Monday, May 6, 2013

Hello Sunshine!

Three cheers for the sun making a warm appearance this week end and today! I so hope its here to stay and will follow me to PEI this week. I am heading home on Wednesday and will be back Sunday afternoon sometime. I am just heading home for a visit and this was the cheapest time to go. Mme Claudette will be in for me for all three days.
We are finishing up learning about farm animals, their proper names, their homes and will be exploring the plant cycle and the many different insects that are out and about this time of year. The students will get a chance to see how plants grow and watch the germination process. They will note any changes as they see them on a graphing scale and compare their seed to their classmates.
We will be working on les verbes "etre" and "avoir" this week and the proper use of them. We will continue to look at les pronoms and les phrases masculin et feminine. The class finally received their letters from their pen pals, which they were super excited about getting. We are now working on writing them back and will type our good copies on the computers. I hope to send them right away so that we get in at least one more letter before schools out for summer!
Math, math, math we are still working on subtraction of double digit problems and will be learning how to solve word problems. I found a great subtraction poem today (in English) that I showed the class. I think its great and catchy!
I found this on pinterest!
In English we are still learning to write different types of poems. So far in class we have looked at Haiku's, Cinquain and acrostics. We are collectively writing acrostic poems for each student in the class. The end result is a book of acrostic poems that your child can take home. Its great to see the respect and compassion that the students have for each other.

Ok that's about all I have right now. Just keep up the reading at home in French and practice some addition and subtraction problems at home. Get out there and enjoy the sunshine!
Mme LA


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