Monday, March 18, 2013

Great to see you all!

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and had some luck of the Irish on St. Patricks day. It was great to see all of you at interviews! Feel free to contact me anytime!
This week in grade two we are looking at the sounds -ion,-tion,-sion. Our phrase de la semaine are Ca parait bon (that looks good) and desole (I am sorry). We will finish working on our writing assignment on how to build a leprechaun trap.  We continue to learn about the different methods of transportation. The students will be required to invent their own method of travel. They may use anything they want in order to create this project. We will brainstorm in class this week for some ideas and they will be require to build their invention at home. Please be sure to send them in for March 26 at the latest.Students will be required to describe their invention and will be graded on creativity as well as orally. (Correct sentence structures, words) I will explain to them tomorrow about this project but feel free to share with them tonight.

In math we continue to work on addition of double digits. Please feel free to work on this at home with your child!!

In science we continue to learn about what the differences of hot and cold are. The students will learn about the use of a thermometer and how to read it. In social studies this week we will take a look at the different cultures that make up our community as well as some of the festivals that take place in Meteghan, Iqaluit, and Saskatoon.

For music we are going to make Easter maraca's.
If anyone would love to come in this week or next to do an Easter activity or craft with the class please let me know. If you are interested in reading Easter stories as well, we would love to have you.

In English we have finished up reading Matilda. The students were soo happy and wanted to read another Roald Dahl book right away! We will be taking a closer look at Roald Dahl and the students will require to do a small write up about the interesting facts they have read about him. They will have the chance to explore his reading hut and listen to an interview. We will also be starting to read Anne of Green Gables. My hopes is to take the class to see the play being put on by Theatre Calgary in May. I am still working on a few details and getting in touch with the theatre company to reserve seats.  We will require at least 4 parent volunteers for this outing, however we do not have enough money in the budget to cover the volunteers tickets to the play which is at a cost of $25.00. If this interests you and you are OK with paying the fee we would love to have you. Even if you are interested in coming with us feel free, the tickets are regularly in the 60-70$ range. Let me know by the end of this week though so I can book us seats.

I am excited for Spring break and for April I have some great ideas planned for the class! Ithink that is all for now. Have a great week with your family!
Laurie Anne

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