Sunday, January 19, 2014

Je parle en francais!

Hi everyone,
I hope you are all having a great week end and are enjoying the great weather! I hope it keeps up this coming week!

In French we continue to learn about winter sports and clothing. The students are starting to learn about singulier(singular) and pluriels (plural). There are a couple of rules in French when it come to pluriel. For example if a word finishes with eau or ou you must use an "x" rather than an "s". Bateau- les bateaux, un hibou-les hiboux. Also they are begining to see more often in their reading books words that finish with "ent" in most cases "ent" does not speak. It shows the reader that there is more than one person or thing being talked about. They will also notice if there is "ils" or "elles" usually "ent" will follow. For example: Ils jouent dehors., Maman, papa, Sophie et moi courent.
We continue to work on making story predictions, answering the 5w's and talking about the beginning, middle and end of the stories. In class the students are also learning to pick out important details in the text. We have been practicing reading small texts and then doing what it tells use to do, whether it is to color the jacket green and his mitts purple or to put an x on the dog. I will be giving the students a quiz regarding this at the end of the week, which I will count for the report card on reading comprehension and reading/following instructions.

We will also be working hard this week on producing complete sentences with an upper case to start and a period to end the sentence. The students will be require to create a booklet on the things that they like (j'aime) and the things that they do not like (je n'aime pas). They will present their book to their classmates. I will also be evaluating who is able to produce a complete sentence, who is able to present their book orally in French to the class.

I will be including a sheet with the pronunciation of French words in English to help you all out at home with pronouncing words. All the letters of the alphabet are included along with combined sounds. I hope this will help you all out!

In health we are learning about being a good friend, how to react to both positive and negative situations and the emotions that we can experience in a run of a day. Students will learn that we are not all the same, but unique in our own ways and might react differently to different situations.

In social studies we have been learning about our environment and how we have a responsibility to protect it. Some of the students are very excited about this and are wanting to do their going to a beach to clean up its shores. We talk a lot about marine life for some reason when it comes to protecting our environment and they are all concerned for the safety of whales.

In math we continue to play with shapes. They will have a quiz at the end of the week which requires them to pick out particular shapes mixed in with a bunch of others. They must be able to recognise un carre (square), un cercle (circle), un rectangle (rectangle), un losange (diamond) un triangle(triangle). I will also be sending home math sheets that have a 100 frame on it, it asks that you skip count by 2,5,10. You can have your child color the numbers when you count by counting by 2,5,10. please le me know if you would like math sheets with addition and subtractions sent home, seeing that we will be taking a break from practicing them to continue working on our shapes.

English we are working on colors and reading and producing  small complete sentences. We are also focusing on making story predictions and answering the 5w's. If any of you would like extra work sent home for English please let me know. I have put together a duo tang with extra work, saong with activities to do with your child to build their phonemic awareness. There are several activities for each level, 5 levels in total.

This week at school we have our New years liturgy. We will be singing a song and Annika will be doing a reading from our class. This will take place on January 22. Bricks for kids have started and young Rembrandt will start on Monday.

I think that's all for now. Enjoy the day and see you soon.

Oh ps; We have started Je parle en francais and I am happy to say I am impressed with some of the students speaking French all the time and how eager they are to do so. I hope this continues!! Bravo mes amis! Je t'aime.

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