Sunday, September 26, 2021

Short Week

 Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a fabulous week and a productive week end. The weather has been amazing! I hope it keeps up into the weeks to come. 
Next week is a short week for us seeing that it is only 3 days. It will be a very busy one here at Spring Park. We will celebrate Diversity week starting the week off with wearing orange shirts on Monday to show our support. If your child does not have an orange shirt they are encouraged to wear anything they have that is orange to show their support. On Monday our class will participate in a drum circle happening in the afternoon. Friday we listened to a drum circle on youtube. Through out the week we will read stories and do activities to further our learning. 

Our school wide Terry Fox run will be happening through out the day on Wednesday. Our class cohort will take the last slot of the day before heading home. Please be sure to check the weather for the day and dress them accordingly. The school will be collecting 1$ donation for the Terry Fox foundation. If you wish to donate please send in money on or before Wednesday. Any donation is excepted! Terry Fox always sparks a lot of conversation, feelings and emotions. It would be great if you spoke with your child about him and his journey to get them ready for the special day. 
Here are a couple of links you can watch as a family to get ready for the day. Terry Fox and Me - Terry Fox, Anything is possible - Never give up on a dream-Rod Stewart 

Wednesday September 29 is library. The librarian has asked that the books be
returned the day before library. Please return books on Tuesday September 28 if your child has not already returned them. 

Friday your child went home with a yellow song duo tang. They will share their songs with you. We aren't great lol but we are working on it! I will attach a link to the last song in the duo tang to help you out. Please be sure to return Monday as we will continue to practice together.

I will be sending home new Jolly phonic practice sheets on Monday (c,e,x,n,l) We will keep these letters for an extra week seeing that we only have 3 days to cover them. The dark blue duo tang can stay home. Please take it out of the blue bag if you have not yet. When checking the agenda also please be sure to sign it daily. This lets me know you are looking at it, just in case a message has been put in there. If you have not paid your school fees yet this is a friendly reminder to please do so. You can pay the office $45.00. 

We will be having two nursing students join us in class over the next couple of weeks to observe the students. A letter went home the other day from the Nursing department, you can find out more there. Please sign this form and return by September 29. Students are asked to bring a Teddy bear for October 7th. I will send a reminder closer to that date. Please do not forget to send your child with forks/spoons. I do not have any in the class to pass out so some have been creative lately trying to eat their lunches and snacks. 

We will be learning all about apples this week. One of our projects will be to make apple sauce in class if time is in our favor. Could you please send in a plastic bowl and spoon in a ziplock bag with your child's name on it for Monday. 

Thats all for now. Hope a great week! 

No school thursday or Friday.
Terry Fox Wednesday- Bring $1 donation
Drum Circle and Orange shirt day Monday- Wear orange.
Library book return tuesday-Library class wednesday. 
School Fees due
Teddy Bear Clinic forms due Wednesday
Return yellow song duo tang Monday. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Welcome to Maternelle!

 Hello everyone! 
Welcome to the exciting world of Maternelle! It will be a fabulous year of learning together! This is my first year teaching kindergarten however, I have taught grade 1 French immersion for over 10 years. I love this age for so many reasons! I am looking forward to meeting you all and working along side you as we watch your child grow both socially and academically! 

Just in case you wanted to know a little about me. I am from PEI and went through the French Immersion program in Summerside. I taught at Greenfield Elementary for a couple of years before I moved to Calgary. I taught grade two then back to grade one until this past June, when we decided to move our little family home to this beautiful island. Our daughter Winnie loves being here and going to see her grandparents and the beach! You will hear a lot of stories am sure of our adventures! 

Here is a little break down of what we will be learning. This month in class we will focus on routine, following instructions, how to play in large and small groups along with new French vocabulary focusing on school supplies this month. This week in class we are learning letters sounds and names for "m","i","a", and "t". We covered "s" last week. Every Friday we will review the letter sounds. You can help your childs' progression by reviewing with them and going over the Jolly phonics duo tang that will be sent home. We have also been working on pencil grasp and following a line of print. This is something we will continue to work on over the months to come. In class we teach and cover many subjects cross-curricular our main focus is on literacy and numeracy. 

In math, students are learning about patterns. They must know how to make a pattern using different attributes (ab, ab, ab/ aab, aab, aab/ abc,abc,abc.....) We have talked about how a pattern can be different sizes, have different colors, shapes, objects but patterns must repeat 3 times to make it a pattern. In French, patterns are called, les regularites. We will also be counting to 10 in French. Students will be working in math centers also this week, focusing on representing numbers with objects, recreating patterns, and counting.

In Science, we are learning about colors. Students will learn the name of colors in French. So far we have talked about the primary colors (rouge, jaune et bleu). This week they will do some experiments mixing these colors to find out what will happen. (Making secondary colors) 

In health, we will be learning about germs and how to properly wash our hands! In social studies, students will be learning about the meaning of identity, what makes us unique and what talents do we all have.

Students will also have the opportunity to develop their fine motor skills by participating in cutting, hole punch, pin push, tweezer centers this week. 

The students will take home their song duo tang Friday.  They will take it home every Friday and return it on Monday as we will be adding new songs each week.  This week we will focused on two songs and am sure they will love to sing these to you! Here are some links to songs we are singing in class. 

Students will have their first library day on Tuesday, day 5. They are to return their library book in a extra-large ziplock bag labelled with their name please. 

We are practicing in class Bonjour! Je m'appelle________. Hi! My name is _____. Comment ca va? How are you? Ca va bien. I am good. Ca va comme-ci, comme-ca. I am OK. Ca va mal. I am not good or I feel bad. It can mean many different feelings.  You can practice these at home with your child! 

I think that's all for now. 

Have a great week! Enjoy the sunshine! 
Mme Laurie-Anne

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

March sunshine!

 Happy March everyone! Looking forward to warmer weather and new possibilities in the weeks to come! I love the longer evening also. I hope you are all well and keeping busy. 

This month in class we are learning about modes of transportation in French. Students will learn to classify these methods of transport based on their ability to roll (roule), fly (vole) or float (flotte). We have been playing games using the French word wall, this is something you can also do at home with their sight words. You can have your child find words that have 1,2,3 or more syllables, find a word with 1,2,3 consonants, find a word that rhymes with.... find a word that has 1,2,3..vowels, find a word that has 2,3,4.... letters, find a word that starts with/ends with...these are just a few examples. This can also be done in both French and English. We will start to focus more on French rhyming words, paying closer attention to punctuation and reading with expression. 

In Math, student have started their geometry unit, learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Students will learn how to group shapes together by similar characteristics. As we work on this unit we will continue to practice skip counting by 2, 5 and 10 up to 100 in French. It would be a benefit if your child continued practicing addition and subtraction facts. Their last unit will be on addition and subtraction up to 20. Here is a website if you wanted to print off some worksheets.  ** This one is great has skip counting, fill in the blanks.

Our Science unit this month is on building things. Students will learn about different building materials and we will have building different things in class. This is a short unit. Students will build a leprechaun trap at home and present it in class. On the google classroom you will find a link to vocabulary that they can use to present their project. It has to be done in French. They can write it out if they want to. They can use this structure....Voici mon piege de farfadet. Pour construire cet piège j'ai utilisé ......Le farfadet .....(grimper, sauter, tomber, jouer...) They can also use geometry vocabulary by describing the shapes of items used ( La boite est un carré.)  They are encouraged to use all the French vocabulary they know. (size, color, shape) All projects are due Monday march 15th. We will start to present monday. Bill Nye- Structures _Rosie Revere engineer read aloud How to catch a leprechaun read aloud
Social studies, we continue to learn about urban and rural living. Students are also starting to learn about Canada's 10 provinces and 3 territories. We will learn a little about cardinal direction (North, South, East, West).  Provinces and Territories song ( its unique lol) Urban/rural explanation Country mouse-City mouse in French

In English, we are working on writing simple sentences to tell a story or to answer questions being asked. We continue to work on blends and word families as well as different reading strategies such as when two vowels go walking the first one does the talking. We have also learned about bossy e or silent e. We have started to make story predictions, retelling the story with details and reviewing the 5 w's (who, what, when, where, why and how) to help with comprehension. This is something you can work on at home as well when reading bedtime stories or even asking them about their day! -When two vowels go walking -Bossy e

On St. Patrick's day students can wear green or dress up as a leprechaun. We have no school on friday march 19th seeing that it is a PD day for teachers. 
Mme Teresa's grade one class is collecting no perishable food items for St.Vincent de Paul all month. If you have the ability to donate a little something they would be grateful for your help. 
Thank you for filling out the reading package dup tang with book titles and levels. I usually come in on a sunday and exchange them and having them filled out makes exchanging them so much smoother!
 If you find yourself at home depot near the paint sample department ;) feel free to grab our class some paint chips. 
I believe that's all i have for now.
Laurie Anne 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

February is upon us, can you feel the love?

 Happy February everyone! This is a short month seeing that we have family day and teacher conference in the next couple of weeks. It was great meeting with you last week during parent teachers. Thank you for your on going support at home and in school. 

This month, the students will be learning about La maison, the house. They will learn the names of the rooms in a house and the items that are found in each room. We will also be learning more about the importance of friendship all month long (l'amitie). This ties in with our health as well as religion unit. Also the month of February brings valentine's day, carnival and the 100 day of school! 

Valentines day this year will be done a little differently. Students have been asked to bring their valentines in on Friday Feb 5th. They do not have to be personalized, if you have already done so that is OK, as long as your child is able to read the name. The valentines will sit over the week end and be delivered the following week. We have 13 girls in our class and 7 boys. The students want to have a little celebration If you wish to send in a valentine treat ( individually packaged for 20 students) on Monday Feb 8th our class will have the celebration in the afternoon. 
Boys- Owen, Carter, Lincoln, Miles, Gerry, Richard, Leo
Girls- Corrie, Claire.B, Yohana, Emma-Lee, Isla, Itohan, Ella, Millie, Dahlia, Samara, Charlotte, Tenley, Claire.M, 

The week of Feb 8- 10 the school will be celebrating Quebec carnaval. There will be activities planned over the 3 days of school. The teachers will be dressing in plaid shirts all week, the students are welcome to join in. 

There will be no school Thursday Feb 11, Friday Feb 12 due to teacher convention. There is also no school on mon Feb 15 because it is family day. 

The 100th day of school this year falls on Wednesday February 24. We will have a day of activities in class. Our class has the choice to dress up as a 100 year old person or wear a t-shirt with 100 items attached. Pinterest has some great ideas if you are stuck. I attached 2 links below.   t-shirt ideas  100 year old costume ideas

I hope the reading packs have been going well. Please remember to fill out the yellow duo-tang with your child's first try at reading the book. You do not need to log it every time they read the book to you.  Please be sure to send the reading pack back on Thursday's. When returning the packs please check to make sure everything is in there. 2 white paper books (2 french, 2 english), yellow duo tang filled out, ziplock bag with 1 oui, oui, oui book, 1 CD, 1 pack of matching game (usually 24 pieces). All these items must be in the pack in order to get new books for the following week. If you have any questions please let me know. 

We continue to work on French phonemes. Your child will start to come home with colored lists focusing on specific French sounds. This week they went home with the sound "on". I also included a games bundle that you can keep at home and play with your child. If you want to make them reusable, put the pages into a page protector or even a Ziploc bag and use a dry erase marker to play.  If you do not speak French and are unsure of how to pronounce the words, please use the virtual classroom and listen to the recordings. 
In French, we are working on singular and plural words as well as identifying if a word is feminine or masculine by looking at the determinant. The students are starting to recognize that if a word has la, ma, sa, ta, une it is feminine and if it has le, ton, mon, son, un it is masculine. We have also been  working on writing sentences in the correct structure. This is something you can practice at home. For example: chat, un, grand, Je, vois, noir. Correct way Je vois un grand chat noir. They practice reading the words over again and start to pick up on how the French sentence structure sounds. 

Math, we are working on numbers 0-100 in French. We will continue this throughout the school year as well as counting by 2, 5 and 10. Here are some links to help practice skip counting in French. - Par 2 -Par 5  Par 10

We have been working on identifying place value with a focus on tens and ones. Here are some helpful links to review- unite/dizaine

Once we are finished this unit the students will be learning about geometry and measurement. Here is a link to practice the names of shapes in french, students will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.

Science, we continue to learn about the seasons.
Social studies, we are finishing up learning about our rights and responsibilities and will be moving on to learning about the differences and similarities of urban and rural living. We will also learn more about Canada, the provinces and territories it is made up of.
Health, we are learning about what it means to be a good friend as well as how to keep our bodies healthy by eating right, getting enough rest, and staying active. 
English, we have started writing stories and will starting learning more about rhyming words. 

Our class has library this Thursday, please be sure to return their library books if they have not yet. Has a lot of useful information that applies to the students, he can be a little dry but its full of good stuff. 
Have a great week.