Monday, December 17, 2012

The countdown is on!!

Hi everyone happy Monday!
I hope everyone is feeling well rested after the week end! We are on the last week of school before Christmas holidays I cannot believe how fast it has come and gone. We sold our candy of grahams at lunch today, selling out the whole 260 I bought. We are all very excited about the amount we have raised so far, we have about 146.00$. I will be going tomorrow after school to exchange the change and hunt down a deal on turkeys. If you know of any sales let me know!

I will not be here Thursday or Friday. I had already booked my flight to PEI in July. So we will have our Holiday party on Wednesday. If you wish to send in any healthy snacks they would be more than welcomed. Also the students have won their first 30 points and have chosen what they would like to do with them. For this time they had requested a Christmas movie with popcorn. So we will watch that this week. They had great suggestions for what they could use their points make cookies, extra recess, free time in the gym, a day filled with science, to experiment with modelling clay and so on.

We have started working in our centres today's which have a focus on Christmas vocabulary and sentence structures. We will start guided reading in January. They have started reading from their reading bags with appropriate levelled books.They seem to be really enjoying this. Our sound for the week is "OU" (hibou, mouton) Feel free to think of other words that you might know that have the sound "OU" in them. Our sentence of the week is "Qu'est ce que tu cherche?" (What are you looking for?) "Je cherche....." ( I am looking for......) Feel free to practise this at home!

In math we are working on the 100 frame, counting to 100, by2,5 and 10. We will also finish up addition up to 18.

I think that's it for now. If I do not have a chance to chat with you before break. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.
Be safe and Merry
Laurie Anne

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