Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Cheers to 2017!

Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas surrounded by family and friends. The island time was great. I got to visit my friends, hang out with my dad, visit Mikes family and eat my dads cooking. YUM, nothing beats it. I am happy to be back though...not happy to be back to the cold and snow!

Thank you all for the lovely gifts that you and your child gave me for Christmas. I truly appreciate all of them.

We had a huge success this year with Turkeys! We were able to purchase 170 turkeys, plus one that was donated by a family in our class to make it a grand total of 171 Turkeys. We also donated 23 Christmas stockings which were all stuffed, along with the remaining goodies that did not make it into a stocking. We also purchases 9 books of transit passes. Thank you for your support, it means a lot to the kids as well as myself! Because of your support and contribution we had a very successful year!
Here are a few pictures from the days leading up to Turkey delivery day.


We have a new student who joined us on Monday. We are happy to welcome Keen to our awesome class. Our class is now up to 23. If you see him our his family be sure to say hello!

Its the month of January and the students are going to learn all about different articles of clothing. We will tie this in with different seasons and months of the year. They are also going to  learn a little bit about masculine/feminine, singular, pluralwords. They should be able to recognize masculine and feminine words and use them accordingly when writing their simple sentences. We will work more on writing sentences with correct punctuation (upper case letters, proper spacing and periods at the end of each sentence) Through out the month of January we will also learn about different winter sports and start to talk about Québec's Winter carnival near the end of the month. Please review sounds of the week with your child at home. So far in class we have covered the following:
oi (oiseau)   ou ( loup)  on ( cochon)  au  (auto)  eau ( bateau)  in ( lapin)  eu  ( jeu)  ui (pluie)
ph- (photo)  un  (brun)  qu  (qui)  ch- (chien) an ( maman) en ( enfant) am (lampe)  em (temps)

Here are some of the vocabulary your child will be learning.

Please also review the following body parts with your child. They will be required to take a short quiz in the following weeks.

In class, we will start guided reading on a more regular basis. During this time I will work with small groups of students to work on reading strategies. The other students will be in literacy centers, which will have a focus on topics already cover or are presently learning. We have also started in class our "Je parle en francais" chart. Each student has one on their desk and are encouraged to speak French with Madame or their peers. When they attempt to speak French or are heard chatting in French they will get a sticker for their chart. Once the chart is full, which has 14 squares, they can cash in their stickers for a prize. They will take the stickers off and start again. Since starting this on Monday, there are two students who are 1 sticker away from winning. Everyone is very excited.

In Math, we continue to work on numbers 0-20. We have started to count to 50 in French and are working on skip counting by 5 and 10. You can practice at home the concepts plus (more), moins (less) autant que (same) egal a (equals to). PLease also be sure to practice counting in French by 5's and 10's as well as 0-50 or higher if possible.

In English, we have been reviewing vowel sounds long and short. We reviewed all consonants and have been learning about bossy e or magic e. For those of you who don't know about bossy e, it makes the vowels say its name in words. (tap-tape, kit-kite, cut-cute) We will also be looking at beginning, middle and ending sounds in words.

We have library on Thursday, please send books back. Special lunch is on Wednesday. Next week in Gym students will be having hip hop dance. They always love this. Please return the pink A books in your childs reading package for Monday to be switched out with a new one. You will also get a tic tac toe game board in the packages. This is a fun way to practice sight words or vocab found in books or ones that we are learning in class. With a dry erase you write words in all the spaces and play as you normal would play tic tac toe, but you must read the word correctly to be able to put your X or O.

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