Monday, May 16, 2016

Happy May long!

Happy short two weeks everyone! Just a reminder we have no school on Friday May 20th, the teachers have a PD day and Monday we have off too! Have fun where ever your travels will take you.
Tuesday May 17th we are off to Butterfield Acres. Please dress your child for the weather. Apply sunscreen at home, bring a hat if needed. I am also going to ask that you pack your child a through away lunch (paper bag...) This is easier for everyone seeing that the kids don't have to take their lunch bags along with them. I will have a box to put everything in but the students are responsible for their things. I suggest rubber boots because we do go for a walk in the woods and in and out of pens. Your child can also bring along 25 cents to feed the animals. This is a huge hit! We are there all day and will be returning to school around 2:00.
On Wednesday, if your child signed up for the talent show they will be auditioning at lunch time in the gym. We also have special lunch that day.
If your child has been asked to present a French poem, please make sure they are ready to present it on Thursday the 19th. We will be getting all grade 1's together to present.
Our class also has morning prayers next week. I will be asking for some volunteers, please help them practice for the following week.
I think that's it for now. Have a great week!

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