Friday, November 18, 2011

First snow fall!!

We had our first bit of snow today! Even though am not a fan of snow I was excited to see it this morning. It gave me a little extra bounce in my step. It means Christmas is around the corner and I love Christmas!!!

That being said with the first snow fall comes wet feet, mitts, pants and so on. If you could please send in a couple of extra pairs of mittens, socks in a plastic zip lock bag with their name on it. I have extra mitts and hats here just in case your child does not have them, but please make sure they come to school prepared.

Next week we will be starting our penny drive for the CBC Turkey Drive. We have already received some pennies, so please keep them coming in. We will also be selling candy canes at the Christmas concert which is December 9th. If you would like to volunteer to sell them at this time please let me know. There will be two showings of the concert in the morning and afternoon. If you can do one of those times that would be great! I had a chat to them today about why we are doing the Turkey Drive, some of them had some great answers and questions. Feel free to talk more about it at home.

Reports are going to be sent home on the 24th so keep your opens for those.
We are having a great time trying different fruits and vegetables. The students ask me every morning what they are going to have. I hope that they are coming home with positive comments about what they are trying in class. We had a Nutritionist who came in today to speak with them about healthy eating choices.They learned all about the food groups and got to play some games.

We are also learning about Domestic animals in class. We discussed who had pets at home and what type of pets can they be. If you could send in a picture of your animals that would be great. If your child does not have any pets at home they can bring a stuffed animal. We will be playing a game of Guess who and the students will be able to have a chance to introduce their classmates to their pets or favorite animals.

For the month of December I wanted to know if anyone was interested in coming in to read Christmas stories to the children (probably the last week of class) to make holiday crafts, treats or to sing some songs. If you are interested please let know.

Also I will be sending home the Decembers Scholastic order next week. They will be due on the 6th of Dec, that way if you are purchasing any Christmas gifts they will be here in time for Christmas. I can email you or send you a note in the agenda to let you know that your order is in, so that you may pick it up without your child knowing.  They have some great Holiday books. Mike and I have started a tradition where he gives me a Christmas book each year I love it!! Last years was Charlie Browns Christmas I wonder what it will be this year???

Everyone is continuing to speak french in class! They have won another 50 points! We have not yet decided what we wanted to do with these points I will let you know.

That's all for now. I hope that everyone has a great weekend!
Laurie Anne

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