Monday, March 18, 2013

Great to see you all!

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and had some luck of the Irish on St. Patricks day. It was great to see all of you at interviews! Feel free to contact me anytime!
This week in grade two we are looking at the sounds -ion,-tion,-sion. Our phrase de la semaine are Ca parait bon (that looks good) and desole (I am sorry). We will finish working on our writing assignment on how to build a leprechaun trap.  We continue to learn about the different methods of transportation. The students will be required to invent their own method of travel. They may use anything they want in order to create this project. We will brainstorm in class this week for some ideas and they will be require to build their invention at home. Please be sure to send them in for March 26 at the latest.Students will be required to describe their invention and will be graded on creativity as well as orally. (Correct sentence structures, words) I will explain to them tomorrow about this project but feel free to share with them tonight.

In math we continue to work on addition of double digits. Please feel free to work on this at home with your child!!

In science we continue to learn about what the differences of hot and cold are. The students will learn about the use of a thermometer and how to read it. In social studies this week we will take a look at the different cultures that make up our community as well as some of the festivals that take place in Meteghan, Iqaluit, and Saskatoon.

For music we are going to make Easter maraca's.
If anyone would love to come in this week or next to do an Easter activity or craft with the class please let me know. If you are interested in reading Easter stories as well, we would love to have you.

In English we have finished up reading Matilda. The students were soo happy and wanted to read another Roald Dahl book right away! We will be taking a closer look at Roald Dahl and the students will require to do a small write up about the interesting facts they have read about him. They will have the chance to explore his reading hut and listen to an interview. We will also be starting to read Anne of Green Gables. My hopes is to take the class to see the play being put on by Theatre Calgary in May. I am still working on a few details and getting in touch with the theatre company to reserve seats.  We will require at least 4 parent volunteers for this outing, however we do not have enough money in the budget to cover the volunteers tickets to the play which is at a cost of $25.00. If this interests you and you are OK with paying the fee we would love to have you. Even if you are interested in coming with us feel free, the tickets are regularly in the 60-70$ range. Let me know by the end of this week though so I can book us seats.

I am excited for Spring break and for April I have some great ideas planned for the class! Ithink that is all for now. Have a great week with your family!
Laurie Anne

Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Monday

Hi Folks,
I hope that you all had a great week end!
This week in class we are working on the sounds (ph-f) and (th-t) the students are also working on practising there french sentence structure. This weeks sentences are As- tu fait ____? (Did you do your ___?) and Je dois ____. ( I have to do _____.) We are continuing to look at modes of transportation. We did receive two post cards so far. One from Belgium and the other from Jamaica. It was great both cards had a ton of interesting facts on it. We also looked at where both places are on the map and how we might get there.
In health we continue to try different fruits and vegetables. The students so far seem to be really enjoying themselves. I brought in avocado, papaya and peperocinni pickled peppers. To my surprise the students loved all of them, especially the hot peppers. We are also taking a closer look at where these fruits and vegetables grown, whether its on a plant, in the ground or on a tree and whether it is considered a fruit or vegetable.
In social studies this week we are learning about the different festivals and games between all three cultures.
Math we continue to work on addition of double digit numbers. We are having some trouble with this in class so feel free to go over it with your child at home.
In music we will be taking a closer look at the different instruments in various families and in art we will continue to work on our portraits. This time focusing on our side profile.
We have started a new science unit of hot and cold. The students will learn how to use a thermometer and the reasons why we use them.
In English we continue to read Matilda. I am hoping to finish up this week. They are also learning about adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
Don't forget to sign up for parent teacher interviews which are being held this week. I look forward to speaking with you. That's all for now. Take care enjoy your week.
Mme Laurie Anne

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hello March

Happy March to one and all. I cannot believe that we are into march already and it will be over before we know it. This week we are starting our healthy eating project for health. The students had the chance yesterday to taste papaya's and tomorrow they will try avocado's and some pickled perrocconi peppers. They wanted to try hot peppers but I didn't think that would go over all that well, so this is my compromise. We shall see how it goes. We will also be taking a closer look at their lunches and noting any fruits and vegetables that might have. So don't forget to add some healthy treats in there.
We will be starting our hot and cold unit in science and are continuing to compare the different traditions between Acadians, Inuits and Ukrainians. I was hoping to have had the chance to make rapure last week but did not get around to it. The students were a little concerned about my cooking skills seeing that I admitted that I relie on Mike for most of the cooking at home. One student even asked if Mike could come in and make it with them lol! I said I would try so I am still working on him to come in. I will keep you posted.
In religion the students continue to learn about the meaning of lent. We have also been taking a look at a couple amazing people from around the world who are giving a better quality of life to those they love. If you have not already had the chance to check out the sports illustrated kids award for 2012, it is a must! It about two brothers Cayden and Connor. One of the brothers has cerebral palsy and they compete in triathlons together. It reminds me a lot of the story of Rick and Dick Hoyt, which is very similar. If you have the chance watch both stories. It makes me realize how lucky we are and that love is unconditional!
The students have won once again their 100 points and this time have decided on a potluck. They are wanting to have it Friday but there is special lunch. What are your thoughts on having it Thursday? It might be too short of notice for some of you. If so just let me know and we can move it to next week. I will send home a note tomorrow with a sign up sheet.
The students will also be having the chance to see the grade 6 class perform on Thursday. It is requested that all students bring in a non-perishable food item to help support the local food bank. I think that's all for now. Just a friendly reminder to send your child with their mittens and tuques.