Monday, September 28, 2015

Where has september gone?

Hard to believe we are in the last week of September already. One month down...but who's counting.
Today we had a fabulous day for the Terry Fox run. Thanks to all of you who should up, helped out and have been collecting money for this cause. You can send in your pledges forms anytime now.

Your child's reading packages were sent home today. I have gone through the packages with your child and they all seemed pretty excited about some of the games in there. Lets hope they feel the same about reading the books! As mentioned at reading night its important to establish a routine, have a set time that you read together, maybe a fun place in the house with cool cushions or a neat carpet. Establish this now soo that its apart of the night and that reading becomes a second nature to them. I have also added some math sheets in the packages. You can cut them out, play war or have your child pick a number out of bag and then count out that number of objects. If you have any questions just drop me a line. I have included in the package a letter, a list of websites and game ideas. Good luck and have fun! PS: Don't panic if they do not know any words! It will come.

All Gala items are due this coming Friday October 2. You can send in any items you have purchased to donate and I will put them in our basket. On Wednesday students are allowed to wear their crazy hat for spirit day. Mme Wilma out music teacher is also with us on Wednesday to play some songs. We will be practicing a lock down in school this coming week. Please chat with your child about this if you get a chance. We will be discussing this in class on Tuesday. Library day for our class us always day 1, so please send books in for Wednesday.

This week in class the students continue to review and learn new letter sounds of the alphabet in French. The focus for their printing this week is to make sure they have no "flyers" (which sore off the top line of print into the sky) or no "sinkers" ( that go below the bottom line of print and get stuck in the dirt).We will be finishing up our back to school theme this week and then be moving on to Octobers theme of "En l'autonme avec mes amis"

In math, they will be able to take a pattern that someone else has made and change it using the same objects to make a new one. We will also be using manipulatives to develop number sense.
I hope to finish up the pattern unit this week and then move onto numbers 1-20.

In Science, we continue to work on colors. I will be giving the students a quiz this week about primary and secondary colors. On Friday, we are planning on making play doh (gluten free).

In Religion, the students will be learning how to properly do the sign of the cross and how to say "Our Father". Feel free to practice at home. They will be tested on this in the next coming week.

In English, we continue to review the alphabet in English as well as identifying the first and last sounds of words.
In social studies, we are learning the importance of being a part of a group. I will be sending a letter home hopefully this week asking for you to send in some items for a class project. (Sport team jersey, medal they may have one)

That's it for this week,
Have a great week.
Laurie Anne

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