Sunday, September 13, 2015

Short week this week.

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a great time at the school picnic if you had the chance to come by. I got to meet some of you there and look forward to meeting you all this week at the meet and greet Thursday evening and Friday. Don't forget to sign up online, you can find this on the schools home page. A paper was sent home on Friday explaining how to do so online. Please also send back the information form about your child before the meet and greet. This will not be a formal meeting, its just to say hello, introduce ourselves and chat briefly about the goals we have for the students this year. They usually are only 10 mins and they seem to fly by. Meetings start Thursday September 17th at 5pm and will finish at 8pm. Friday September 18th meetings start at 9am and will finish at 2:30pm.
This is a short week this week seeing that we have the meet and greet on Friday and the following Monday the 21 of September we have our first PD day so there is no school then as well. Monday we are having a guest speaker come in and talk to the whole school. His name is Rob McLeod he will present an anti-bulling assembly and will be here all week in gym class to put on a Frisbee work shop with the students. Mme Wilma is back starting this coming Wednesday. For those of you who do not know Wilma she is our musician in residence aka our fabulous music teacher, she is awesome and will be at school every Wednesday for the school year. This coming Saturday September the 19th is Calgary Catholics district walk/run, if you are interested you can registrar online at the districts main page. Please mark on your calendar the 24 of September at 7pm. This is our Grade one Reading information night. Both parents are welcomed to join, it is important that at least one of you are there to be aware of how the program works.
In class this week we are going to review the rules and expectations. We had some trouble last week listening, following instruction and showing respect to others. We will be working on the sounds of the alphabet as well as associating upper and lower case letters. Students are having fun learning French songs and poems. Be sure to ask them to sing for you!
In Science, I am hoping to have a little fun playing with paint. Students will make predictions on what colors are needed to make certain colors. They continue to learn the proper French terms for each color.
In Math, we continue to review numbers 1-20 written and numeral form. We will work on counting and representing numbers with manipulatives. They have also been practicing representing, extending and creating their own patterns. This week they will learn how to add different attributes to their patterns. You can look for patterns at home and have your child explain them.
 We have started English and have been working on our weekly sight words and beginning sounds of words with the help of our Explode the code work book.
If you have not sent in all your child's school supplies please be sure to do so this week. Some of the students are still missing their courier bags. I can show you at the meet and greet if you are unsure of what I am asking. Also not everyone sent in wet wipes, we use these in class for EVERYTHING!
I think that's it for this week. Wishing you all a productive week. Looking forward to meeting you Thursday or Friday.
Laurie Anne

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