Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How are things?

Welcome to a new week. How are things going with the reading packages? Are we all remembering to fill out the reading log sheets for both French and English? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry I am sure you are not alone. You do not have to do everything in the package every single day.  A lot of it is there to do throughout the week, all I ask is that you read everyday if possible with your child, whether they read to you or you read to them say at bedtime. Pick alternate dates French -Mon-Wed-Fri, English-Tues-Thurs. After you are done reading help them build on comprehension by asking the 5w's (who, what, when, where, why). I have been taking students during snack time to go over their sights words, the last two weeks I have only focused on the French side. I am very happy with their progress so far. You may see my chicken scratch initials on the cards, which means if they read 5 they got a prize from the prize box. Students had to read each word correctly in order to get a signature. For the rest of this week and next I will be asking them to read the English side, so please remind them to practice.

I have started to evaluate the students with their French alphabet sounds and names. Those tested so far have been great with sounds but seem to have forgotten the letter names in French. If you get a chance to review with them that would be great...even singing A,B,C in French will help.
In French and social studies we are learning about our family tree and how we are apart of that group. Students are also learning how to identify if the words are femine and masculine. ( un papa, une maman, la soeur...) In the next week we will start to learn our Halloween vocabulary and do some fun activities.

Today we talked about literacy centers and how we should behave in centers. I hope to start these in the next couple of weeks. As a class we will start to practice how centers should run and once we have got the hang of it, we will do them on a regular basis. Students will participate in 5-6 centers working in small groups of 3-4 children. At first students will be placed in groups at random. Once I have had the opportunity to read with them a couple of times they will be placed based on reading level. This will change through out the year based on progress and working well together. When students are in centers I will be working with a small group.

In Math, we have finished up with patterning and have moved onto numbers 0-20. Students are learning the different ways to count and represent numbers. They are required to recognize the written name of numbers 0-20 in French. (un, deux, trois, quatre...) These can be found in the yellow duo-tang if you are wanting to practice with them. We have also started to count backwards from 20-0 in French. 20-10 is a challenge, especial numbers 13,14,15,16.
Food donations are due tomorrow, please return bags.
Hip hop dance will start next week
Special lunch- Wednesday- Jugo juice
Happy Week!
Laurie Anne

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