Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy school days!

Hi folks sorry for the over due post!
I cant believe how fast the month of January is going by and not one snow day!
We are still learning about winter and the different activities that you can do during this season. I was hoping that we would have had some snow by now, so that we could go snowshoeing! Lets hope March might bring us a little dusting.

I hope that the reading is going well at home. I have noticed a difference in their fluidity. It is really important that you read with your child every night! As well as to practise the sight words. We will be going back to our regular homework schedule as well as reading in February.

We have started our addition unit in math with numbers up to 12. Feel free to practise these at home as well as doubles up to 10. ( 9+9=18, 8+8= 16) If you are really eager you can give them a head start on doubles plus 1. ( 8+8= 16 so  8+9= 17) We also continue to count to 100 and by 5 and 10.

In class we have started to write our own books. Students are giving 4 blank sheets of paper and can write any story they want. They are having a great time doing this and some have complete their first book and are starting their second or third. They are to come up with their own story ideas and are using their dictionaries asd well as the word wall if unsure of how to spell a word. Some students are even sounding out their words!!

Next week is winter carnival in Quebec. I would like to celebrate this in class. We have different activities planned for each day to go along with the carnival. I was hoping to have a winter activity planned for Friday Feb 3 and have the parents attend, but as it looks now we wont have any snow. I will keep you posted.

Friday is Literacy awareness day. Our super intendent will be here to read stories to the students. in the afternoon the whole school will be participating in literacy centres. They will be visiting three different centres each with a different focus on literacy.

A reminder that  we have no school on Feb 1.

I will be sending home a list of the students names for valentines day. Also if you would like to send in a treat with your child it is more than welcomed.
That's all for now. Have a great rest of the week
Mme LA

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