Monday, February 22, 2016

100 days of school!

Can you believe it this week we will have been in school for 100 days! The kids are super excited for the 100th day tomorrow. I cant wait to see them dressed in their 100 day t-shirts! In the morning we have some parent volunteers here to do a surprise activity with the students! I don't even know what they have planned!
This week is a full week with something happening everyday. Tuesday along with the 100th day there is the Christian action assembly at 10:30. Wednesday is Pink shirt day to promote awareness against bullying. Mme Wilma the musician in residence will also be here and teachers pet will be here to teach us all about country and city living. Choir for grade 1 will be Tuesday and Thursday. Library this week is Wednesday also. Friday the students will be observing the Geographie finals put on every year by M.Iticka.
In class, we have been catching up and finishing work. I have sent home the black and red duo-tangs with most of the kids to work on and catch up or finish if possible. Don't fret we are all a little behind, hence why I sent them home. Thanks for helping us out by working on them. Once finished you can send them in to be corrected. Just a friendly reminder that if you child is working on their school work at home, please have them do so in pencil, not pen.
I don't have much this week. Keep reading, practicing sight words and work on counting by 5's in French up to 100. Have a great week everyone.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Rested and full of new ideas!

Hi everyone,
Welcome back from a long break! I hope you all had a great time with the family and got to enjoy the weather. I had a great two days at convention and learned a lot. I went to a couple of workshops on Math as well as literacy. I bought some cool games to add to our centers in class and some new stickers! I will share some of the information I think you may find helpful.

** I attend two sessions on literacy. One on how to help parents at home with reading as well as immersive literacy for kids. I got a lot of great resources for all of you to try at home or explore when you have time. A couple of points Id like to share with you that the presenter said to get you thinking. 1) Reading levels and listening levels are not the same. Often children may not be able to read but if they are read to daily then are just as able to understand, make connections and comprehend the text.
2)If your child struggles to read or hasn't the desire yet, try wordless picture books and have them tell the story based on the pictures.
3) Dad you have to put in some reading time either with the kids or at least have them see you read. This is especially important for the boys to see.
4) There's no app to replace your lap.

I game was mentioned also to try at home which I love!! They said let your child flash lite read maybe once a week, get under the covers with a book and flash light and read. What kid wouldn't love that! You could also do something like this with their sight words on the ceiling. Have them shine the flashlight on each word and read!

Here is also a list of websites they game us that may help you at home with reading. This presentation had a lot of great ideas but didn't have many for French....which is probably what most of you would love to have! If I find anything similar ill send it your way. **Free tutor**

Before I forget out class will have our long over due pizza party from way back in October when we won the gala basket contest. We will be having it this Thursday the 18th at noon. No need to pack a lunch! YAY! However if you child does not dig pizza please pack them a lunch.

The 100th day of school is next week, Feb 23. Students are asked to sport a 100 day t-shirt if possible. I have done this in the past and the students love it. It takes a little work on your part, seeing that they have to glue, stick or paste 100 items on a t-shirt. Its a great counting activity! Pinterest has some great ideas and examples if you are stuck. I will include the link to help you out.

Thursday Feb 24 we will have an in class fieldtrip. Teachers pet will be coming in to teach us all about urban and rural living. We still need 1 parent volunteer for 1 o'clock. If you are available please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks.

This Friday we as a school are collecting lotion for the drop in center. We usually do Sandwiches but we learned also last year there are a lot of items on their wish list that are harder to fill sometimes. If you are interested in helping out feel free.

That's it for this short week!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February is upon us!

Hi everyone,
Sorry for the overdue post! This week is full of excitement at school seeing that carnival is starting on Wednesday. Opening ceremonies start at 9am with the crowning of the King and Queen. This is awarded to the students who speaking the most French in class. Your child can be nominated by friends in their class by simply speaking French as much as possible.
It works out great because we have just started our French speaking incentive chart in class today. Students receive a sticker to put on their chart every time they are caught speaking French with a friend or by making an effort to speak French with Madame and other teachers. After they fill their chart they get a prize from the prize box and start all over again. They are super excited and wow already they are making an effort and encouraging each other.
Through out the week students will be participating in activities related to carnival. Thursday they get to sample "le tire d'erable" which is always yummy....and a bit messy lol. On Friday we will have our outdoor activities for the whole day. Please dress your child for the weather.
With a new month comes another new adventure in learning for our students. The month February they are going to be learning about friendships, all about the rooms in the house and the items that can be found. We are also going to take a closer look at syllables, singular and plural words. This week we are trying to finish up a few last items on clothing. The students will have a quiz to associate items of clothing to their proper name and be required to write a sentence using an article of clothing. To receive bonus points they can add colors to their sentences.
Tomorrow we will celebrate groundhogs day and hope for an early spring! There French sound this week is hard and soft "Gg" the same as English.

In Math, we continue to learn about addition and have started to learn more about subtraction. The students do need to work on identifying numbers higher than 50 in French. Please practice at home if you have a few minutes. We have also started to count by 5's up to 100. They are starting to get the hang of it but more practice is needed.

Here is a video you can use to help the students practice counting by 10's and 5's in French. (by 10's) (by 5's) (Not in love with this video but its what the students need to know how to do by the end of grade 1)

In Social studies, we have started one of my favorite units! The students will be learning the differences between country living (Rurale/campagne) and city living (Urbaine/ville). We have a great time chatting about the differences and similarities. We will talk about what we hear, see, do in each.

We have finished up our science unit on our 5 sens and have one more quiz left before we start our new unit on building things. This unit students will experiment with different building materials and will use their imaginations to come up with new designs.

This is a heads up on next months theme for all of you. We will learn about method sof transportation and traditions. Every year I ask my parents to ask their friends and family from around the world to send a post card to the class. On the post card they can include traditions, food, languages spoken, common methods of travel or anything neat. Once we get the post cards we read them,look the area up on the map, chat about how we could get there from Calgary and so on. So please help us this year by recruiting your friends and family! They can send their post cards to the following address:
La classe de Mme Laurie Anne
Holy Name school
3011 35 street, SW
Calgary, Alberta
T3E 2Y7

Here is a class list of all the students name in my class just in case you need them for you valentines next weeks valentines. We will celebrate Valentine's on Tuesday due to Ash Wednesday. Tuesday next week is also Shrove Tuesday.

Boys                                                       Girls                            
Brio         Thomas                        Evalina      Sofia
Mirek       Mitchell                       Claire         Jessica
Toby        Zenon                           Hannah      Anna
William    Alex                             Gianna       Colette
Declan      Dallan                          Mallory      Ailee
Percy        Matthew                       Amelia

I am looking for 3 volunteers for Feb 24th at 1pm. Teachers pet is coming in to do an in class field trip with the students. If you are available and interested please let me know.
I think that is it for the week.....
Laurie Anne

If you have time and want to check out some games to play at home with your child check out the links below.
Let me know if they work.