Monday, May 30, 2011

Hello sunshine....its about time!!

Its nice to finally see the sunshine, lets hope that it stays the rest of the week. June is a couple of days away and the school year will be over before we know it.
We will continue with our environment theme into June. Junes theme is Lété,c'est pour jouer (summer is for playing) We have a lot of great things planned for the last couple of weeks. We have decided on our end of year field trip and we will be going to Shining waters. We will be going there Monday June 20th. I will be looking for volunteers, so please let me know if you would be interested. We are hoping to have at least 5 parent volunteers that way we can divide the class up evenly.
Our alphabet countdown continues this week with letters U,T,R,S,Q. A list has been sent home with more details.
Our meet the author night will be this thursday starting after school at 3:15 up until 5:00. I hope to see you all there. The students are very excited about showing off all their hard work.
This Friday is our end of school concert, all the information is listed on the school website. You can also o check out some of our students artwork on there as well.
That is all for this week I hope that you all have a great week! Get out and enjoy the sun.
Laurie Anne

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