Thursday, December 1, 2011

December is here!

December has arrived but you would not know it with this weather that we have been having!! Not complaining though :)
Our first week of the penny drive has been great. We already have one bucket filled. We also have been getting dimes and nickles which has helped out. The kids are excited because we have at least one turkey! I have chatted with the people at CBC Radio and they would like us to come down on the 9th of December which is the same day as our Christmas concert. They said around 4:00 o'clock and we would sing at 4:15. Please let me know if we can make this happen, if we can not get everyone there we might have to decline.  We have decided on two Christmas songs to sing, one is more up beat (Deck the halls) and the other is soft and slow (Noel, c'est l'amour). Iam hoping that we can have the down before next Friday, so we are practising every day in class.
We will be selling candy oh grams at the concert as well as hot apple cider. I am still in need of some volunteers. The students will go in shifts to help sell them with you. You also do not have to be there the whole day just before the concert starts and after. I need someone for the AM and the PM. Please let me know if you can help out.

We are finishing up last months theme and moving right into the Christmas theme. A big THANK YOU to all of you who sent in fruit and veggies. The students loved it and were asking today what they were going to have! I will send home their booklets in the next couple of days. I hope that this helps in packing lunches, I know it can be hard to get ideas!

We are still working on numbers in math and will be starting addition and subtraction up to 20. We have also been counting to 100 and by 10. Once we start to count the pennies your child should be a pro on counting to 50 in French!!

We also have looked at prepositions and verbs and will cover adjectives this month. The class has started guided reading and are doing very well. They are learning some great strategies to help them read.  (to blend sounds, pick out sounds they know and work backwards to sound out the word)

We have had some volunteers to come in to class over the next couple of weeks to do a sign song and holiday craft. If you want to read a Christmas story or decorate cookies let me know, theres still time!!Also the class has won another 50 points and have chosen to do show and tell. We will do this next week on DEC 7th.

I think that's all for now. Have a great week end
Laurie Anne

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