Thursday, September 22, 2011

Picnic Tonight!!

HI everyone I can believe we are almost done of another week of school. Just a reminder that tonight is the home and school picnic. It starts at 4 and will run until 6:30. I will be there from 4:30 -5:00 at a games booth so please stop by and say hello. I hope that the sun stays out for it! Fingers crossed.

We are continuing to work on our alphabet and the names/sounds of each letter. We are writing in our journals and I must say that there printing has improved since the last time! Bravo mes amis.
We have also been talking about how to write a sentence (capital at the beginning, period at the end and lower case letters all in between)
In math we have finished patterns and will be starting numbers 1-20 today. Students will learn the names of the numbers, how to write them out and the amount of each number. I will be sending home dot cards with numbers 1-13 on them. Students are required to recognized these dots automatically and respond with the appropriate amount. Please be sure to practice these at home when they are sent out.
We have also been counting 1-50 and they are doing great!

I also wanted to let you know that the kids seem to be loving the Borrowed kitchen meals!

A reminder that scholastics are due on the 27th of September (next week)
Have a great day and hope to see you tonight!
Mme Laurie Anne

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