Monday, September 28, 2015

Where has september gone?

Hard to believe we are in the last week of September already. One month down...but who's counting.
Today we had a fabulous day for the Terry Fox run. Thanks to all of you who should up, helped out and have been collecting money for this cause. You can send in your pledges forms anytime now.

Your child's reading packages were sent home today. I have gone through the packages with your child and they all seemed pretty excited about some of the games in there. Lets hope they feel the same about reading the books! As mentioned at reading night its important to establish a routine, have a set time that you read together, maybe a fun place in the house with cool cushions or a neat carpet. Establish this now soo that its apart of the night and that reading becomes a second nature to them. I have also added some math sheets in the packages. You can cut them out, play war or have your child pick a number out of bag and then count out that number of objects. If you have any questions just drop me a line. I have included in the package a letter, a list of websites and game ideas. Good luck and have fun! PS: Don't panic if they do not know any words! It will come.

All Gala items are due this coming Friday October 2. You can send in any items you have purchased to donate and I will put them in our basket. On Wednesday students are allowed to wear their crazy hat for spirit day. Mme Wilma out music teacher is also with us on Wednesday to play some songs. We will be practicing a lock down in school this coming week. Please chat with your child about this if you get a chance. We will be discussing this in class on Tuesday. Library day for our class us always day 1, so please send books in for Wednesday.

This week in class the students continue to review and learn new letter sounds of the alphabet in French. The focus for their printing this week is to make sure they have no "flyers" (which sore off the top line of print into the sky) or no "sinkers" ( that go below the bottom line of print and get stuck in the dirt).We will be finishing up our back to school theme this week and then be moving on to Octobers theme of "En l'autonme avec mes amis"

In math, they will be able to take a pattern that someone else has made and change it using the same objects to make a new one. We will also be using manipulatives to develop number sense.
I hope to finish up the pattern unit this week and then move onto numbers 1-20.

In Science, we continue to work on colors. I will be giving the students a quiz this week about primary and secondary colors. On Friday, we are planning on making play doh (gluten free).

In Religion, the students will be learning how to properly do the sign of the cross and how to say "Our Father". Feel free to practice at home. They will be tested on this in the next coming week.

In English, we continue to review the alphabet in English as well as identifying the first and last sounds of words.
In social studies, we are learning the importance of being a part of a group. I will be sending a letter home hopefully this week asking for you to send in some items for a class project. (Sport team jersey, medal they may have one)

That's it for this week,
Have a great week.
Laurie Anne

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Happy return from your long week end!

Hi Everyone,
It was great meeting most of you last week. I look forward to the year working along side of you all to help support, grow and build on your childs confidence and learning. We had another long week end. I hope you got out and enjoyed the fresh fall air before it turns to snow! Eeek!
This coming week there is a lot going on at the school. Milk orders are due on Today. If you have not sent those in please do so. Choir sign up is was this morning at little recess for grade 1 &2. I know a lot of your children are looking forward to this and have gone to sign up. If you wish to volunteer at school the parent orientation is tonight at 6:30 and parent council is at 7pm for those interested in attending. Thursday is our big night at 7h00. Please be sure that at least one of you can come to the reading information night. If you cannot make it, let me know and we can arrange a time to meet to go over what was discussed. We ask that you bring a post dated check for June 20th, 2016 in the amount of $15.00. This check is a deposit on the CD as well for any lost books or puzzle pieces. If everything is returned at the end of the year, the check will be given back to you. However if puzzle pieces, CD or books are lost it will be cashed to replace these items. Friday all Friendship builder course registration forms are due.
We have our Gala basket theme for this year which is "Family out about town". The class that fills their basket first gets a pizza party for their efforts. We have already some items donated on our list (way to go parents!!) These baskets are available to purchase at the Gala. Those of you new to school this year. The Gala is AMAZING! It raises money that we other wise wouldn't have to put towards things such as the books in the reading room, sports activities, installation of smart boards, math manipulatives....the list goes on. If you haven't got your tickets let me know and I can get a form to you. There is also a west jet raffle for a free trip for two anywhere west jet fly's. I will attach the link for our classroom basket below. - Gala page Class basket

We have Mme Elaine coming in on Wednesday to do a class art project that you will be able to purchase at the Gala. On Thursday we have a guest speaker coming in to chat with us about the importance of listening.
Terry Fox run is on Monday, don't forget. You can come to the assembly as well. We have a couple of guest speakers, one girl named Samantha, who has survived the same type of cancer as Terry and my good friend John Connolly will be on Skype with us all the way from PEI to chat about the play he has written and sing some songs.

I think that's about it for now on updates. I hope to send the reading packages home soon, so look for those. Have a great week!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Short week this week.

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a great time at the school picnic if you had the chance to come by. I got to meet some of you there and look forward to meeting you all this week at the meet and greet Thursday evening and Friday. Don't forget to sign up online, you can find this on the schools home page. A paper was sent home on Friday explaining how to do so online. Please also send back the information form about your child before the meet and greet. This will not be a formal meeting, its just to say hello, introduce ourselves and chat briefly about the goals we have for the students this year. They usually are only 10 mins and they seem to fly by. Meetings start Thursday September 17th at 5pm and will finish at 8pm. Friday September 18th meetings start at 9am and will finish at 2:30pm.
This is a short week this week seeing that we have the meet and greet on Friday and the following Monday the 21 of September we have our first PD day so there is no school then as well. Monday we are having a guest speaker come in and talk to the whole school. His name is Rob McLeod he will present an anti-bulling assembly and will be here all week in gym class to put on a Frisbee work shop with the students. Mme Wilma is back starting this coming Wednesday. For those of you who do not know Wilma she is our musician in residence aka our fabulous music teacher, she is awesome and will be at school every Wednesday for the school year. This coming Saturday September the 19th is Calgary Catholics district walk/run, if you are interested you can registrar online at the districts main page. Please mark on your calendar the 24 of September at 7pm. This is our Grade one Reading information night. Both parents are welcomed to join, it is important that at least one of you are there to be aware of how the program works.
In class this week we are going to review the rules and expectations. We had some trouble last week listening, following instruction and showing respect to others. We will be working on the sounds of the alphabet as well as associating upper and lower case letters. Students are having fun learning French songs and poems. Be sure to ask them to sing for you!
In Science, I am hoping to have a little fun playing with paint. Students will make predictions on what colors are needed to make certain colors. They continue to learn the proper French terms for each color.
In Math, we continue to review numbers 1-20 written and numeral form. We will work on counting and representing numbers with manipulatives. They have also been practicing representing, extending and creating their own patterns. This week they will learn how to add different attributes to their patterns. You can look for patterns at home and have your child explain them.
 We have started English and have been working on our weekly sight words and beginning sounds of words with the help of our Explode the code work book.
If you have not sent in all your child's school supplies please be sure to do so this week. Some of the students are still missing their courier bags. I can show you at the meet and greet if you are unsure of what I am asking. Also not everyone sent in wet wipes, we use these in class for EVERYTHING!
I think that's it for this week. Wishing you all a productive week. Looking forward to meeting you Thursday or Friday.
Laurie Anne

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome to a new school year!!

Welcome everyone to a new year and a new adventure! We all survived the first week pretty well I might add. I hope you all had a fabulous long week end with your families and got to hear lots of stories from the first week of school.

We are still getting to know each other and working on class routine and rules. We have 24 students this year in my grade one class, 11 girls and 13 boys. This is my 4th year at Holy Name school and my 5th year teaching grade one. I taught two years in PEI before taking the plunge and moving to the big city of Calgary. I love teaching this age group! I hope that your child is adjusting well to the new routine. I know some of them must have seemed a little tired when they got home, seeing that they are not use to a full day of school. You will notice them adjusting a little better in the coming months. It is important that they get their rest, because it can be tiring learning a new language.

I use the blog to inform you all of what is going on at school but also what we will be covering in class for the week. I hope you read it every week as there is a lot of information, suggestions and games that you might want to try out at home to help your child progress through out the school also takes me a long time to sit down and write! I am usually really good at keeping it up dated but then will have my moments, stay on me! At the beginning of every month I will post what your child will be covering, the theme, math concepts and so on. If you need anything feel free to contact me anytime via email or give the school a call.

This months theme is "A l'ecole avec mes amis" At school with my friends. This week in class we are reviewing the letter sounds for the letters t, n, o, l and e in French. I like to teach these sounds with hand actions from the Jolly Phonics program. Its a great tool for those who need a visual or movement to remember things. Feel free to ask them to show you. (lets hope they remember some from last week) As I teach the letter sounds I have the students also work on their printing skills. They are learning proper pencil grip, how to follow a line of print and the differences between upper and lower case letters. This year I will be using the sky, grass, dirt strategy to help the students write and form letters properly. You will learn more about this at the grade one reading night coming up at the end of the month. If you would like to practice printing at home some fun things to try are drawing the letters in sugar, flour or fill a ziplock with paint and have them practice on the bag. You can also get a white board at Dollarama and practice with that. Play-doh is also fun! These are also great ways to practice sight words.

In Science, the students are learning all about colors and how to mix certain colors together to make lighter, darker or another color all together. We will be doing some fun experiments in the next couple of weeks. I was hoping that some brave soul might want to come into class and make play-doh with us or if you have any other fun color mixing experiments? If your up to it please let me know.

In math, we are reviewing numbers 0-10 in French and learning how to recognize and write the French written number. We will be starting our math unit in the next couple of days, which is patterns. Students will be learning about different patterns they can make,  what is repetition, prolonging of patterns and how to have several different attributes to one pattern. We have started our number printing book as well. I encourage you to count with your child at home as high as they can count in French and practice writing the numbers out in order.

We will be starting our social studies unit in the next couple of days. The students will be learning how important they are in their community and groups that they belong too.

That's about it for now. I hope to meet all of you at the BBQ on Thursday. It is from 3-5pm. Please be sure to hunt me down and introduce yourself. Scholastic orders are due on Friday. Please be sure to send them in on or before then.

Have a great week! Feel free to contact me anytime.
Laurie-Anne :)