Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Color you food Campaign

Hi folks,
Well Im not off to the best of starts of keeping on the blog. Sorry about that!
This week is color your lunch, I signed the class up for this campaign through the healthy eating alliance. It allows our class to have a chance to learn about healthy snacks, goes great with our colors theme and allows us to win prizes as well. I hope that you all can participate. Each day we go over the color make a list of who has that color in their lunches and chat about what is it a fruit or a vegetable.
We have a points system in class, where the students get a chance to win points. They receive these points by answering questions, finding the weekly sight words in the morning message and so on. They also lose points if they are not listening, not on task.... Once the class gets to 50 they are rewarded with a little something. In class we brain stormed several ideas then had a vote on what we were going to use our first 50 points for. They have decided a PJ party, where they will wear their PJs to school. Iam happy to say that they got their first 50 points and we will be having a PJ party, date yet to be decided. Ill put it in the agenda.

We have finished patterns and now are working numbers 1-20. Students are learning the French words for each number written and spoken. We continue to count to 50 each day. I encourage you to practice at home. You can make flash cards and have them out of sequence. This is a challenge for them, but great practice.Later on in the week Ill be sending home numbers with words and the students must match them up. You can play memorie, but just start with numbers 1-10 and introduce more as you go.
I had a great idea from a parent that I would like to share with all of you. This parent makes flash cards with the weekly sight words. Once her child is able to recognize the word she rewards them with a sticker.On the flas card. Its great motivation and makes homework a little more interesting. Bravo!!

We did reschedule our field trip to the 17th of October. Hopefully the sun will be out then like it is today. If you still want to volunteer please let me know.I would also like to try and have a parent come in once a month to do a craft with the students. If you are interested in this please let me know. I will send home a sign up sheet later on. Do not worry if you are not crafty anything is better than nothing and they will love having you here.

I have started their reading bags in class this week. Students are given 3 books in their blue bag. When we have silent reading time they will practise these books over and over again. I chose books that have their sight words in them and at their level. We will see how it goes!

Thank you to all of you who participated in NORCARD!
Just a reminder that we have no school on Monday Oct 10th.
That's all for now!
Have a great week!

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