Sunday, September 26, 2021

Short Week

 Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a fabulous week and a productive week end. The weather has been amazing! I hope it keeps up into the weeks to come. 
Next week is a short week for us seeing that it is only 3 days. It will be a very busy one here at Spring Park. We will celebrate Diversity week starting the week off with wearing orange shirts on Monday to show our support. If your child does not have an orange shirt they are encouraged to wear anything they have that is orange to show their support. On Monday our class will participate in a drum circle happening in the afternoon. Friday we listened to a drum circle on youtube. Through out the week we will read stories and do activities to further our learning. 

Our school wide Terry Fox run will be happening through out the day on Wednesday. Our class cohort will take the last slot of the day before heading home. Please be sure to check the weather for the day and dress them accordingly. The school will be collecting 1$ donation for the Terry Fox foundation. If you wish to donate please send in money on or before Wednesday. Any donation is excepted! Terry Fox always sparks a lot of conversation, feelings and emotions. It would be great if you spoke with your child about him and his journey to get them ready for the special day. 
Here are a couple of links you can watch as a family to get ready for the day. Terry Fox and Me - Terry Fox, Anything is possible - Never give up on a dream-Rod Stewart 

Wednesday September 29 is library. The librarian has asked that the books be
returned the day before library. Please return books on Tuesday September 28 if your child has not already returned them. 

Friday your child went home with a yellow song duo tang. They will share their songs with you. We aren't great lol but we are working on it! I will attach a link to the last song in the duo tang to help you out. Please be sure to return Monday as we will continue to practice together.

I will be sending home new Jolly phonic practice sheets on Monday (c,e,x,n,l) We will keep these letters for an extra week seeing that we only have 3 days to cover them. The dark blue duo tang can stay home. Please take it out of the blue bag if you have not yet. When checking the agenda also please be sure to sign it daily. This lets me know you are looking at it, just in case a message has been put in there. If you have not paid your school fees yet this is a friendly reminder to please do so. You can pay the office $45.00. 

We will be having two nursing students join us in class over the next couple of weeks to observe the students. A letter went home the other day from the Nursing department, you can find out more there. Please sign this form and return by September 29. Students are asked to bring a Teddy bear for October 7th. I will send a reminder closer to that date. Please do not forget to send your child with forks/spoons. I do not have any in the class to pass out so some have been creative lately trying to eat their lunches and snacks. 

We will be learning all about apples this week. One of our projects will be to make apple sauce in class if time is in our favor. Could you please send in a plastic bowl and spoon in a ziplock bag with your child's name on it for Monday. 

Thats all for now. Hope a great week! 

No school thursday or Friday.
Terry Fox Wednesday- Bring $1 donation
Drum Circle and Orange shirt day Monday- Wear orange.
Library book return tuesday-Library class wednesday. 
School Fees due
Teddy Bear Clinic forms due Wednesday
Return yellow song duo tang Monday. 

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