Sunday, April 10, 2011

French Week

This week at school is French week, all students in the school will be encouraged to speak french and partake in the activities. There will a lot of activities going on this week. Some activities include Bingo, jelly bean guess,mystery person, a maple syrup demonstration, and a chance to taste real French cuisine.

In class we will be continuing to learn about farm animals and the farm. We have confirmed that we will be visiting a farm in the next coming week, it looks like it will have to be in May. Once we have a confirmed date I will be sending home permission slips. If you are interested in coming along please let me know.
This week we will be doing a fun activity with modeling clay. Students will be read 2 books where the illustrations in the book are made from clay, they will be asked to make their own picture which will be framed in a CD case so you will be able to keep it for some time.
The students have started to write their own books. We write for 30 mins a day and they love doing this. Some of them will continue to work on them when they have free time. I'm really excited to see what they come up with. Once students complete a book, they will get another one to start working on. Once everyone has completed one book they will share them with the class.

We continue to get postcards from around the world. Some of the places we have gotten cards from are New Zealand, Australia, Austria, Italy, Holland, Japan, Fort Mcmurray, Florida and many more and counting.

The students have been working on how many weeks in a year, how many days in a year and how many months in a year. We have also been practising the names of the 12 months in order and the 4 seasons. You can work on this at home with your child if you want.

That's all for now, I hope that you all had a great week end and got to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Till next week Keep smiling :)
Laurie Anne

Here is a brief schedule for French week
Monday- Kick off to French week with french expressions, Oh Canada, Jelly bean guess, Mystery person (all week) Puppet show
Tuesday- French expression continued, Bingo
Wednesday- Cnt French expressions, French speaking visitor, maple syrup demo
Thursday- cnt French expressions, dress in acadian flag colors (red,blue,white, yellow) French cuisine
Friday - end of French expressions, winner of jelly bean/mystery person, Bingo

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