Monday, December 10, 2012

Yay for pennies!

Hi folks,
First of all I just wanted to say that it was great meeting you all at parent teachers I hope that you feel the same! I am excited to begin working alongside of you with your child. We have had a great first week with story book theatre. We have started to practice our lines and put our scene together somewhat. We will continue to work on this throughout the week until the concert Thursday. Your child will be sent home with their lines today, please feel free to practice these with your child. Please note that you should send your child on Thursday for both performances dressed in black or if you do not have black dark navy clothing would be best. Also if your child is a townsman please send in a tuque for them to wear.

We will be discussing Christmas traditions this week so please share with your child your traditions that you had as a child and any that you may have started with them or continue to do. We will be also exploring Christmas traditions all over the world as well as the meaning of peace.

A huge thank you to Nathan for bringing in some pennies, keep them coming! We will be using them to count one to one, by 2,5 and groups of 10.You may continue to bring them in until the 18th of December which will give our class enough time to role them. 
We are looking at french Christmas vocabulary this week and practicing our g (dur-hard) and g (doux-soft) sounds. Feel free to brainstorm with your child any words you might know with these sounds. Our mission was to find more soft sounding g, seeing that we could not think of that many. Our sentences for the week are "A qui ce______?" (Who does this ______ belong to?) and "Pourqui fais tu cela?" (Why are you doing that?)

That is all for now. I hope that everyone had a great week end and see you Thursday at the concert!
Mme Laurie Anne

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