Monday, May 16, 2016

Happy May long!

Happy short two weeks everyone! Just a reminder we have no school on Friday May 20th, the teachers have a PD day and Monday we have off too! Have fun where ever your travels will take you.
Tuesday May 17th we are off to Butterfield Acres. Please dress your child for the weather. Apply sunscreen at home, bring a hat if needed. I am also going to ask that you pack your child a through away lunch (paper bag...) This is easier for everyone seeing that the kids don't have to take their lunch bags along with them. I will have a box to put everything in but the students are responsible for their things. I suggest rubber boots because we do go for a walk in the woods and in and out of pens. Your child can also bring along 25 cents to feed the animals. This is a huge hit! We are there all day and will be returning to school around 2:00.
On Wednesday, if your child signed up for the talent show they will be auditioning at lunch time in the gym. We also have special lunch that day.
If your child has been asked to present a French poem, please make sure they are ready to present it on Thursday the 19th. We will be getting all grade 1's together to present.
Our class also has morning prayers next week. I will be asking for some volunteers, please help them practice for the following week.
I think that's it for now. Have a great week!

Monday, May 9, 2016


Happy Monday everyone,
I hope you had a great week end. This morning we had a fabulous presentation put on my the Muli family choir all the way from Kenya. It was great to hear them sing, show off their karate skills not to mention their acrobatics. They will be playing a concert this Friday at St. Mike's church. Entry is a donation of your choice. I hope to go. We also had Constable Hartman come in and talk to us about using our tools to help solve our problems.

Wednesday is also our Marion literacy. It is starting at 2:00. If you can make it we would love to see you. Mom's please be sure to come out so we can celebrate you!

Thursday the 12th Mme Jacqueline and Mme Katarina's class will be putting on a movie night to raise money for their entrepreneurial project. You can still purchase tickets. Tickets are $ 5.00. Doors open around 6:00, movie starts at 6:30. You can purchase snacks there. All proceeds go to WWF.
Please be sure to send in the two permission forms (Butterfield Acres, French Play St. Rose) if you have not done so yet.
I hope the ice cream reading challenge is going well! We only have a couple of students who are still waiting to read their English sight words and French sentences. Keep working on them at home!

In Math, we have finished up shapes and are now working on measurement. This is another quick unit but the kids love learning all about it.

I hope to finish up building things in science this week and moving onto plants and animals.
In Social studies, we continue to learn about the province we live in, surrounding areas as well as the provinces and territories that Canada is made up of. We are having a little trouble understanding the different between province and country. Feel free to explain !
In English, we are working on putting sentences together and building on ideas to make a short story. We continue to review blends, vowel combinations and sight words.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one.
Keep smiling!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May already!

Well I cant believe we are in the month of May. I am not ready to send these little ones off to grade 2 in just two months. I am however ready for summer breezes and resting on the beach next to the ocean! But that can wait.

We are finishing up our farm animals unit and will be moving onto plants and animals. The students will be starting to learn more complex French sounds and review past sounds. We will continue to work on our French stories. We will focus on correct punctuation, does the sentence make sense and have we tried to include beginning, middle and end in our stories.

Today was also the first day of Ice cream reading challenge. The reading packages will come home tomorrow, but anytime you read you can fill in a square for your child. A lot of the students have already earned their bowl and spoon. If you child has not earned the bowl or spoon yet please help them practice their English sight words and French sentences at home. There is a chart on the wall and they love putting the stickers up to show they have succeeded.

I hope to finish up the Shapes unit in math this week and move onto measurement. Both of these units are quick. We then will get back to our favorite friends addition and subtraction up to 20. You can help them out by practicing at home.

We are off to 4 cats art studio tomorrow. we will be painting soo keep that in mind for tomorrows outfit. On Monday the 9th we have constable Hartman coming in to chat with the students.
He will be giving them strategies on how to solve their problems and how to calm themselves when they are feeling stressed or anxious.

Wednesday is Hats on Day at Holy Name. Students can wear their hats by donating $2.00 to the mental health foundation. Wednesday is also library day and special lunch.
I think that is all for this week.
Laurie Anne Social Studies game to identify parts of Canada.
 Another game to play about Canada
Canadian Provinces and Territories, plus additional information