Thursday, May 19, 2011

The countdown is on!!

I cant believe how fast this year has gone by. I guess when you are having fun that's what happens!

We will kick off our countdown to the last days of school tomorrow. We will be doing this by having a letter of the alphabet each day and working our way up to A. Each day will be a new letter on that day we will do an activity to go along with that letter. The students will also be filling in words that correspond with these letters in their own little dictionaries to build their vocabulary. Friday May 20 we will be starting with Z and students are asked to bring in a stuffed animal to add to our in class zoo. We have a bunch of great activities planned for some of the letters.

We will be ending our geometry unit this week and moving our focus on numbers up to 100 and addition/subtraction up to 20 for the remaining of the year. I encourage you to work on counting up to 100, backwards, by 2,5,10 and simple addition/subtraction at home.

The library club had a great start last Saturday. Thank you all for coming and showing your support. I look forward to see you all this coming Saturday at 9:15 Ecole Sur Mer. We will be doing a read aloud along with a small craft. I expect that most will be reading for their first little surprise!
Marie Pier and I have come up with some ideas for the final prize for your child which we will take care of but we were wondering if you would like to add a little something to it. We thought maybe a gift card to Coles or Indigo or even purchasing a magazine order for your child which will come monthly. We thought that this might be a great idea and give your child something to look forward to each month. Plus who doesn't love getting mail. We are going to look into getting a list of different French Magazine's, so if you are interested we will pass this information along to you.

Our meet the author night will be coming up in the next couple of weeks. I have chatted to the students and they are all excited about this evening. We were thinking of having it the week of May 31-June 4th. Please let me know if that week works for you and we can then decide on a date I was thinking either Tuesday or Thursday. Wednesdays I coach soccer after school so I am unable then.

Friday May 20 the students are allowed to come to school either in a costume or their PJ's. They have won this through a new reward system that we have started in class. It is call RESPECT we chatted in class about what respect is, what it looks like and we have been putting what we learned to work. Each day the students can learn up to 7 points ( a point for each letter of respect). If I see that someone is being disrespectful I take a letter away. So far we have been doing good. Once we get to 50 points students were allowed to pick a special activity that was rather small. Once we get to 100 we will do something bigger like have a movie in the afternoon with popcorn or go outside to play soccer baseball. This system has been really working feel free to talk with your child at home about respect outside of school as well.

That is all for this week, I hope to be more on the ball for next weeks blog than I have been. Till then enjoy the sunshine and keep smiling  :)
Mme Laurie Anne

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