Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hello March

Happy March to one and all. I cannot believe that we are into march already and it will be over before we know it. This week we are starting our healthy eating project for health. The students had the chance yesterday to taste papaya's and tomorrow they will try avocado's and some pickled perrocconi peppers. They wanted to try hot peppers but I didn't think that would go over all that well, so this is my compromise. We shall see how it goes. We will also be taking a closer look at their lunches and noting any fruits and vegetables that might have. So don't forget to add some healthy treats in there.
We will be starting our hot and cold unit in science and are continuing to compare the different traditions between Acadians, Inuits and Ukrainians. I was hoping to have had the chance to make rapure last week but did not get around to it. The students were a little concerned about my cooking skills seeing that I admitted that I relie on Mike for most of the cooking at home. One student even asked if Mike could come in and make it with them lol! I said I would try so I am still working on him to come in. I will keep you posted.
In religion the students continue to learn about the meaning of lent. We have also been taking a look at a couple amazing people from around the world who are giving a better quality of life to those they love. If you have not already had the chance to check out the sports illustrated kids award for 2012, it is a must! It about two brothers Cayden and Connor. One of the brothers has cerebral palsy and they compete in triathlons together. It reminds me a lot of the story of Rick and Dick Hoyt, which is very similar. If you have the chance watch both stories. It makes me realize how lucky we are and that love is unconditional!
The students have won once again their 100 points and this time have decided on a potluck. They are wanting to have it Friday but there is special lunch. What are your thoughts on having it Thursday? It might be too short of notice for some of you. If so just let me know and we can move it to next week. I will send home a note tomorrow with a sign up sheet.
The students will also be having the chance to see the grade 6 class perform on Thursday. It is requested that all students bring in a non-perishable food item to help support the local food bank. I think that's all for now. Just a friendly reminder to send your child with their mittens and tuques.

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