Monday, May 30, 2011

Hello sunshine....its about time!!

Its nice to finally see the sunshine, lets hope that it stays the rest of the week. June is a couple of days away and the school year will be over before we know it.
We will continue with our environment theme into June. Junes theme is Lété,c'est pour jouer (summer is for playing) We have a lot of great things planned for the last couple of weeks. We have decided on our end of year field trip and we will be going to Shining waters. We will be going there Monday June 20th. I will be looking for volunteers, so please let me know if you would be interested. We are hoping to have at least 5 parent volunteers that way we can divide the class up evenly.
Our alphabet countdown continues this week with letters U,T,R,S,Q. A list has been sent home with more details.
Our meet the author night will be this thursday starting after school at 3:15 up until 5:00. I hope to see you all there. The students are very excited about showing off all their hard work.
This Friday is our end of school concert, all the information is listed on the school website. You can also o check out some of our students artwork on there as well.
That is all for this week I hope that you all have a great week! Get out and enjoy the sun.
Laurie Anne

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hello sunshine??

I hope that everyone had a great weekend.
On Friday we started our alphabet count down of school, hard to believe that we now only have 24 days left of school. The weeks letter will be Y,X,W and V. We have already done Y and Z. We ate yogurt and did some yoga, today we will play some music on an xylophone. Tomorrow is W for WOW show us your talents. Your child will be able to show the class their hidden talent or a magic trick. You may go online and find some neat and simple tricks. Friday will be V for Violet where your child can wear anything they have purple and also if you have any purple snacks feel free to send those in as well. I will post the following weeks list this coming week end.
 We have finished up our geometry unit and will be looking at numbers 0-100 as well as addition up to 20. Please keep counting with your child at home.We have also learned how to play Yahtzee in class, this could be played at home as well.
We are continuing to work on our books in class. We are now going over them and making sure that we have a capital at the beginning of a sentence, that there are no capitals in the middle of our sentence as well as the correct punctuation, whether it be a point or a question mark.  They are very excited to show off their hard work! They all have some really great stories.
I hope that you get out and enjoy the sunshine. Have a great rest of the week.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The countdown is on!!

I cant believe how fast this year has gone by. I guess when you are having fun that's what happens!

We will kick off our countdown to the last days of school tomorrow. We will be doing this by having a letter of the alphabet each day and working our way up to A. Each day will be a new letter on that day we will do an activity to go along with that letter. The students will also be filling in words that correspond with these letters in their own little dictionaries to build their vocabulary. Friday May 20 we will be starting with Z and students are asked to bring in a stuffed animal to add to our in class zoo. We have a bunch of great activities planned for some of the letters.

We will be ending our geometry unit this week and moving our focus on numbers up to 100 and addition/subtraction up to 20 for the remaining of the year. I encourage you to work on counting up to 100, backwards, by 2,5,10 and simple addition/subtraction at home.

The library club had a great start last Saturday. Thank you all for coming and showing your support. I look forward to see you all this coming Saturday at 9:15 Ecole Sur Mer. We will be doing a read aloud along with a small craft. I expect that most will be reading for their first little surprise!
Marie Pier and I have come up with some ideas for the final prize for your child which we will take care of but we were wondering if you would like to add a little something to it. We thought maybe a gift card to Coles or Indigo or even purchasing a magazine order for your child which will come monthly. We thought that this might be a great idea and give your child something to look forward to each month. Plus who doesn't love getting mail. We are going to look into getting a list of different French Magazine's, so if you are interested we will pass this information along to you.

Our meet the author night will be coming up in the next couple of weeks. I have chatted to the students and they are all excited about this evening. We were thinking of having it the week of May 31-June 4th. Please let me know if that week works for you and we can then decide on a date I was thinking either Tuesday or Thursday. Wednesdays I coach soccer after school so I am unable then.

Friday May 20 the students are allowed to come to school either in a costume or their PJ's. They have won this through a new reward system that we have started in class. It is call RESPECT we chatted in class about what respect is, what it looks like and we have been putting what we learned to work. Each day the students can learn up to 7 points ( a point for each letter of respect). If I see that someone is being disrespectful I take a letter away. So far we have been doing good. Once we get to 50 points students were allowed to pick a special activity that was rather small. Once we get to 100 we will do something bigger like have a movie in the afternoon with popcorn or go outside to play soccer baseball. This system has been really working feel free to talk with your child at home about respect outside of school as well.

That is all for this week, I hope to be more on the ball for next weeks blog than I have been. Till then enjoy the sunshine and keep smiling  :)
Mme Laurie Anne

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I can not believe that we are nearly done of this school year, two months left and they are going to fly by. We are coming to an end of our farm theme this week and starting our new theme which will be Mon environment ,cest important (my environment is important) In this unit we will be discussing our environment, what we can do to protect it, such as litter less lunches, picking up garbage and putting it in the garbage, shutting the water off when we brush our teeth as well as to shutting the lights off when we leave a room. I would like to encourage you to take this months and promote the litter less lunches. I know that this will be difficult but instead of a granola bar with a wrapper you could send an apple or orange and so on.
Also this month we will be exploring how plantes grow,what they need to survive, insects and how they plan an important roll in our environment.

This is a busy month for use seeing that we have two outings in the same week. On May 11th we will be visiting the French school to watch a play that the students there will be putting on. Also on Friday May 13th is when we are visiting a local farm. We would appreciate some volunteers to come along for the tour so if you are interested please let me know and Ill pass you along all the details.

The students have started to write their own stories and have been presenting them to the class. They are very proud of their accomplishments and I would like to recognize them for all of their offers by having a meet the author night. I was thinking that we could do this after school one day where you could stop by the school with your child and view some of the books that they have wrote. The students could sign a copy of their book for you, we would also have some students share their books. If you would be interested in attending please let me know and I will start to plan our evening of appreciation.

I also sent home on Friday a note to see if some or all of you were interested in joining a reading club. The reasoning behind this club is to promote reading over the summer months and have the students explore the many wonders that a library can offer you. I feel that if we start this process now, the students will become comfortable with the library and hopefully will want to continue to go through out the summer. Are plan is to meet every Saturday or every other Saturday at the French schools library and help the students pick out books that they are able to read, as well as to have story time, the Liberian there also puts on puppet shows. If this also interests you please let me know and we can start right away.

Thank you all for sending in the egg cartons, please continue to do so because we are still missing a few for the activity that I have planned.
Thank you all as well for your continued support, I encourage you all to continue working with your child at home with the alphabet, sounds and math additions/subtrations.
Laurie Anne