Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December is upon us!

Well it is December and if you are a kid or me... its probably your favorite time of year. I love everything about Christmas. The music, decorations, the food and heading back home to PEI to spend time with my dad. So the countdown is on in class for Santa and the days until I head home.

This month in class the students will be learning Christmas vocabulary, Christmas traditions of others and how to sing some Christmas favorites in French. We will also review French vocabulary and sounds from the beginning of the year to date and work on using the French sentence structures. With the holiday season we will be making some crafts. Could you all please send in a mason jar. A pickling jar works best. If you could please send those in by Friday December 4th it would be greatly appreciated.

This week in class students will be preparing for the Christmas concert by practicing their song. The concert is this Thursday at St. Michael's Church. The school choir will start to sing at 5:30. The concert is to start at 6:30. I am hoping to be there at 5:15 to set up the tables for selling the candy canes. I am still on the hunt for Allan brand candy canes. They are the ones I sell every year because they are nut, dairy, wheat and gluten free. If any of you have seen them around please let me know ASAP! If you have volunteered to sell candy canes it would be great if you could be there for 5:30-5:45-6:00. The students are going to wear their Sunday best. Boys are asked to wear black pants, white shirt. The girls are asked to wear a nice dress. The concert can be long as we have more classes this year and we are at the beginning of the show. If you wish to take your child home before the concert is over please let me know in advance. The teachers have planned a song and dance for your enjoyment.

For those of you new to the school and are not sure what exactly the candy oh grams are here is a quick explanation. Our class sell the candy canes to collect money to purchase turkeys. The candy o grams are a little note to spread some Christmas cheer that you can send your child, their friends or a staff member. They are a cost of .50cents each, so be sure to bring some change.

Mme Wilma is here on Wednesday to practice the songs and the dance moves that go along with it. The students also have special lunch Wednesday if they have ordered it. Reading club is cancelled Wednesday for those who attend.
On Thursday, the Advent liturgy  will be held in our classrooms starting at 1pm. The Christmas concert is also Thursday. If you have any questions about the concert please let me know.
Friday all Ginger bread house money is due, if you have not already passed it in. This is a class project put on by the grade 2 classes. The money collected will go to support the Breakfast program at our sister school in the N.E. If you wish to sign up and haven't received a form, please let me know and Ill get one to you right away.
Monday all Scholastic order forms are due. I will need to place these orders right away to ensure that you will get them before Christmas. If you have purchased some items as a gift I will set it aside for you and let you know when it has arrived. For Monday could you also please return with your child's reading package the Pink A book "Mes Histoire". We will be exchanging them for the B book with Christmas stories.

That's all for now. Enjoy the week everyone.
Laurie Anne

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