Monday, January 27, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you all a healthy, adventurous 2020 filled with endless love, laughter and new memories. Thank you all for the Christmas wishes and gifts. I hope the break was relaxing and you all had the chance to enjoy each other.
We are in full swing and right back to normal life here in grade one. This month the students are learning all about clothing and winter activities. We will tie it in with our science unit as well which is seasonal changes. With different seasons comes different clothing, different activities. In French, students are also learning more about nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives. We are learning how to identify feminine, masculine, singular and plural words. Students have been working on writing a more complex sentence by adding details, such as color or plural words.

We have finished up our Science unit on our 5 senses and are learning about seasonal changes. Students will learn the reason for the seasons, by looking at migration, hibernation, how animals prepare, what do plants do and so on.

In Social studies, we continue to learn about our rights and responsibilities at school, home, in our groups and around our community. We will also start to learn more about the city we live in and the differences between urban and rural living.

Math, we continue to work on addition up to 12 and will start subtraction this week. Students should continue to work on skip counting by 2, 5 and 10 as well as identifying numbers our of sequence up to 100. In the coming weeks we will take a break from addition/subtraction to work on measurement. I encourage you to continue working on addition/subtraction problems at home. 

Health, we are learning about how to stay healthy by exercising, eating healthy foods and staying hydrated. Students will explore the Canadian food guide. We are also learning how to be a good friend and learning how to identify emotions and feelings in a positive manner.

I have created a sign up genius looking for volunteers to come in and read with small groups of students in either French or English. You can sign up for one day or many. So far I have included January, February and March. If you are interested you can copy the link below and sign up.

February scholastic orders will be coming home, hopefully this week. Please have your orders in by Monday Feb 3. The Club de lecture has Mes dictee 1re annee for 10.50, not sure what it would be like but it might be good to grab as extra French practice at home if you are looking for anything. 

The 100th day of school is on February 20th! I cant believe that we are there already! We will have a day of celebration. Students are can dress up as 100 year olds or wear a shirt with 100 items attached to it. In years past we have had parent volunteers come in and do centers based on 100 day activities. Pinterest has a lot of fun options.  Students are also allowed to bring in a healthy treat to celebrate the day. Look for the email coming soon from our parent rep!

We have started guided reading and literacy centers. They are going well and we are slowly getting the hang of it. We have also started a reading incentive in class. Students start out with sight words grouped in colors. There are 9 colors in total. Once students finish their list, the get a prize and move onto the next challenge which is sentences using all the words they just mastered. Once they finish these sentences they will move onto sentences using French phoneme like oi, ou, on and so on.
This has been a real hit and I cant seem to keep up with the demand to read their words to me! I love it!

This week I will be starting reading evaluations to see where your child is at for their French reading. This usually takes a couple of weeks. Please be sure to practice their sight words and to continue reading daily. 

In line skating starts next week, students are asked to bring their helmets to school. Our class goes Monday morning, first thing, Tuesday 11am, Wednesday 10:15am, Thursday 12:45 pm and Friday 2:15.

Our class will be helping Mme Teresa's class with their valentine project in the next couple of weeks. Once I know more details I will pass them along.

I think this is all for now. I hope you all have a fabulous week.

Laurie Anne :)

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