to process. Happy Halloween everyone. be safe on Tuesday night with your little ones.
Laurie Anne
On Tuesday October 31st students are allowed to come to school dressed in their costumes. I encourage you to dress up if you are dropping them off or picking them up. They love showing their friends there cool parents costumes. Please send your child in their costumes ready to go. If their costumes requires face paint that must be applied at home. I am not permitted to touch up their make-up. They are not allowed to wear masks or bring any weapons of any sort. We will have a Halloween celebration in the afternoon. If you wish to send in a health treat to share with the class you are welcome to do so. We will also be having lunch together this day thanks to some great parent volunteers who will be providing soup, rolls and I believe a desert. If your child is a picky eater I suggest that you send something in just in case they are not fans of the soup. It would be great if you could send in a plastic bowl along with a spoon to help reduce waste. I will have extras on hand, just in case you forget.
In the afternoon we are lucky to have parent volunteers coming into class to run Halloween centers from 1-2:30. The students loved carving pumpkins on Friday and I am sure they will love the centers as well.
There is no school on Wednesday November 1st seeing that staff will have their annual Faith day. We do have school Thursday November 2 and Friday November 3. I will not be here from November 2-8th. I will be attending ACPI which is a French Immersion conference. I lucked out because this year the conference is held in Charlottetown, PEI. Yay! I get to go home and learn. I also decided to extend my trip there for a couple of days seeing that I will not be able to fly home for Christmas this year! First one EVER! I have Mme Amy and Mme Johanne in for me to cover those days.
For the month of November we the students will be learning a lot of new things and will continue to build on their knowledge they have learned so far since September. Our theme this coming month will focus on fruits and vegetables, continue to learn about body parts and our 5 senses. These all tie in nicely and work well across the curriculum.
Students will also be starting to put sounds together to form little words in both French and English. We will play with letter tiles in class and work on blending these letters together. This is something you can also start to do at home with the Jolly Phonics cards that have been sent home weekly. This is great practice and will help your child on their reading journey.
To best learn the names of fruits and veggies our class requires a little help from yourselves. This class project is always a huge success for both the parents and the students. It does however involve your corporation and support. I am hoping for another successful year of getting students to try new things with a little positive peer pressure! I have assigned each student a fruit/vegetable to bring into class on a particular day for the month of November and the first couple days of December. The deal is that the students all must try what is brought in, unless an allergy. It has to touch their tongue and get on their taste buds! If they want to spit it out they are free to do so, at least they tried it. They then will write in a book whether they liked what they have tried or not. Once they have finished trying everything on the list, the books are sent home for you to look over. It is an easy way to see what your child likes, so that making snacks/ lunches can be a little easier. It also saves you from trying out pomegranates for example to see if they like them or not and saving you some moola. The list will be sent home this week. Feel free to add anything to the list or if you cannot find what you have been give to replace it with something else that is not on the list. Calgary has a lot more options out there than PEI did so I look forward to seeing what you might suggest or bring in. I will take care of the first couple of days. If you are unable to participate that's ok too, just let me know in advance so I can make arrangements to get what is needed for that day. To make our life in grade one easier, we would love it if you sent in the items cut up and prepared for 23 students. Don't worry about napkins I got that covered. Thanks in advance for your support. I hope you will hear some positive stories about our tastings! I should also mention during this we use our 5 senses which is apart of our science unit. The students especially love when we bit in the fruits or veggies and the sounds they make.
Math is still identifying numbers 0-20 and we will be starting to look at simple addition and subtraction up 12 to start. If you have time students always struggle with the concept of subtraction. they would benefit by going over this with you at home. Words that you can use to help are moins (less) enleve (take away) soustraire/ soustractions (subtract/ subtraction). I will also be sending home an association game that you can play with your child. They are required to associate the numbers to the written word up to 20. Please practice when you have time.
Science, we are learning about our five senses, (la vue (sight), le toucher (touch), le gout (taste) l'odorat (smell), l'ouie (hearing). Each week we will learn about a sense and build on that as the weeks pace. We will learn about Helen Keller as well as a boy who uses echolocation to get around.
In Social Studies, students have been learning how to identify different groups, whether by the clothing they were (uniforms), symbols (maple leaf) language they speak, music and so on. They are encouraged to pay attention to different symbols they see, languages they hear when they are out and about. We will also look at National symbols.
In English, we have started to put sounds together to form new words or nonsense words with a focus on three letter words. We are also paying closer attention to rhyming words we hear in stories. We are also looking at the beginning, middle and ending sounds of words. Students have also been learning about books, the title, title page, publishers, authors, illustrators and why some books have write ups on the back cover.
This week and next info to note:
I will be sending home Scholastics book orders for this month. If there are any Christmas gifts just let me know and I will put them aside.
No school on Wednesday Nov 1st- Faith day for teachers
Choir is Thursday at noon.
Library is Friday Nov 3rd
Pictures orders due and retakes are Nov 3rd
Gala November 4th. I hope you all have a great time and get some great deals.
Remembrance day assembly is Nov 10th at 10:30am. All are welcomed.
A note from our lovely reading package volunteers: It would be very helpful if you could take out items that could stay at home such as reading CD, Jolly Phonics duo-tang and flashcards...
I think that is all...a lot of info to process. Happy Halloween everyone. be safe on Tuesday night with your little ones.
Laurie Anne
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
How are things?
Welcome to a new week. How are things going with the reading packages? Are we all remembering to fill out the reading log sheets for both French and English? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry I am sure you are not alone. You do not have to do everything in the package every single day. A lot of it is there to do throughout the week, all I ask is that you read everyday if possible with your child, whether they read to you or you read to them say at bedtime. Pick alternate dates French -Mon-Wed-Fri, English-Tues-Thurs. After you are done reading help them build on comprehension by asking the 5w's (who, what, when, where, why). I have been taking students during snack time to go over their sights words, the last two weeks I have only focused on the French side. I am very happy with their progress so far. You may see my chicken scratch initials on the cards, which means if they read 5 they got a prize from the prize box. Students had to read each word correctly in order to get a signature. For the rest of this week and next I will be asking them to read the English side, so please remind them to practice.
I have started to evaluate the students with their French alphabet sounds and names. Those tested so far have been great with sounds but seem to have forgotten the letter names in French. If you get a chance to review with them that would be great...even singing A,B,C in French will help.
In French and social studies we are learning about our family tree and how we are apart of that group. Students are also learning how to identify if the words are femine and masculine. ( un papa, une maman, la soeur...) In the next week we will start to learn our Halloween vocabulary and do some fun activities.
Today we talked about literacy centers and how we should behave in centers. I hope to start these in the next couple of weeks. As a class we will start to practice how centers should run and once we have got the hang of it, we will do them on a regular basis. Students will participate in 5-6 centers working in small groups of 3-4 children. At first students will be placed in groups at random. Once I have had the opportunity to read with them a couple of times they will be placed based on reading level. This will change through out the year based on progress and working well together. When students are in centers I will be working with a small group.
In Math, we have finished up with patterning and have moved onto numbers 0-20. Students are learning the different ways to count and represent numbers. They are required to recognize the written name of numbers 0-20 in French. (un, deux, trois, quatre...) These can be found in the yellow duo-tang if you are wanting to practice with them. We have also started to count backwards from 20-0 in French. 20-10 is a challenge, especial numbers 13,14,15,16.
Food donations are due tomorrow, please return bags.
Hip hop dance will start next week
Special lunch- Wednesday- Jugo juice
Happy Week!
Laurie Anne
Welcome to a new week. How are things going with the reading packages? Are we all remembering to fill out the reading log sheets for both French and English? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry I am sure you are not alone. You do not have to do everything in the package every single day. A lot of it is there to do throughout the week, all I ask is that you read everyday if possible with your child, whether they read to you or you read to them say at bedtime. Pick alternate dates French -Mon-Wed-Fri, English-Tues-Thurs. After you are done reading help them build on comprehension by asking the 5w's (who, what, when, where, why). I have been taking students during snack time to go over their sights words, the last two weeks I have only focused on the French side. I am very happy with their progress so far. You may see my chicken scratch initials on the cards, which means if they read 5 they got a prize from the prize box. Students had to read each word correctly in order to get a signature. For the rest of this week and next I will be asking them to read the English side, so please remind them to practice.
I have started to evaluate the students with their French alphabet sounds and names. Those tested so far have been great with sounds but seem to have forgotten the letter names in French. If you get a chance to review with them that would be great...even singing A,B,C in French will help.
In French and social studies we are learning about our family tree and how we are apart of that group. Students are also learning how to identify if the words are femine and masculine. ( un papa, une maman, la soeur...) In the next week we will start to learn our Halloween vocabulary and do some fun activities.
Today we talked about literacy centers and how we should behave in centers. I hope to start these in the next couple of weeks. As a class we will start to practice how centers should run and once we have got the hang of it, we will do them on a regular basis. Students will participate in 5-6 centers working in small groups of 3-4 children. At first students will be placed in groups at random. Once I have had the opportunity to read with them a couple of times they will be placed based on reading level. This will change through out the year based on progress and working well together. When students are in centers I will be working with a small group.
In Math, we have finished up with patterning and have moved onto numbers 0-20. Students are learning the different ways to count and represent numbers. They are required to recognize the written name of numbers 0-20 in French. (un, deux, trois, quatre...) These can be found in the yellow duo-tang if you are wanting to practice with them. We have also started to count backwards from 20-0 in French. 20-10 is a challenge, especial numbers 13,14,15,16.
Food donations are due tomorrow, please return bags.
Hip hop dance will start next week
Special lunch- Wednesday- Jugo juice
Happy Week!
Laurie Anne
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Hello fall....or should I say winter??
Happy October everyone,
We have a short week this week. Students do not have school on Friday October 6th seeing that teacher are attending a PD session. We also do not have school on Monday October 9th as well. I hope you will all enjoy your long week end and get to enjoy some family time and turkey.
School choir starts on Thursday at 11:45 in the gym. any student from grade 1-6 who want to join the Christmas choir are asked to bring their lunch to the gym at that time. Choir will be every Thursday after that, up until Christmas. If they do not want to join this choir there will be another after Christmas. More information will follow once they know more.
We have our Thanksgiving liturgy on Thursday at 1pm in the gym. All is welcome to attend.
The clothing drive has started, if you have any gently used clothing that you would like to donate to those in need, please bring them in. They will gladly accept infant- adult clothing as well as shoes. All they ask is that the clothing be cleaned and in good conditions. Please no rips or stains. All clothing can be placed on the gym stage, collection ends on Thursday.
The school is also looking for parent volunteers to come in October 10th at 9am to help sort the donated items. If you are interested please contact Mme Laviolette and she will get you into contact with the right people.
Family pictures are due on Thursday October 5th. Please send in individual pictures of each member if your family. Group photos are hard for the students to cut out everyone's head. Along with the pictures please in the form sent home last week with family members names.
Scholastic book orders are also due on Thursday October 5th. I want to get them in early just in case you are looking for some great Halloween books.
Picture day is also next week October 13th. Please mark that in your calendars.
Thanks again to all who are helping donate to our classroom basket. We have 4 items left...Mme Shelby has 2... we are in a slight competition with the grade 5 class....lol They students have me checking the status every other day.
Reading packages can be returned on Tuesday October 10th. Please be sure to fill out the yellow and blue pages with the title of the books and if it was easy, just right, or to hard. A lot of you did not do this and it makes it difficult for those exchanging to keep track of books, seeing we have limited copies. If you did not get to read the materials just let us know and you can keep it for another week.
I also wanted to correct myself, I said that there would be two paper books of each. That will start after Christmas. Right now your child will only receive 1 French, 1 English.
Also on Monday's you can send the whole package back in to be exchanged. I suggest you keep everything in the package so that you do not lose anything, however if you want to keep some items at home you may keep the following: Pink book (until asked for it to be returned), reading CD, numbers game, tic-tac-to, jolly phonics game cards and black duo-tang (Be sure to put new sheets into the duo-tang, the kids know how to do this). Matching games (les couleurs ect.) will be exchanged every 2 weeks, wiki sticks. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Our class is looking for more volunteers to help with pumpkin carving and Halloween centers. If you are available October 27th from 10:15-11:45 we would love to have you come join us to carve pumpkins. Students love this activity. We estimate how many pumpkin seeds we may find, talk about what type of face we want to draw and how to keep ourselves safe.
We are also looking for 3 more parent volunteers for Halloween centers. Centers will take place October 31st. ( I will email you this week if it will be in the am or the pm, just want to check the schedule)
I have started to randomly ask students to read their sight words for their prizes. So far we have ad to happy students successfully read through all their French words. Keep practicing.
In the next two weeks students will be tested on what they have learned on patterns. Feel free to practice patterning at home. They will be required to finish patterns, make patterns longer by recognizing the elements as well as make more complicated patterns by adding colors. There are a few of us that still need a little help on this, please ask your child how they are doing.
I will also start to test students on the French alphabet in the next couple of weeks. Students will be required to identify upper and lower case letters, give me the sound and name of each letter in French. These letters are out of sequence, feel free to practice at home with your child.
That is all for this week. I hope you have a great rest of the week. My thanksgiving wish for you all is to be surrounded by those you love, may your house be filled with warmth and laugher and be sure to cherish the time you have together. Happy Thanksgiving everyone to your family from mine both far and near.
Mme Laurie Anne
We have a short week this week. Students do not have school on Friday October 6th seeing that teacher are attending a PD session. We also do not have school on Monday October 9th as well. I hope you will all enjoy your long week end and get to enjoy some family time and turkey.
School choir starts on Thursday at 11:45 in the gym. any student from grade 1-6 who want to join the Christmas choir are asked to bring their lunch to the gym at that time. Choir will be every Thursday after that, up until Christmas. If they do not want to join this choir there will be another after Christmas. More information will follow once they know more.
We have our Thanksgiving liturgy on Thursday at 1pm in the gym. All is welcome to attend.
The clothing drive has started, if you have any gently used clothing that you would like to donate to those in need, please bring them in. They will gladly accept infant- adult clothing as well as shoes. All they ask is that the clothing be cleaned and in good conditions. Please no rips or stains. All clothing can be placed on the gym stage, collection ends on Thursday.
The school is also looking for parent volunteers to come in October 10th at 9am to help sort the donated items. If you are interested please contact Mme Laviolette and she will get you into contact with the right people.
Family pictures are due on Thursday October 5th. Please send in individual pictures of each member if your family. Group photos are hard for the students to cut out everyone's head. Along with the pictures please in the form sent home last week with family members names.
Scholastic book orders are also due on Thursday October 5th. I want to get them in early just in case you are looking for some great Halloween books.
Picture day is also next week October 13th. Please mark that in your calendars.
Thanks again to all who are helping donate to our classroom basket. We have 4 items left...Mme Shelby has 2... we are in a slight competition with the grade 5 class....lol They students have me checking the status every other day.
Reading packages can be returned on Tuesday October 10th. Please be sure to fill out the yellow and blue pages with the title of the books and if it was easy, just right, or to hard. A lot of you did not do this and it makes it difficult for those exchanging to keep track of books, seeing we have limited copies. If you did not get to read the materials just let us know and you can keep it for another week.
I also wanted to correct myself, I said that there would be two paper books of each. That will start after Christmas. Right now your child will only receive 1 French, 1 English.
Also on Monday's you can send the whole package back in to be exchanged. I suggest you keep everything in the package so that you do not lose anything, however if you want to keep some items at home you may keep the following: Pink book (until asked for it to be returned), reading CD, numbers game, tic-tac-to, jolly phonics game cards and black duo-tang (Be sure to put new sheets into the duo-tang, the kids know how to do this). Matching games (les couleurs ect.) will be exchanged every 2 weeks, wiki sticks. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Our class is looking for more volunteers to help with pumpkin carving and Halloween centers. If you are available October 27th from 10:15-11:45 we would love to have you come join us to carve pumpkins. Students love this activity. We estimate how many pumpkin seeds we may find, talk about what type of face we want to draw and how to keep ourselves safe.
We are also looking for 3 more parent volunteers for Halloween centers. Centers will take place October 31st. ( I will email you this week if it will be in the am or the pm, just want to check the schedule)
I have started to randomly ask students to read their sight words for their prizes. So far we have ad to happy students successfully read through all their French words. Keep practicing.
In the next two weeks students will be tested on what they have learned on patterns. Feel free to practice patterning at home. They will be required to finish patterns, make patterns longer by recognizing the elements as well as make more complicated patterns by adding colors. There are a few of us that still need a little help on this, please ask your child how they are doing.
I will also start to test students on the French alphabet in the next couple of weeks. Students will be required to identify upper and lower case letters, give me the sound and name of each letter in French. These letters are out of sequence, feel free to practice at home with your child.
That is all for this week. I hope you have a great rest of the week. My thanksgiving wish for you all is to be surrounded by those you love, may your house be filled with warmth and laugher and be sure to cherish the time you have together. Happy Thanksgiving everyone to your family from mine both far and near.
Mme Laurie Anne
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Last week of September already!
Hi Everyone,
It was great meeting all of you last week at parent meet and greet. I enjoyed talking to all of you and learning a little bit more about your children. Some of us were rushed and I am sorry for the quick chat, know that am easy and if you have anything questions or need clarification contact me anytime. I will do my best to answer or help out.
I also wanted to thank everyone who came to reading night last night. Your support means a lot to me and your child. We are a team and it was great to see my team show up in great numbers! Thank you. I hope the packages are not to overwhelming. Know you can do as you wish with them. I add more to the reading packages to give you more French resources in your hands seeing that they are hard to come by. I also add the paper French books right away to give you and your child more opportunities to see French text, do not worry if they cannot read them right away. Just have fun looking at pictures, guess words and attempting to sound them out. You can also be detectives and search for sights words in these books.
We are on our last week of September I cannot get over how fast it has gone! We will finish up our theme on back to school, however we will keep practicing our school supply vocabulary. Octobers theme in French is being thankful for our family and exploring the season of autumn. Students will be learning vocabulary related to members of the family. There will be a poster project assigned during this unit, you will receive more information on that when the time comes, hopefully by the end of the week. Students will also be learning about what it is to be thankful and Halloween.
Please continue to review the French alphabet with your child, some students are still having trouble identifying sounds and letter names out of sequence.
With a new month comes also a new seating arrangement. I change the classroom every month to correspond with the theme and also place students in different arrangements. This is to allow them a chance to meet new friends, work with others of different strengths or abilities or simply to give them a break.
In Math, patterns continue along with number sense up to 10. We are almost finished of this unit and will be moving onto numbers 0-20. You can help your child get ahead by practice counting numbers 0-20 forwards and backwards and identifying numbers out of sequence, printing numbers correctly as well as associating objects to the numbers.
In English, we have been looking at 3 letter words and their beginning, middle and end sounds. We continue to review the letter sounds along with hand signals for each letter. They love watching me try to remember certain letters....I keep forgetting g,p,q !!!!
Science we will continue learning about primary colors and will slowly start to learn more about our 5 senses.
In Health, we have been talking about proper hand washing. I am very impressed with their knowledge on when we should wash our hands. We should have a healthy year if everyone washes when they say they should.
Gala will be upon us quicker than we know it. Every year our class is assigned a basket where our team is asked to donate items to help support our school. Our class theme this year is Calgary family adventure. In the past the first class to fill their basket has been rewarded in some way, usually a pizza party. We went over the site as a class today and they are in top secret mode to be the first lol to fill the basket. If you wish to participate you sign up online and send in your items and I will make sure it goes to the right people. Thanks in advance for your support.
Here is the link to the sign up sheet for the basket:
https://harvestmoongala.wordpress.com/ Here is the link to the Gala home page to learn more about this awesome fundraiser.
Please note that we only have one volunteer for Terry Fox run on Friday afternoon. If you can make it please join us. We will be heading out walking the sidewalks in our community. I would love another set of eyes to help us out.
If you have not yet sent in your deposit cheque for the reading package please do so by Friday. A huge thanks to those who have already sent it in.
We have library tomorrow, please send your books in. I think that is all for now. Have a great rest of the week.
Laurie Anne :)
It was great meeting all of you last week at parent meet and greet. I enjoyed talking to all of you and learning a little bit more about your children. Some of us were rushed and I am sorry for the quick chat, know that am easy and if you have anything questions or need clarification contact me anytime. I will do my best to answer or help out.
I also wanted to thank everyone who came to reading night last night. Your support means a lot to me and your child. We are a team and it was great to see my team show up in great numbers! Thank you. I hope the packages are not to overwhelming. Know you can do as you wish with them. I add more to the reading packages to give you more French resources in your hands seeing that they are hard to come by. I also add the paper French books right away to give you and your child more opportunities to see French text, do not worry if they cannot read them right away. Just have fun looking at pictures, guess words and attempting to sound them out. You can also be detectives and search for sights words in these books.
We are on our last week of September I cannot get over how fast it has gone! We will finish up our theme on back to school, however we will keep practicing our school supply vocabulary. Octobers theme in French is being thankful for our family and exploring the season of autumn. Students will be learning vocabulary related to members of the family. There will be a poster project assigned during this unit, you will receive more information on that when the time comes, hopefully by the end of the week. Students will also be learning about what it is to be thankful and Halloween.
Please continue to review the French alphabet with your child, some students are still having trouble identifying sounds and letter names out of sequence.
With a new month comes also a new seating arrangement. I change the classroom every month to correspond with the theme and also place students in different arrangements. This is to allow them a chance to meet new friends, work with others of different strengths or abilities or simply to give them a break.
In Math, patterns continue along with number sense up to 10. We are almost finished of this unit and will be moving onto numbers 0-20. You can help your child get ahead by practice counting numbers 0-20 forwards and backwards and identifying numbers out of sequence, printing numbers correctly as well as associating objects to the numbers.
In English, we have been looking at 3 letter words and their beginning, middle and end sounds. We continue to review the letter sounds along with hand signals for each letter. They love watching me try to remember certain letters....I keep forgetting g,p,q !!!!
Science we will continue learning about primary colors and will slowly start to learn more about our 5 senses.
In Health, we have been talking about proper hand washing. I am very impressed with their knowledge on when we should wash our hands. We should have a healthy year if everyone washes when they say they should.
Gala will be upon us quicker than we know it. Every year our class is assigned a basket where our team is asked to donate items to help support our school. Our class theme this year is Calgary family adventure. In the past the first class to fill their basket has been rewarded in some way, usually a pizza party. We went over the site as a class today and they are in top secret mode to be the first lol to fill the basket. If you wish to participate you sign up online and send in your items and I will make sure it goes to the right people. Thanks in advance for your support.
Here is the link to the sign up sheet for the basket:
https://harvestmoongala.wordpress.com/ Here is the link to the Gala home page to learn more about this awesome fundraiser.
Please note that we only have one volunteer for Terry Fox run on Friday afternoon. If you can make it please join us. We will be heading out walking the sidewalks in our community. I would love another set of eyes to help us out.
If you have not yet sent in your deposit cheque for the reading package please do so by Friday. A huge thanks to those who have already sent it in.
We have library tomorrow, please send your books in. I think that is all for now. Have a great rest of the week.
Laurie Anne :)
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Busy Week.
Wishing you all a happy week ahead. I hope you all had a chance to enjoy the nice weather this week end and are rested for a new week ahead. We have a busy week at Holy Name this week. Opening Mass is on Thursday September 21st. Leaving the school around 9:30 for 10 am Mass. We are still in need of 3 volunteers to walk with us to and from church. Anyone up for the challenge?? The evening of September 21st we will have our first round of Parent meet and greets. This is an opportunity for you to tell me more about your child, whether it be concerns, goals or anything in between. The meetings will continue all day Friday September 22. Please remember to sign up using parent conference manager. This is available on the school website. I also want to remind you that Monday September 25th is Parent Reading information night. It starts at 7pm in the gym. You are asked to bring a post dated check dated June 18, 2018 as a deposit for all reading materials. Checks are made payable to Holy Name School. I have already had some parents send them in ahead of time. You are welcome to do so. The line to drop them off at the event can sometimes be long. There is a parent council meeting on Tuesday September 19th starting at 6:30. The first one maybe worth while if you have any questions in regards to staffing, enrollment, see the agenda that was sent out Friday for more details.
This week in class your child will continue to learn a new set of French letter sounds as well as review previous ones. You will find a new set of game cards in their agenda bag. The Jolly phonics duo-tang and game pieces can stay home and do not need to be sent in daily. I do have a favor to ask of all of you....to help me save time on the week ends would it be possible for you to move the binder clip to the new week?! I would be very thankful for the help.
In French, we are having fun using puppets to practice our French sentence structures. The students love to use them. The puppets are only allowed to speak French...I am sure they sneak in some English...but have been pretty good at practicing the sentences. This week we will start our French journals and work on coping simple sentences from the board. We have started using our songs books and are highlighting vowel sounds and circling French phonemes. My plan is to send the song books home so they can share what they have learned with you.
In Math, Students are learning about patterns. Patterns structures we looked at so far are AB, ABC, AAB. We have been trying to create one pattern with many different elements, whether it be size, color, shape. You may hear your child refer to patterns as les regularites. We are also learning about French numbers, how to print these numerals correctly as well as associating objects to these numbers.
In Science, we have started to learn about colors. Our focus this week will be on primary colors. Students must be able to read color names. They usually mix up bleu, blanc, brun. I encourage them to allow their eyes to look at every letter rather than the beginning. You can practice this a home by making flash cards. They also confuse vert and violet.
In Social Studies, we have started to chat about being a member of a group or community. We have talked about rules or expectations that usually follow when we are a member of such group or community.
We will be starting Health this week. Students will be learning about the importance of proper hand washing and the lovely world of germs.
In English, we continue to learn about letter sounds and the difference between vowels and consonants. Our focus this week will be on beginning sounds of words. I have attached below two links that we use in class that you may find helpful to practice on at home.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei0iFs5uF6w _Jolly Phonics song to build on sounds
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMQHd1UBkeI - ASL-Alphabet
Thank you for your scholastic orders. I have placed them and received an email that they are already shipped. Please remember to send in your childs permission form for the Terry Fox run if you have not done so. We will also need volunteers for that afternoon to join us on the community walk. Everyone is welcome to join us as well.
I believe that is all for this week.
Laurie Anne
This week in class your child will continue to learn a new set of French letter sounds as well as review previous ones. You will find a new set of game cards in their agenda bag. The Jolly phonics duo-tang and game pieces can stay home and do not need to be sent in daily. I do have a favor to ask of all of you....to help me save time on the week ends would it be possible for you to move the binder clip to the new week?! I would be very thankful for the help.
In French, we are having fun using puppets to practice our French sentence structures. The students love to use them. The puppets are only allowed to speak French...I am sure they sneak in some English...but have been pretty good at practicing the sentences. This week we will start our French journals and work on coping simple sentences from the board. We have started using our songs books and are highlighting vowel sounds and circling French phonemes. My plan is to send the song books home so they can share what they have learned with you.
In Math, Students are learning about patterns. Patterns structures we looked at so far are AB, ABC, AAB. We have been trying to create one pattern with many different elements, whether it be size, color, shape. You may hear your child refer to patterns as les regularites. We are also learning about French numbers, how to print these numerals correctly as well as associating objects to these numbers.
In Science, we have started to learn about colors. Our focus this week will be on primary colors. Students must be able to read color names. They usually mix up bleu, blanc, brun. I encourage them to allow their eyes to look at every letter rather than the beginning. You can practice this a home by making flash cards. They also confuse vert and violet.
In Social Studies, we have started to chat about being a member of a group or community. We have talked about rules or expectations that usually follow when we are a member of such group or community.
We will be starting Health this week. Students will be learning about the importance of proper hand washing and the lovely world of germs.
In English, we continue to learn about letter sounds and the difference between vowels and consonants. Our focus this week will be on beginning sounds of words. I have attached below two links that we use in class that you may find helpful to practice on at home.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei0iFs5uF6w _Jolly Phonics song to build on sounds
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMQHd1UBkeI - ASL-Alphabet
Thank you for your scholastic orders. I have placed them and received an email that they are already shipped. Please remember to send in your childs permission form for the Terry Fox run if you have not done so. We will also need volunteers for that afternoon to join us on the community walk. Everyone is welcome to join us as well.
I believe that is all for this week.
Laurie Anne
Monday, September 11, 2017
Welcome to the exciting world of grade 1!!
Welcome to grade one! For those of you who have had me before welcome back. I look forward to getting to know all of you over the next couple of months and watching your child grow both academically and socially. We are off to a good start. Everyone is adjusting well and are getting along super....perhaps a little to well, we got a chatty bunch. We continue to review class rules and expectations. We have 23 students in our class this year, 10 boys and 13 girls. We also have 5 new students to Holy Name school. I like to see our classroom as a little community were we all work together as a team. I have an open door policy, which means you can come into class anytime. We love having parents volunteer and help out whenever you can. Even if you cannot make it into the classroom there is always something you can do to lend a hand and enrich your childs classroom.
For those who are new to the school or have never had me as their child's teacher I will give you the quick run down on who your child will be hanging out with over the next couple of months. I am originally from PEI. I talk a lot about home, my dad and growing up on a hobby farm as a kid. I apologize now for the accept that your child may develop over the weeks to come I still haven't lost it even though I have been in Alberta for about 6 years now. This is my 5th year in grade 1 at Holy Name, I also taught grade two at Holy Name and taught grade 1 in PEI for a couple of years before heading out west. I got married two years ago to Mike, who I am sure you will hear of or even get the chance to meet. He is very helpful around the classroom and is supportive of my projects. As I am sure you all know by now we are expecting our first child in January. We are very excited and nervous all at the same time. Until the little nugget arrives I hope to work closely with all of you and your child. If you ever have any questions, concerns or need clarification on anything feel free to contact me either by email or call the school.
Some of the teachers like to use eboard, I prefer the blog which is somewhat the same but with a little more detail. You can find the link to it on eboard which is on the school website. I usually email you informing you that there is a new post, along with the quick link. I try to post an update ever Monday to keep you informed on what's going on in class and what is happening at school for the week. I hope you read it every week as there is a lot of information, suggestions and games that you might want to try out at home to help your child progress through out the school year...it also takes me a long time to sit down and write! I am usually really good at keeping it up dated but then will have my moments, stay on me! Feel free to remind me also...I seem to be very forgetful these past couple of months.
At the beginning of each month I also like to give you the run down on what your child will be learning that month in most subjects. This is also a great way to help you support your child by giving them an introduction to what we are going to be covering. On the blog you will find weekly sight words in both English and French, sounds of the week, French sentences and expressions we are working on. Please take the time to review with your child. There is also a list of French websites you can explore with your child and play games. http://ici.radio-canada.ca/jeunesse/jeregarde/ is a great website to watch French cartoons, to help your child develop listening skills in French. They also have games to play.
I sent home today green sheets that explain a little more about our classroom. Please read over and if you have any questions let me know.
The month of September is busy here are a few reminders of events and items due coming up....
All forms are due back Monday September 11 (demographic, blue package, pink child info sheet)
Scholastic book orders for Sept due -Wednesday September 13
Conference Manager opens to book Parent Teachers- September 15
Opening Mass at Holy Name Church- Thursday September 21 ( We need 3 volunteers to walk with us)
Parent Teachers- Thursday September 21 evening and Friday September 22 full day.
Parent Reading information night- Monday September 25- 7pm at the gym. Please bring a post dated check of 15$ as deposit. Check to be dated June 18th, 2018
This year I am going to try something new in regards to volunteers in the classroom. Usually I ask a week or two in advance, but thought hey I know what I would like to do why not get ahead. So please find a list for the next two months of volunteers needed in the classroom. I am sure I will need to add possible fieldtrips other things that may come up but I thought I would start with this. Some of them are just ideas I would like to try out in class and see if it will work, I marked those I have never done before with **. If you have any ideas also that will go along with our themes let me know. If you need more clarification on what I am asking of you just ask.
( I suggest at least two people, that way if one cannot make it one week the other can cover the exchange)
Scholastic packages(put monthly book orders together)-
Making playdoh , focus mixing colors (parent lead)-
**Science- colors experiment parent choice (parent lead)-
Opening Mass( 3 volunteers to walk to Church and back)-
Pumpkin carving (3 parents)-
**Apple crisp (make with class, focus reading recipe)-
Halloween centers/party (parent lead, 5 volunteers)-
**Thanksgiving potluck organizer in class lunch-
Reading French Week 1-
Reading English Week 2-
Reading French Week 3-
Reading English Week 4-
I know this is a long post with ALOT of information. It has actually been a week of information. I hope its not too much and if you have any questions just ask. I also apologize for the late post.
Have a great week!
For those who are new to the school or have never had me as their child's teacher I will give you the quick run down on who your child will be hanging out with over the next couple of months. I am originally from PEI. I talk a lot about home, my dad and growing up on a hobby farm as a kid. I apologize now for the accept that your child may develop over the weeks to come I still haven't lost it even though I have been in Alberta for about 6 years now. This is my 5th year in grade 1 at Holy Name, I also taught grade two at Holy Name and taught grade 1 in PEI for a couple of years before heading out west. I got married two years ago to Mike, who I am sure you will hear of or even get the chance to meet. He is very helpful around the classroom and is supportive of my projects. As I am sure you all know by now we are expecting our first child in January. We are very excited and nervous all at the same time. Until the little nugget arrives I hope to work closely with all of you and your child. If you ever have any questions, concerns or need clarification on anything feel free to contact me either by email or call the school.
Some of the teachers like to use eboard, I prefer the blog which is somewhat the same but with a little more detail. You can find the link to it on eboard which is on the school website. I usually email you informing you that there is a new post, along with the quick link. I try to post an update ever Monday to keep you informed on what's going on in class and what is happening at school for the week. I hope you read it every week as there is a lot of information, suggestions and games that you might want to try out at home to help your child progress through out the school year...it also takes me a long time to sit down and write! I am usually really good at keeping it up dated but then will have my moments, stay on me! Feel free to remind me also...I seem to be very forgetful these past couple of months.
At the beginning of each month I also like to give you the run down on what your child will be learning that month in most subjects. This is also a great way to help you support your child by giving them an introduction to what we are going to be covering. On the blog you will find weekly sight words in both English and French, sounds of the week, French sentences and expressions we are working on. Please take the time to review with your child. There is also a list of French websites you can explore with your child and play games. http://ici.radio-canada.ca/jeunesse/jeregarde/ is a great website to watch French cartoons, to help your child develop listening skills in French. They also have games to play.
I sent home today green sheets that explain a little more about our classroom. Please read over and if you have any questions let me know.
The month of September is busy here are a few reminders of events and items due coming up....
All forms are due back Monday September 11 (demographic, blue package, pink child info sheet)
Scholastic book orders for Sept due -Wednesday September 13
Conference Manager opens to book Parent Teachers- September 15
Opening Mass at Holy Name Church- Thursday September 21 ( We need 3 volunteers to walk with us)
Parent Teachers- Thursday September 21 evening and Friday September 22 full day.
Parent Reading information night- Monday September 25- 7pm at the gym. Please bring a post dated check of 15$ as deposit. Check to be dated June 18th, 2018
This year I am going to try something new in regards to volunteers in the classroom. Usually I ask a week or two in advance, but thought hey I know what I would like to do why not get ahead. So please find a list for the next two months of volunteers needed in the classroom. I am sure I will need to add possible fieldtrips other things that may come up but I thought I would start with this. Some of them are just ideas I would like to try out in class and see if it will work, I marked those I have never done before with **. If you have any ideas also that will go along with our themes let me know. If you need more clarification on what I am asking of you just ask.
For year:
Reading Package Exchange (2-3 volunteers)- ( I suggest at least two people, that way if one cannot make it one week the other can cover the exchange)
Scholastic packages(put monthly book orders together)-
Making playdoh , focus mixing colors (parent lead)-
**Science- colors experiment parent choice (parent lead)-
Opening Mass( 3 volunteers to walk to Church and back)-
Pumpkin carving (3 parents)-
**Apple crisp (make with class, focus reading recipe)-
Halloween centers/party (parent lead, 5 volunteers)-
**Thanksgiving potluck organizer in class lunch-
Reading French Week 1-
Reading English Week 2-
Reading French Week 3-
Reading English Week 4-
I know this is a long post with ALOT of information. It has actually been a week of information. I hope its not too much and if you have any questions just ask. I also apologize for the late post.
Have a great week!
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Short week with alot of info
I hope everyone had a great May long week end and you were able to spend time with family, get out of the city or get some chores we have all been putting off done.
Can you believe that this Thursday is our first day of the Alphabet countdown?! What is that you ask? Well first off it means we will only have 26 more days left of school! EEEeeekk. Everyday until June 29th we will review a letter of the alphabet by doing fun activities. There will be some involvement on your part and a bit of planning. I will send home the sheet and email you all a copy so that you can plan ahead. This Thursday we will review the letter "Z" for zoo. Students may bring their favorite zoo animal to school, whether it be a stuff, a picture or a write up.
Next week the students will have the opportunity to head out to the Leighton Centre of the Arts. Students will explore the center and the grounds, learn about sketching and nature. We will need 3-4 volunteers to join us on that day. If you are available and want to join us please let me or Wendy know. It will be an all day field trip. I sent home on Tuesday the field trip forms to be signed, please be sure to send them back by Friday at the latest.
On June 20th our class will walk to the Calgary Library with our grade 4 reading buddies as well as with some awesome volunteers. We will learn about their summer programs, how to chose a book and how to use our library cards over the summer. If you wish to volunteer our class is in need of 3-4 volunteers. For those parents who may want suggestions on books to pick for summer reading I would also be happy to help guide you this day. This fieldtrip is in the morning and back to school by lunch.
June 26th is Activity Day at school. This years theme is to Celebrate Canada's 150th year. They will learn all about Canada from coast to coast. If you wish to volunteer this day you can contact Mr.Desroches or our schools volunteer coordinator.
June 28th will be our school talent show. All is welcome. Auditions continue through out this week. If your child wishes to audition and has not yet had the opportunity they still can do so. They must come to school prepared to show their talent and have all materials in order to audition. Auditions end this week.
Of course there will lots of other fun things in between but I thoughts I would let you know these dates to mark on your calendar.
This Friday at school it is spirit day with a focus on culture. Students are asked to dress to celebrate their cultural heritage.
Just a reminder to everyone... Please do not let up on home reading. I know the weather is starting to get nice and your activities are more frequent but the students continue to need the practice. I will be starting French reading evaluation in the next week. It is important to also continue to read over the summer any chance you get. Studies say that if a student does not read over the summer holidays they can drop at least 2 reading levels. Our students have worked very hard this year and we want them to be confident readers when they hit grade 2.
Please review math facts with your child. Students are required to know addition and subtraction facts up to 18. There are some great websites were you can download flash cards along with other ideas on how to learn math facts. Students will also be learning about doubles and doubles plus 1 in the next week.
That's all for this week. Take care everyone.
Laurie Anne
I hope everyone had a great May long week end and you were able to spend time with family, get out of the city or get some chores we have all been putting off done.
Can you believe that this Thursday is our first day of the Alphabet countdown?! What is that you ask? Well first off it means we will only have 26 more days left of school! EEEeeekk. Everyday until June 29th we will review a letter of the alphabet by doing fun activities. There will be some involvement on your part and a bit of planning. I will send home the sheet and email you all a copy so that you can plan ahead. This Thursday we will review the letter "Z" for zoo. Students may bring their favorite zoo animal to school, whether it be a stuff, a picture or a write up.
Next week the students will have the opportunity to head out to the Leighton Centre of the Arts. Students will explore the center and the grounds, learn about sketching and nature. We will need 3-4 volunteers to join us on that day. If you are available and want to join us please let me or Wendy know. It will be an all day field trip. I sent home on Tuesday the field trip forms to be signed, please be sure to send them back by Friday at the latest.
On June 20th our class will walk to the Calgary Library with our grade 4 reading buddies as well as with some awesome volunteers. We will learn about their summer programs, how to chose a book and how to use our library cards over the summer. If you wish to volunteer our class is in need of 3-4 volunteers. For those parents who may want suggestions on books to pick for summer reading I would also be happy to help guide you this day. This fieldtrip is in the morning and back to school by lunch.
June 26th is Activity Day at school. This years theme is to Celebrate Canada's 150th year. They will learn all about Canada from coast to coast. If you wish to volunteer this day you can contact Mr.Desroches or our schools volunteer coordinator.
June 28th will be our school talent show. All is welcome. Auditions continue through out this week. If your child wishes to audition and has not yet had the opportunity they still can do so. They must come to school prepared to show their talent and have all materials in order to audition. Auditions end this week.
Of course there will lots of other fun things in between but I thoughts I would let you know these dates to mark on your calendar.
This Friday at school it is spirit day with a focus on culture. Students are asked to dress to celebrate their cultural heritage.
Just a reminder to everyone... Please do not let up on home reading. I know the weather is starting to get nice and your activities are more frequent but the students continue to need the practice. I will be starting French reading evaluation in the next week. It is important to also continue to read over the summer any chance you get. Studies say that if a student does not read over the summer holidays they can drop at least 2 reading levels. Our students have worked very hard this year and we want them to be confident readers when they hit grade 2.
Please review math facts with your child. Students are required to know addition and subtraction facts up to 18. There are some great websites were you can download flash cards along with other ideas on how to learn math facts. Students will also be learning about doubles and doubles plus 1 in the next week.
That's all for this week. Take care everyone.
Laurie Anne
Monday, May 8, 2017
May all ready
Hi Everyone,
Can you believe we are in the month of May already. The count down will soon begin and we have a ton left to learn. We have finished learning all about farm animals, where they live and what they eat. This will tie in nicely on Thursday when we head to Butterfield acres.
This month in French students will be learning about insects, our environment and story writing. We will also focus on reading with expression and fluidity.
In English, we continue to learn about the different parts of stories (beginning, middle, ending as well as who, what, when, where, why and how).
Math we will soon be finishing up with measurement. So far we have covered length, surface, volume and just have mass left. Once we finish this unit we are focusing on addition and subtractions up to 20 for the remainder of the year.
Science students have been learning about seasons and the effects they have on plants, animals, our activities as well as our clothing. This will be tied in with our French unit as well. We will also be learning about the needs of plants and animals. Students will have the opportunity to observe plants, chicken eggs and butterflies.
Social studies the students are starting to learn about the country they live in, the different provinces, symbols and traditions of Canada. We will also learn about East, West, South and North and how it can be applied to the city but also our country.
Tuesday and Wednesday students who are ready will start to present their French poems for the art oratoire.
This week the students will have a fabulous opportunity in music to experience a drum circle. Our class will be going on Tuesday.
School council will be meeting on Tuesday night at 6:30 if you wish to join.
On Wednesday during activite en communaute students will have a guest speaker coming to talk to them about her experiences with the Charles Mulli Fondation.
Wednesday night will the Movie night in the gym for those who have purchased tickets. Do not forget to bring some change to buy snacks and help support the grade 4's on their community project.
Butterfield acres will be on Thursday. This is an all day field trip so please be sure to check the weather and dress your child accordingly. Rubber boots are highly suggested along with a hat if its sunny. Students are allowed to feed the animals. If they wish to do so they are to bring 25cents for the ice cream cones filled with feed. Please be sure to apply sunscreen before arriving to school. They can bring some with them. I will not apply it for them though.
Friday we have our Marian Liturgy at 2pm all is welcome, especially you moms.
Heads up for next week events. On Tuesday May 16th it will be safari day. Students are asked to come to school dress as a safari character and bring $2.00. They will be able to purchase additional snacks for $2.00. All proceeds will go towards the Charles Mulli Foundation.
No school on Friday the 19th
Thanks everyone. Have a great week and get out and enjoy the sunshine!
Can you believe we are in the month of May already. The count down will soon begin and we have a ton left to learn. We have finished learning all about farm animals, where they live and what they eat. This will tie in nicely on Thursday when we head to Butterfield acres.
This month in French students will be learning about insects, our environment and story writing. We will also focus on reading with expression and fluidity.
In English, we continue to learn about the different parts of stories (beginning, middle, ending as well as who, what, when, where, why and how).
Math we will soon be finishing up with measurement. So far we have covered length, surface, volume and just have mass left. Once we finish this unit we are focusing on addition and subtractions up to 20 for the remainder of the year.
Science students have been learning about seasons and the effects they have on plants, animals, our activities as well as our clothing. This will be tied in with our French unit as well. We will also be learning about the needs of plants and animals. Students will have the opportunity to observe plants, chicken eggs and butterflies.
Social studies the students are starting to learn about the country they live in, the different provinces, symbols and traditions of Canada. We will also learn about East, West, South and North and how it can be applied to the city but also our country.
Tuesday and Wednesday students who are ready will start to present their French poems for the art oratoire.
This week the students will have a fabulous opportunity in music to experience a drum circle. Our class will be going on Tuesday.
School council will be meeting on Tuesday night at 6:30 if you wish to join.
On Wednesday during activite en communaute students will have a guest speaker coming to talk to them about her experiences with the Charles Mulli Fondation.
Wednesday night will the Movie night in the gym for those who have purchased tickets. Do not forget to bring some change to buy snacks and help support the grade 4's on their community project.
Butterfield acres will be on Thursday. This is an all day field trip so please be sure to check the weather and dress your child accordingly. Rubber boots are highly suggested along with a hat if its sunny. Students are allowed to feed the animals. If they wish to do so they are to bring 25cents for the ice cream cones filled with feed. Please be sure to apply sunscreen before arriving to school. They can bring some with them. I will not apply it for them though.
Friday we have our Marian Liturgy at 2pm all is welcome, especially you moms.
Heads up for next week events. On Tuesday May 16th it will be safari day. Students are asked to come to school dress as a safari character and bring $2.00. They will be able to purchase additional snacks for $2.00. All proceeds will go towards the Charles Mulli Foundation.
No school on Friday the 19th
Thanks everyone. Have a great week and get out and enjoy the sunshine!
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Feels great to be back!
Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a fabulous break and are well back into the swing of things. I am happy to get back but was not happy to leave the fabulous weather of Italy. I will post some pictures of the trip once I look over them. I brought our class puppet with us, as I do for every trip we take. So far he has been to Italy, England, Africa, Prague and Austria.
For the month of April our class will be learning all about farm animals. Its my favorite theme! Students will be learning about the proper names in French for female, male and baby animals. We will also learn about their homes, the food they eat and the sounds they make. We will also visiting Butterfield Acres in May ( I believe May 11th. Our class will need 4 volunteers for this field trip. If you are interested in joining out please let me know. ) We have started our farm animal books where they get to chose 5 animals of their choice. They are to include male, female, babies and where the animals live. Once finished, they will share them with their friends.
We will also be starting our free writing in class in the coming weeks, with a focus on French writing. Students will become their own authors and illustrators of their own books. This is a great way to teach them how to put their ideas together, pay attention to punctuation, penmanship and spelling. They will also work on beginning, middle and end of stories. Every year the students love this project.
We have started to receive post cards. Merci beaucoup!! The students are excited to read and learn about the different places around the world. Thank you for making this possible!
Our Liturgy for Easter is on Thursday at 10am. All is welcome to attend. Please note that we have no school on Friday as well as Monday.
Our class is in need of another 3 volunteers for April 21,2017. Mme Janice booked our teachers pet field trip not realizing that we had Science in schools the day before. This field trip is in the am starting at 9 am. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 8:45 to go over instructions with the presenter. If you are able to come please let me know as soon as possible.
April 20th we have scientist in school. If you have been collecting newspapers please send them for Thursday.
We will kick off our annual ice cream reading challenge next week until the end of the year. Students are required read all their English sight words along with French sentences found in their yellow duo-tang. This will get them their bowl and spoon. They must also read each day and have you sign off on a sheet that will be sent home along with a letter explaining the details of this reading challenge.
I think that's all for this week. I wish you all the best Easter holiday. May your home be filled with laughter and great memories.
Laurie Anne
I hope you all had a fabulous break and are well back into the swing of things. I am happy to get back but was not happy to leave the fabulous weather of Italy. I will post some pictures of the trip once I look over them. I brought our class puppet with us, as I do for every trip we take. So far he has been to Italy, England, Africa, Prague and Austria.
For the month of April our class will be learning all about farm animals. Its my favorite theme! Students will be learning about the proper names in French for female, male and baby animals. We will also learn about their homes, the food they eat and the sounds they make. We will also visiting Butterfield Acres in May ( I believe May 11th. Our class will need 4 volunteers for this field trip. If you are interested in joining out please let me know. ) We have started our farm animal books where they get to chose 5 animals of their choice. They are to include male, female, babies and where the animals live. Once finished, they will share them with their friends.
We will also be starting our free writing in class in the coming weeks, with a focus on French writing. Students will become their own authors and illustrators of their own books. This is a great way to teach them how to put their ideas together, pay attention to punctuation, penmanship and spelling. They will also work on beginning, middle and end of stories. Every year the students love this project.
We have started to receive post cards. Merci beaucoup!! The students are excited to read and learn about the different places around the world. Thank you for making this possible!
Our Liturgy for Easter is on Thursday at 10am. All is welcome to attend. Please note that we have no school on Friday as well as Monday.
Our class is in need of another 3 volunteers for April 21,2017. Mme Janice booked our teachers pet field trip not realizing that we had Science in schools the day before. This field trip is in the am starting at 9 am. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 8:45 to go over instructions with the presenter. If you are able to come please let me know as soon as possible.
April 20th we have scientist in school. If you have been collecting newspapers please send them for Thursday.
We will kick off our annual ice cream reading challenge next week until the end of the year. Students are required read all their English sight words along with French sentences found in their yellow duo-tang. This will get them their bowl and spoon. They must also read each day and have you sign off on a sheet that will be sent home along with a letter explaining the details of this reading challenge.
I think that's all for this week. I wish you all the best Easter holiday. May your home be filled with laughter and great memories.
Laurie Anne
Monday, March 20, 2017
Happy Spring!
Well its finally spring! I love this time of year, the weather warms up, the days get longer and new motivation comes upon me.
The month of march has sure gone by fast. The students have been learning about different means of transportation in French. We have looked at those that roll, float and fly. We have also been looking at masculine and feminine words and how to recognize them in sentences. The students have also been working on identifying plural and singular words.
We have yet to receive any postcards to go along with our project this month. If you could send a note out to friends and family again that would be lovely. If you and your family are heading away for March break you could also send the class one.
Here is the address again:
La classe de Mme Laurie Anne
3011 35 street SW
Calgary Alberta
T3E 2Y6
We are done of our Math unit on numbers between1-100. Please continue to count with your child in French from 0-100 also continue to practice counting by 2, 5 and 10's. Our next unit is on Geometry and measurement. They students always love this unit. They will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes and how to classify them by similar characteristics.
In Science, the students have started their buildings unit. We have looked at different structures around the world. The students voted on 3 structures that they would like to learn more about. They have chosen: Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Colosseum, Rome and Burj Khalifa, Dubai. We will also be building our own gadgets in class.
In social studies, we continue to learn about the differences and similarities of Urban and Rural living. So far we have looked at the landscapes and the jobs that can be found in each.
In English, we have started to learn about the different parts of stories with a focus on the beginning, middle and end of stories. We have also started to work on our comprehension skills by answer who, what, when, where, why and how questions. More practice is needed. This can be done at home as well if you read bedtime stories.
I will be sending home another reading challenge over spring break. That will be sent home on Friday. If you wish to have extra books over the break just leave me a note in the agenda.
We have a Lenten liturgy on Wednesday March 22 at 10am, all are welcome.
Mme Johanne will be teaching our class the week after March Break. I have extended my Holiday to take our Honey moon. That week if you have any questions or concerns you can direct them to Mme Johanne. I will be back on Monday April 10th.
I hope you all have a safe and rested break.
Laurie Anne
The month of march has sure gone by fast. The students have been learning about different means of transportation in French. We have looked at those that roll, float and fly. We have also been looking at masculine and feminine words and how to recognize them in sentences. The students have also been working on identifying plural and singular words.
We have yet to receive any postcards to go along with our project this month. If you could send a note out to friends and family again that would be lovely. If you and your family are heading away for March break you could also send the class one.
Here is the address again:
La classe de Mme Laurie Anne
3011 35 street SW
Calgary Alberta
T3E 2Y6
We are done of our Math unit on numbers between1-100. Please continue to count with your child in French from 0-100 also continue to practice counting by 2, 5 and 10's. Our next unit is on Geometry and measurement. They students always love this unit. They will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes and how to classify them by similar characteristics.
In Science, the students have started their buildings unit. We have looked at different structures around the world. The students voted on 3 structures that they would like to learn more about. They have chosen: Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Colosseum, Rome and Burj Khalifa, Dubai. We will also be building our own gadgets in class.
In social studies, we continue to learn about the differences and similarities of Urban and Rural living. So far we have looked at the landscapes and the jobs that can be found in each.
In English, we have started to learn about the different parts of stories with a focus on the beginning, middle and end of stories. We have also started to work on our comprehension skills by answer who, what, when, where, why and how questions. More practice is needed. This can be done at home as well if you read bedtime stories.
I will be sending home another reading challenge over spring break. That will be sent home on Friday. If you wish to have extra books over the break just leave me a note in the agenda.
We have a Lenten liturgy on Wednesday March 22 at 10am, all are welcome.
Mme Johanne will be teaching our class the week after March Break. I have extended my Holiday to take our Honey moon. That week if you have any questions or concerns you can direct them to Mme Johanne. I will be back on Monday April 10th.
I hope you all have a safe and rested break.
Laurie Anne
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Quick post
Bonjour tout le monde,
This week is a short one. Students do not have school on Friday. All teachers have a professional development day. We also have a lot going on at school this week. Wednesday at 10 am is the New Year liturgy, all is welcomed to join. Tuesday we have Lisa Bowes coming in to speak with students about her children's books she has been writing. She use to be a sports broadcaster and now has turned her focus to writing. Please check agenda's for note that went home yesterday in regards to pink shirt day. I will also be sending home this weeks your child's sounds quiz to review and sign and send back.
We are now exploring numbers 1-100 in Math. Students are learning to count from 1-100 and also be counting by 5 and 10. Once we have a good grasp on these two concepts we will introduce counting by 2's. Students are also required to recognize numbers out of order up to 100. Please practice at home, there is a 100 frame in their yellow reading duo-tang.
Here is a link to a website to practice filling in 100 frames:
We are going to wrap up the 5 senses in Science with taste which will be coming in the next couple of weeks. We will be looking at the 4 seasons next.
In English, students will be learning about different sound blends and words families. Each week they will learn a new blend and word family. We are also going to start working on our English writing skills. Please continue to review sight words with your child. we have already started evaluations for second terms report card.
In French, we continue to learn about clothing and are taking a closer look at masculine and feminine words. Please review weekly sight words seeing that they will have an evaluation in the next week on those covered so far. Students will also be required to read a small text in French and answer questions, practicing their French reading at home will help.
In Social Studies, students are learning about their rights and responsibilities. We will take a look at schools from around the world, compare them to our own and think of ways to be more responsible in our community and at school.
We are coming close to the 100day of school. I am wondering if any parents would like to volunteer to guide a center/activity on that day. Last year parents came in and made 100 day monsters with 100 objects. If you are interested please let me know. I will also count the days and get back to you to let you know what day it will be exactly.
I am also looking for some great gluers....I have games made that need to be glued to card stock, if you are interested in helping out please let me know and I will send it home with your child.
Have a great week everyone.
Laurie Anne
This week is a short one. Students do not have school on Friday. All teachers have a professional development day. We also have a lot going on at school this week. Wednesday at 10 am is the New Year liturgy, all is welcomed to join. Tuesday we have Lisa Bowes coming in to speak with students about her children's books she has been writing. She use to be a sports broadcaster and now has turned her focus to writing. Please check agenda's for note that went home yesterday in regards to pink shirt day. I will also be sending home this weeks your child's sounds quiz to review and sign and send back.
We are now exploring numbers 1-100 in Math. Students are learning to count from 1-100 and also be counting by 5 and 10. Once we have a good grasp on these two concepts we will introduce counting by 2's. Students are also required to recognize numbers out of order up to 100. Please practice at home, there is a 100 frame in their yellow reading duo-tang.
Here is a link to a website to practice filling in 100 frames:
We are going to wrap up the 5 senses in Science with taste which will be coming in the next couple of weeks. We will be looking at the 4 seasons next.
In English, students will be learning about different sound blends and words families. Each week they will learn a new blend and word family. We are also going to start working on our English writing skills. Please continue to review sight words with your child. we have already started evaluations for second terms report card.
In French, we continue to learn about clothing and are taking a closer look at masculine and feminine words. Please review weekly sight words seeing that they will have an evaluation in the next week on those covered so far. Students will also be required to read a small text in French and answer questions, practicing their French reading at home will help.
In Social Studies, students are learning about their rights and responsibilities. We will take a look at schools from around the world, compare them to our own and think of ways to be more responsible in our community and at school.
We are coming close to the 100day of school. I am wondering if any parents would like to volunteer to guide a center/activity on that day. Last year parents came in and made 100 day monsters with 100 objects. If you are interested please let me know. I will also count the days and get back to you to let you know what day it will be exactly.
I am also looking for some great gluers....I have games made that need to be glued to card stock, if you are interested in helping out please let me know and I will send it home with your child.
Have a great week everyone.
Laurie Anne
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Cheers to 2017!
Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas surrounded by family and friends. The island time was great. I got to visit my friends, hang out with my dad, visit Mikes family and eat my dads cooking. YUM, nothing beats it. I am happy to be back though...not happy to be back to the cold and snow!
Thank you all for the lovely gifts that you and your child gave me for Christmas. I truly appreciate all of them.
We had a huge success this year with Turkeys! We were able to purchase 170 turkeys, plus one that was donated by a family in our class to make it a grand total of 171 Turkeys. We also donated 23 Christmas stockings which were all stuffed, along with the remaining goodies that did not make it into a stocking. We also purchases 9 books of transit passes. Thank you for your support, it means a lot to the kids as well as myself! Because of your support and contribution we had a very successful year!
Here are a few pictures from the days leading up to Turkey delivery day.
We have a new student who joined us on Monday. We are happy to welcome Keen to our awesome class. Our class is now up to 23. If you see him our his family be sure to say hello!
Its the month of January and the students are going to learn all about different articles of clothing. We will tie this in with different seasons and months of the year. They are also going to learn a little bit about masculine/feminine, singular, pluralwords. They should be able to recognize masculine and feminine words and use them accordingly when writing their simple sentences. We will work more on writing sentences with correct punctuation (upper case letters, proper spacing and periods at the end of each sentence) Through out the month of January we will also learn about different winter sports and start to talk about Québec's Winter carnival near the end of the month. Please review sounds of the week with your child at home. So far in class we have covered the following:
oi (oiseau) ou ( loup) on ( cochon) au (auto) eau ( bateau) in ( lapin) eu ( jeu) ui (pluie)
ph- (photo) un (brun) qu (qui) ch- (chien) an ( maman) en ( enfant) am (lampe) em (temps)
Here are some of the vocabulary your child will be learning.
In class, we will start guided reading on a more regular basis. During this time I will work with small groups of students to work on reading strategies. The other students will be in literacy centers, which will have a focus on topics already cover or are presently learning. We have also started in class our "Je parle en francais" chart. Each student has one on their desk and are encouraged to speak French with Madame or their peers. When they attempt to speak French or are heard chatting in French they will get a sticker for their chart. Once the chart is full, which has 14 squares, they can cash in their stickers for a prize. They will take the stickers off and start again. Since starting this on Monday, there are two students who are 1 sticker away from winning. Everyone is very excited.
In Math, we continue to work on numbers 0-20. We have started to count to 50 in French and are working on skip counting by 5 and 10. You can practice at home the concepts plus (more), moins (less) autant que (same) egal a (equals to). PLease also be sure to practice counting in French by 5's and 10's as well as 0-50 or higher if possible.
In English, we have been reviewing vowel sounds long and short. We reviewed all consonants and have been learning about bossy e or magic e. For those of you who don't know about bossy e, it makes the vowels say its name in words. (tap-tape, kit-kite, cut-cute) We will also be looking at beginning, middle and ending sounds in words.
We have library on Thursday, please send books back. Special lunch is on Wednesday. Next week in Gym students will be having hip hop dance. They always love this. Please return the pink A books in your childs reading package for Monday to be switched out with a new one. You will also get a tic tac toe game board in the packages. This is a fun way to practice sight words or vocab found in books or ones that we are learning in class. With a dry erase you write words in all the spaces and play as you normal would play tic tac toe, but you must read the word correctly to be able to put your X or O.
Thank you all for the lovely gifts that you and your child gave me for Christmas. I truly appreciate all of them.
We had a huge success this year with Turkeys! We were able to purchase 170 turkeys, plus one that was donated by a family in our class to make it a grand total of 171 Turkeys. We also donated 23 Christmas stockings which were all stuffed, along with the remaining goodies that did not make it into a stocking. We also purchases 9 books of transit passes. Thank you for your support, it means a lot to the kids as well as myself! Because of your support and contribution we had a very successful year!
Here are a few pictures from the days leading up to Turkey delivery day.
We have a new student who joined us on Monday. We are happy to welcome Keen to our awesome class. Our class is now up to 23. If you see him our his family be sure to say hello!
Its the month of January and the students are going to learn all about different articles of clothing. We will tie this in with different seasons and months of the year. They are also going to learn a little bit about masculine/feminine, singular, pluralwords. They should be able to recognize masculine and feminine words and use them accordingly when writing their simple sentences. We will work more on writing sentences with correct punctuation (upper case letters, proper spacing and periods at the end of each sentence) Through out the month of January we will also learn about different winter sports and start to talk about Québec's Winter carnival near the end of the month. Please review sounds of the week with your child at home. So far in class we have covered the following:
oi (oiseau) ou ( loup) on ( cochon) au (auto) eau ( bateau) in ( lapin) eu ( jeu) ui (pluie)
ph- (photo) un (brun) qu (qui) ch- (chien) an ( maman) en ( enfant) am (lampe) em (temps)
Here are some of the vocabulary your child will be learning.
Please also review the following body parts with your child. They will be required to take a short quiz in the following weeks.
In class, we will start guided reading on a more regular basis. During this time I will work with small groups of students to work on reading strategies. The other students will be in literacy centers, which will have a focus on topics already cover or are presently learning. We have also started in class our "Je parle en francais" chart. Each student has one on their desk and are encouraged to speak French with Madame or their peers. When they attempt to speak French or are heard chatting in French they will get a sticker for their chart. Once the chart is full, which has 14 squares, they can cash in their stickers for a prize. They will take the stickers off and start again. Since starting this on Monday, there are two students who are 1 sticker away from winning. Everyone is very excited.
In Math, we continue to work on numbers 0-20. We have started to count to 50 in French and are working on skip counting by 5 and 10. You can practice at home the concepts plus (more), moins (less) autant que (same) egal a (equals to). PLease also be sure to practice counting in French by 5's and 10's as well as 0-50 or higher if possible.
In English, we have been reviewing vowel sounds long and short. We reviewed all consonants and have been learning about bossy e or magic e. For those of you who don't know about bossy e, it makes the vowels say its name in words. (tap-tape, kit-kite, cut-cute) We will also be looking at beginning, middle and ending sounds in words.
We have library on Thursday, please send books back. Special lunch is on Wednesday. Next week in Gym students will be having hip hop dance. They always love this. Please return the pink A books in your childs reading package for Monday to be switched out with a new one. You will also get a tic tac toe game board in the packages. This is a fun way to practice sight words or vocab found in books or ones that we are learning in class. With a dry erase you write words in all the spaces and play as you normal would play tic tac toe, but you must read the word correctly to be able to put your X or O.

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