Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hi everyone,
Sorry for the delay on this weeks post.
We are still working on everything mentioned in last weeks post. We continue to work on our books "J'aime mais je n'aime pas" Some of the students are doing a great job and putting forth a lot of effort into their work. Today we were detectives and went through the dictionary to find all the hard and soft "g's". They students really enjoy doing this and love seeing if their friends found the same ones as them. I have been trying to get the students to speak more in French and to answer in complete sentences rather than just one short answer.This helps them practice speaking in French and being able to recognise correct sentence structures.

In math we are working on comparing objects, finding out their similarities, differences and the different ways to classify them. You can practice this at home if you want, here are some of the words we are using to describe shapes. face plane (flat surface) courbe (curves) points, coin (corners) empiler (to pill or stack) rouler (to roll) glisser (to slide) sommet. We still need to work on counting backwards from 20 in French.

I have a social studies projects in the makes but it requires your help. Once I figure out all the details I will let you all know.

I hope the reading is going well I can see a change in those who are reading daily at home! Keep working on the French sounds as well. Once they have those mastered the reading will come that much easier.

We still have lacrosse this week. Library will be on Friday.I think that is about all. Not much this week. Have a great rest of the week.
Laurie Anne :)

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