Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Last week together before 2015!

Hi everyone!
Last week together for 2014! I cant wait to see what 2015 has in hold for all of us! If I do not get to see all of you before then I wish you all the very best Christmas. May it be filled with laughter and the love of your family and friends. Have a very Happy and safe new years and cheers to the new adventures that 2015 brings.
This week we will be tidying up a few projects and assignments but mainly having some fun in class. We have started our Christmas centers, worked on our Christmas gifts to you, finished up the Christmas cards for seniors and counted and rolled all the change that was donated for our turkeys! We have right now about $1100.00!!!!!! I sure hope that we are able to get 100 turkeys with that! I am going to shop around to see what store will give me the best deal. If ya see any good deals keep your eyes open!
At the last minute we decided to dress up all this week as something fun. no worries if you cant make it happen, its just to get into the spirit a little here at school. Today we are all elves and those who didn't have a hat we made some thanks to Holly's great idea! Tomorrow we are thinking of being presents, soo stick a bow on their heads and some ribbon and voila! Thursday will be PJ day. The kids can also come with a pillow or a stuffie to snuggle with when we watch our movie in the afternoon. If you want please feel free to send in a snack for Thursday. We are going to use that day to celebrate and exchange gifts! ( I hope mine get here for the kids I ordered them but they haven't arrived yet!!) Thursday will also be the day we face paint. Don't forget to leave a note in the agenda to give permission.  Friday is the half day of school, packed with a lot of assemblies. Then it is au revoir at noon until January 5th. I hope to get the Turkeys bought as well before Thursday so the kids can help pack them in the back of the truck for the delivery. I put some extra books in the reading package for the long break, that's if you get around to reading ;) That's about it for now. Have a merry Christmas everyone. I am heading to PEI to spend it with my dad. I will see you all in the New year.

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