Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The countdown has officially started!!

HI Everyone,
We have officially started the countdown to the end of school! Hard to believe that we have 20 days! How the year has flown by. As you already know we have started the alphabet countdown and its going great. The students are excited to participate each day and its also a great revision of their sounds. They also have started a dictionary where they write new words under the letter of the day.

This coming month will be very busy filled with field trips, concerts and tiding up. Please keep a close eye in your child's agenda for any notes that might come home regarding any of these events.

We will be wrapping up learning about the life cycle of plants, frogs and butterflies and will be moving onto learning about different insects, our environment, water and of course summer. We have also been learning about our 5 sens and doing some in class experiments. We have also looked at the differences of living and non-living things.

In math we have finished our measurement unit and now will focus the reminder of the year on numbers 1-100, addition and subtraction up to 20. These units include story problems (oral and written), counting by 2,5,10, place value, doubles, doubles plus one. Please continue to work on these at home.

We will be visintg a couple of farms this Friday to go along with out farm theme. Please dress your child appropriately. We will also not be back in time for subs so please pack a lunch for your child if you usually get subs. Also rubber boats would be a great idea seeing that we will be going in and out of barns as well as walking around the barn yard.

We will be adventuring to Shinning waters as a school on June 20th. We will need parent volunteers for this so if you are interested please let me know. Ideally I would like to divide the children in groups of 3 or 4 to one parent. It worked great last year and allowed me to circulate and see each group.

Our finally concert of is scheduled for June 14. The showings will go the same as the Christmas concert, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

I hope that the new homework is going well ! It is still very important that your child reads every night so please continue to do so.

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