Monday, February 22, 2016

100 days of school!

Can you believe it this week we will have been in school for 100 days! The kids are super excited for the 100th day tomorrow. I cant wait to see them dressed in their 100 day t-shirts! In the morning we have some parent volunteers here to do a surprise activity with the students! I don't even know what they have planned!
This week is a full week with something happening everyday. Tuesday along with the 100th day there is the Christian action assembly at 10:30. Wednesday is Pink shirt day to promote awareness against bullying. Mme Wilma the musician in residence will also be here and teachers pet will be here to teach us all about country and city living. Choir for grade 1 will be Tuesday and Thursday. Library this week is Wednesday also. Friday the students will be observing the Geographie finals put on every year by M.Iticka.
In class, we have been catching up and finishing work. I have sent home the black and red duo-tangs with most of the kids to work on and catch up or finish if possible. Don't fret we are all a little behind, hence why I sent them home. Thanks for helping us out by working on them. Once finished you can send them in to be corrected. Just a friendly reminder that if you child is working on their school work at home, please have them do so in pencil, not pen.
I don't have much this week. Keep reading, practicing sight words and work on counting by 5's in French up to 100. Have a great week everyone.

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