Sunday, April 28, 2019

April where did you go?

HI everyone,
I cannot believe we are almost done of April. Two months of school! EEEKKK! We still have so much to do it seems! 

Aprils ice cream reading log is due this week. Thank you to those of you who have already sent them in. Way to go! I have done most English words and French sentences already, there are only a couple kids left to get their bowl and spoon. Everyone is working hard and have been eager to read their words and sentences. For those who haven't yet read please keep working on this at home with your child. 
The reading packages will go home this week, please send in the Pink books if it is not in your reading package. Library is on Monday April 29th. Mme Fiona praised the students a couple of weeks ago for being the only class in the school to bring all their books back, now that want to keep that going haha so here is the advance reminder.
We also have computers for the first time this week....Wish me luck! This is a lot fun but can also be hectic seeing that many of the sweet children lack patience with logging in and lose sight of the only one Madame to help!
Mme Holly has borrowed a class set of Djambe drums. Our class has signed up to go three times in the next two weeks. The students are learning about the origin of the drums, what the drum symbolizes as well as the different sounds the drum can produce. We will work on beat and rhythm as well as coping following a rhythm.
Wednesday May first is Hats on for Mental health. Students are allowed to wear their favorite hats to school by donating $2.00.
Be sure to get your spring fling order forms in by  April 29th if you want to eat pizza. Spring fling is on Thursday May 2. The students always have a great time and its always great to get to see you all again before the end of the year.
Mme Jacqueline's class is having their annual movie night to support another great cause. I sent home the ticket order forms before break. Those are due May 7th. It tends to sell out fast so be sure to get your orders in. The movie night is on May 16th.
We have the opportunity also to have Mme Elaine come to our class one afternoon in May. She use to be our artist in residence for a couple of years. She is very talented and in all its a fabulous learning experience for the students. 
Have a great week everyone! Lets hope there's no more snow!

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